Sacred Wisdom 
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church Newsletter
Weekly Happenings at SHPC    
July 28, 2016
Our Summer Storytelling Series Continues with...
The Feminine Face of God in the Old Testament

     Last week we enjoyed stories about Moses and Abraham, and we explored whether the God of the Old Testament is as wrathful as His reputation. But we can't limit our exploration to a few stories which show us the angry face of a male God. This Sunday, July 31, 2016, at 9:30 a.m., we'll scour the Hebrew Bible for the lesser known but fascinating portraits of the feminine face of God.  What can we learn about God from the images of God as Divine Mother, Sacred Wisdom, the Stairway connecting Heaven and Earth?  Let's find out!  

In This Issue
Quick Links
Bev piano
A Note From 
Pastor Bev 

Have you found your niche at church yet? Before I go further, let me make sure you all hear this:  coming to church on Sunday is a wonderful contribution to the community.  I hear from so many of you when you're out of town or at youth sports or other commitments, and I get it about busy lives.  That makes it especially meaningful to bring your beautiful energy to the community as much as you can. We're having a spiritual experience, caring for each other and the world, and growing together. What joy!

If you might be feeling God's call to do just a little bit more, what's your passion?  Here's a sample of our "menu" (scroll down to sign up or talk to me): 

Passionate about caring for the planet, feeding the hungry, and love being outside?  You can help out with the Justice Garden, with the joyful harvest, the farm stand, and food delivery to the hungry.

Are you friendly? Sign up to help host at the upcoming Chamber event 8/18, or be a greeter at our front door any Sunday. (We've been welcoming a lot of visitors this summer!)

Do you love music?  SHPC Singers on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. would welcome you!

Do you love children?  Bring your ideas for fun with our youth to me and let's talk!  And we are recruiting volunteers for gardening and cooking  
at the Short School.

Passionate about being a Matthew 25 church and visiting the prisoner?  We are forming a team to visit immigrants in detention in Richmond.  

Curious about the Bible?  Bible Study is Friday at noon, all welcome!

We are doing God's work in the world by bringing more of God's goodness to more people.  Thank you! 
In the Spirit,

July/August Calendar
Friday, July 29


Bible Study with Pastor Bev
Sunday, July 31

9:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.


Summer Storytelling Continues

Coffee & Fellowship - All are Welcome!
Wednesday, August 3

6:30 p.m.

7:30 p.m.

Hand Chimes
SHPC Choir - New Singers Welcome!

Friday, August 5


Bible Study with Pastor Bev

Sunday, August 7

9:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.


Summer Storytelling Continues

Coffee & Fellowship - All are Welcome!

Wednesday, August 10

6:30 p.m.

7:30 p.m.

Hand Chimes
SHPC Choir - New Singers Welcome!

Friday, August 12


Bible Study with Pastor Bev

Sunday, August 14

9:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.


Summer Storytelling Continues

Coffee & Fellowship - All are Welcome!

Wednesday, August 10

6:30 p.m.

7:30 p.m.

Hand Chimes
SHPC Choir - New Singers Welcome!

Thursday, August 18

5:30 p.m.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 21            FREE TO BE ME!!!                
Bible Study - July 29th w/ Pastor Bev - NOON
Genesis 28:11-14; Isaiah 42:14, 49:15; Proverbs 1, 8, 9. 

free to be me! 

Join Us for our Aug 21st "WE'VE GOT TALENT" Service.
Our theme will be "Free To Be Me" and the goal is for all 
of us to share in music, dance or a reading, something that
reflects who we really are. Be creative, use your imagination.
 and join so many who are excited and already signed up.
We ar a community and this will be great fun and a chance to
take our masks off and connect with the real you and me. Contact 
me by Tuesday August 2nd or see me in Church this Sunday.

Summer Camp Was Terrific - Here's What's Next for Our Youth 

There's nothing more important that making the church a second home for our young people, a place where they feel accepted exactly the way they are, without having to compete or win approval.  And we have an important spiritual job to do so that our kids have the tools and support they need to make healthy choices and feel hopeful, not stressed, about their futures and the world.  This is Pastor Bev's passion, and so look for Let's Talk Junior, more Game Nights, and hopefully by fall, a new Youth program in place for Sunday mornings and a floating fun night or outing each month.  Contace Bev or Janel to be a part of this ministry!

