Connexion eNewsletter

    eNews for pastoral leaders within the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec        JANUARY 2013     



We're grateful for the positive feedback we've received on this new format for Connexion eNews. If you have any further suggestions, let us know!


Top 5 Leadership Development Articles TOP 5    


With each issue of Connexion, we hope to pass along some articles that have come to our attention at CBOQ: items about current events, personal development or other issues in ministry. See them as seeds for thinking about your leadership, not as prescriptions; you may not even agree with everything they say.   

  1. What is a Pastor to Be? (Patheos)  
  2. Neophobia (Alban Institute) 
  3. Surmounting Leadership Defeats (Lewis Centre) 
  4. Bringing Back Meekness as a Virtue (The Atlantic)  
  5. How to Allocate Your Time and Your Effort (Harvard)


Assembly 2013  Soul Strength  


Coming Soon // Remember to mark your calendar for Assembly 2013, June 13-15 at Doubletree Hotel Toronto Airport. This year's speaker is Ruth Haley Barton, of the Transforming Centre. Her plenary talks will be on the topic of "Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership." In addition, she will be offering a workshop on "Pursuing the Will of God Together," based on her latest book of the same title. 


Plan to attend and bring some of your congregants. Full details and registration materials will be coming to your church soon.   


From your peersFROM YOUR PEERS     


We've asked you for recommendations of the best book or online resource you've come across recently. Here are some of the responses. We'll continue pass these along in future issues:


Jonathan Mills (Kanata Baptist Church)

"Most people know about YouVersion, the online Bible with dozens of translations in several different languages. They also produce Apps for virtually every kind of handheld device. But many do not know about YouVersion Live. This simple and powerful tool allows you to set up a group and invite people to an event online. You can create an outline for your event (a bible study or sermon), post this online and anyone can follow the outline from any smart phone or web-enabled device. You can post your sermon notes, ask questions, link to video or audio files, embed scripture texts and even conduct an online poll in real time. It really is a staggeringly useful tool when utilized with a bit of imagination."  

Brian Affleck (Carleton Place Baptist Church)  
"The best book I have read this year is Destined For The Throne by Paul E. Billheimer. It revealed to me how vital the ministry of the church is, especially the ministry of prayer against our enemy, Satan. This book has had a great impact on my prayer life."

Karl Fulson (Haileybury & District Baptist Church)  
Taking Action by Reinhard Bonnke / Lake Mary: Charisma House, 2012. 
Partner with the Holy Spirit for a "Christ-Gospel that is the power of God unto salvation." The scriptures are re-visited so that we can avoid a "theology of chaff, a diet of starvation for the God-hungry." 
Life On The Highest Plane by Ruth Paxson. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1996. 
A fresh and teachable approach as to what constitutes our Christian experience, and how we should be living a meaningful life of spiritual affluence. "Away with dearth and deadness" as our spiritual house construction is reviewed. 
Best online resource: the daily Bible readings from the Canadian Bible Society's own Contemporary English Version (CEV).


Legacy for Ministry

Will Preparation Workshop / Sometimes tragedy comes to our churches: unexpected illness or accident, even death. It can be devastating if the family is thrown into a legal or financial crisis as well. That's why we encourage all our members - and especially our staff - to have properly prepared Wills and Powers of Attorney. 


We know you're busy. We know you don't want to spend any more than what is absolutely necessary. So we have arranged for a lawyer to prepare people's documents at Assembly, June 13-15. The price is excellent: $150 per person for all three documents. Retired pastors and those on minimum salary are eligible for a 50% subsidy from the Fellowship Fund. 


Please contact Diane McBeth at or 1-866-512-8911 for more information and to arrange your appointment.


If you enjoyed hearing Rod Wilson at ReIgnite 2012, you may be interested in the 2013 Pastors' Conference at Regent College. Come hear from world-class professors and experienced practitioners as they address the theme, Restoring the Centre: The Place of the Table in the Church, May 7-10, 2013.  Learn more




We belong to a community of colleagues: so we use this eNews to update you about ministry transitions for your colleagues across CBOQ. Since the our last edition, these individuals have made moves (or have notified us we had missed them before!)


Stephen Bedard, from Meaford and Woodford
Adam Dean, from Markham Chinese Baptist
Timothy Yap, from Agincourt, Scarborough
Jamie Eitel, from Mississauga City Baptist
Linda Martin, from Castor Valley
Robert Gin, from Bridle Trail
Kason Ho, from Logos Milliken
Charles Jackson, retired from First Oshawa
Peter Mah, retired from Logos Milliken
Galahad Cheung, retired from Bridle Trail
Dorman Quinton, retired from Centre Street, St. Thomas


Ron Watts
Fred Bullen
Bill Cairns
Don Stratton
Sam Findlay
Stefan Tymciw


Dale Rose, from Lorne Park to Yorkminster Park
Chris Stefanidis, from First Thorold to Renforth


Pirvu Ioan Raca, to Glen Acres
Joyce Trask, to Osgoode and Vernon
Ryan Marthinsen, to Queensway Brantford
Kevin Houser, to Markham Chinese

If we've missed someone or have incorrect information please let us know.