Charles, Andrew, Aiden, Van Ike, Cadence, Laura
Charles, VanIke, Lucas O'C and friend, Lucas R

VanIke, Charles, Kelsey, Aiden
VanIke & Andrew
Aiden & Kelsey
Close up of Baptism
Charles, Aiden, Milo, Andrew, VanIke
  SHPC Graced by Cynthia Scharf of the United Nations

On Sunday, July 17, Cynthia Scharf visited our church. Cynthia Scharf has served since 2009 as the senior officer and speechwriter to the United Nations Secretary-General on climate change and sustainable energy, supporting the UN's top leader in framing the discourse on these critical global challenges. Ms. Scharf leads strategic communications, partnerships with civil society and the global scientific communities, and is responsible for writing the Secretary-General's speeches, media remarks, op-eds and thought leadership material on all aspects of climate change. 
From 2011-2013, Ms. Scharf served as the head of communications for the Secretary General's Sustainable Energy for All initiative, a global public-private partnership seeking to expand energy access, efficiency and renewable energy in more than 80 countries. 

Now We're Gathering Interfaith Partners, Youth, and Youth Leaders to Address Climate Change Realities, Spiritual Impact, and Solutions

We are seeking to partner with local congregations, community leaders, schools, non-profits, youth activists, and counselors to host one or more events with Cynthia Scharf in the Sept. 29- October 2 time window.  Let Bev or  Patti Vance know if you feel called to be part of this world-saving effort! 

Please Remember in Your Prayers

Our nation's political parties, may they reflect God's values;
The world's poor, and all who suffer from disruptive climate change;
The family and loved ones of Deb Birrell, who passed away Monday, July 25, for God's comfort in bereavement;
Joan Marks, dear friend of the Argillas, for healing and full recovery;
Michael McCarty, our music minister, for full recovery;
Ryan Burks, son of Warren and Jackie Burks, for healing, and for strength and hope for his family;
Joan Shannon, mother of Nancy Derr, for God's comfort, companionship, strength, and healing;
Praying Hands
Carolyn O'Hara, mother of Laurie, for God's comfort, companionship, and strength, and healing;

Kelsey Lopin, for healing and full recovery from complications of Lyme disease;
Andrea Proster, sister of Nancy Elberg, for complete healing, and for Nancy for continued strength in companioning her;
Betty and Wil Swalberg, for God's presence and community support and for health and vitality for Wil;
Paul Lambert's Mom, blessed assurance of God's constant presence; 
The PC(USA), as it discerns and follows God's call to be a Matthew 25 church, and its new Co-Moderators, Revs. Denise Anderson and Jan Edmiston, and Stated Clerk, Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson;

Dr. Doug Tilton, our PC(USA) mission co-worker in Southern Africa;

Rev. Kate Taber, our PC(USA) mission co-worker in East Jerusalem;
Our church community, keep us faithful to the love and justice of Jesus, strong in our commitment to the church, and make us hope-bringers to the world.

Please take time this week to pray for those on our list.
PC(USA) 222nd General Assembly Highlights

     One of the most important takeaways from this year's GA is our national church's commitment to be a Matthew 25 church.  That means to "locate ourselves with the poor, to advocate with all of our voice for the poor, and to seek opportunities to take risks for and with the poor...among the immigrants, with those working to end mass incarceration, and with those who seek to protect all of us, especially the poorest of the poor around the world, from the vagaries of climate change."  Look for a series of Let's Talks this fall to interpret this charge!

Calling Volunteers to Visit Immigrants in Detention

Contra Costa West County Detention Facility

We are answering our national church's call by beginning to build a volunteer team to visit immigrants currently detained at the Contra Costa West County Detention Facility in the East Bay. Detainees are often cut off from contact with their families and friends, left alone without the resources they need to help them legally. We are called to bring humanity, hope, and God's love to them.  We already have a small group committed with two bilingual English- Spanish speakers. If you're interested in joining this volunteer team, please reach out to Pastor Bev .

Calling Garden, Farm Stand, and Short School Volunteers!

Find your bliss in our gorgeous Justice Garden, harvesting, or at the weekly Farm Stand starting up soon- contact

Let Patti or Bev know if you would like to join the team to volunteer at Short School

Great Sunday at SHPC! A huge thank you to the congregation for supporting Pedal for Protein! Sales of Equal Exchange, Global Crafts and P4P tee's added up to $599. Donations were $190. 

-Patty Sanders

Interested in being a participant?

Crop Walk Result

     "The money has been counted and we are pleased to announce that the 19th Annual Marin CROP Hunger Walk raised $18,186 from the June 12 walk around San Rafael.  Over 100 people participated in the walk or contributed on-line  making the total close to the highest amount raised in the last five years of Marin Hunger Walks. The Marin Walk is one of 1100 walks held around the country each year, raising over $1 million for Church World Service, an international aid and development organization.  Locally, 25% of the funds will be shared with the San Francisco/Marin Food Bank, St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room, and Interfaith Street Chaplaincy.  The First Presbyterian  San Anselmo team raised $2,152 and part of that is indeed due to generous  donations by members of the SHPC community."
 -Jillian Robinson

Cook's Cozy Corner -
Pesto with Beans
We're so used to seeing pesto with pasta that we don't think of all its other uses.  And why not use it for veggies?  If you give it a try, you'll see it works great for beans, cauliflower, carrots and others.  Right now our garden is producing beautiful beans, and loads of basil...a combination made in heaven.

For the pesto:
These measurements are just starting points; pesto is one of those dishes that varies a lot according to the mood of the cook.
2 c. firmly packed basil leaves (also include parsley or other herbs if you like)
1 clove garlic
1/2 c. walnuts
1/4 c. good olive oil
1/4 t. salt
1-2 t. lemon juice
Puree these in a food processor or immersion blender, then add:
2 T. Parnesan or Romano cheese
Continue blending until creamy.

For the beans:
about 1# green(or yellow, or purple, etc.) beans
Take off the stem ends of the beans, and throw them into some salted boiling water.  Bring back to the boil and cook for a couple of minutes until just tender-you will have to taste them frequently to determine this.  Drain them, saving a little of the hot water, and put them immediately into a cold water bath.  When they're mostly cooled, drain and toss them with the pesto, adding a T. or two of the hot water you've saved to make it a bit more creamy, as needed.  Taste and adjust the salt.
This works great with shelling beans as well.  Use cannellini beans, fresh, dried, or even from a can, and it makes an easy and hearty side dish.

--Michael Durphy

We're changing things up a bit!
You are encouraged to ask Wil over to your home for lunch or dinner!  Any time by pre-arrangement.

Pictured at right, Wil and Nance sharing a birthday cake at our TLC Fiesta!

Please call Wil at 415-454-8303.  And bless you!


Fellowship time is organized by your Deacons. We need everyone to sign-up about 3-4 times a year. 
Click below to sign up: 

Sign up now and keep the hospitality going!
Don't be shy, Greeting is a Treat!
We are in need of greeters to sign up through the signup genius website. 

Help with our ministry of hospitality by signing up to be a greeter! All you have to do is get to church by 9:15, light the candles, and hand out bulletins with a smile. Thank you to all who have signed up so far!

Thank you all for your continued support,

Jody Brockett, 
Worship Elder
Are You Comfortable Being Who You Are?

What an amazing question. Have you ever asked yourself this?
Some people believe that if we let others know who we really are, they may not like us. Therefore, because of this fear, we sometimes suppress our true identities, and interact in our environments under a mystical cloud. 
I am one that enjoys being with people who know who they are, accept who they are, and enjoy who they are.
However, it's a given fact, that frequently life dishes out circumstances that make us feel rooted in a sense of inferiority, inadequacy, or a lack of love and acceptance.  We all have flaws, but I'd like to suggest we keep them in perspective. Don't dwell on them. It's good to remember, we are all "spiritual beings having a human experience" (Wayne Dyer).
Therefore, to revisit who we are and who we were meant to be, let me suggest we go back to our childhood. Remember as children how free we were and how little we cared about what other people thought? We shouted out loud, we played outdoors, made noise, and had a sense of total freedom.
As we get older, I think it's fair to say, some have lost their shout. They no longer feel "free to be themselves." Their lives and true identity have become dormant, camouflaged, and they have aligned themselves with relationships and situations that suffocate their true inner being. 
The good news is that "The Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward, but the Lord looks on the heart" (I Samuel 16:7). God knows the real you. And God wants you to feel comfortable in your true identity -- the person you were meant to be. Oscar Wilde once said "Be yourself because everyone else is already taken."
I believe we each have permission to be the person God intended us to be. This is a person to whom God gave specific traits, talents, and desires. God is faithful and loves us more than we can ever imagine. 
So be comfortable being who you are, and revisit who you're meant to be, and feel free to realign yourself with that creation God had in mind when you entered this life as Mary, Jane, DJ or Pudge.
Wishing you a great week ... your friend ... Paul


Paul Lambert is a member of SHPC who travels extensively for his career as a producer of Broadway-bound musicals.  He is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute who studies the Bible daily and attends our Bible Study whenever he's in town. He posts this blog each week no matter where he is, to the delight and comfort of many.  SHPC thanks you, Paul.
We're on Break, but Mark Your Calendars, Because Friday Afternoon Yoga Returns...

August 19 - 5:30 p.m.

Join us for summer-time YOGA IN THE HOLLOW we will practice from 5:30-6:30pm at Sleepy Hollow presbyterian Church.
We are a community class for all levels and all ages.
Class is donation based, $5-$10 suggested, anything welcome. 

Donate Furniture to SFTS Students!

Donations will be accepted: Sunday, August 21, 1:00-4:00 pm Monday, August 22, 2:00-6:00 pm.
Drop off at Lower Alexander Hall, 40 Kensington Rd, San Anselmo, CA 94960 

Items especially needed: tables, chairs, sofas, love seats, desks, bookcases, linens, kitchen & laundry items, and kids' gear. Please no tube TVs, fold-out sofa beds, or oversize furniture. 
For more information, contact: Nancy Gutgsell, 415.451.2816, 
You are so appreciated!

Our mailing address is:

San Francisco Theological Seminary
105 Seminary Road
San AnselmoCA 94960


Saturday, September 10, 2016 | 10:00am - 3:30pm | $40 in advance | $50 at the door

Spend the day learning and preparing to lead this magnificent study which invites you to join  "a journey to expand our understanding of who Jesus was and is-a journey of our hearts and our minds, a journey that we will take together." Rev. Dr. Judy Yates Siker, author of the 2016 Horizons Bible Study, invites you to be good conversation partners along the way, sharing with one another how you see and experience the various lenses and how these different perspectives impact your understanding of who Jesus is. READ MORE

Foster Parent Outreach

Become a Resource Family

1. Attend Orientation

Learn about the process of becoming a resource parent at one of our monthly

orientations with a social worker and an experienced resource parent.

Orientation Calendar 2016

July 26 | August 31 | September 22 | October 18

7-8:30pm at 3240 Kerner Blvd, Room 110, San Rafael

November 17 | December 8

7-8:30pm at 3250 Kerner Blvd, Room 107, San Rafael

2. Apply

Complete an application and background check.

3. Complete Training

Complete a training course and become CPR/First Aid certified.

4. Get Approved

Work closely with a social worker during a 60-90 day approval process. There will be interviews with family members and a home safety inspection. The interviews help make matches between a family's strengths and children's needs. Become a Resource Family

Resource Family Orientation

Learn about fostering opportunities!

July 26 | August 31

7-8:30 pm

3240 Kerner Blvd. Rm 110

San Rafael 94901
Questions? (415) 473-2200
Summer Playwriting Workshop 2016
with Andrea Hart 
AUGUST 15th-19th

TIMES:M-F, 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. 

PLACE:White Hill Middle School RM 601

COST: $150 Full Week    
$ 35 Daily drop in

You do not have to sign up for the entire time!
Different options Available

All current Middle School students are eligible to participate! Bring a friend!
Students will use a variety of writing, devising and improvisational exercises to create a play. Participants will discuss topics and themes, use a variety of exercises to explore those themes, devise short scenes around those themes and create a larger work incorporating the ideas of the entire group. Methods used might include physical improvisation, found and source material writing, Silent Sustained Writing, site-specific writing and other methods of devised theater.
Participants will learn about character development and arc, plot, universal themes, dramatic writing, employing stage directions, and using design elements to create a story.
Come for both weeks, one week or one day
or contact Yes Theater Managing Director 
China Tamblyn at

Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church
100 Tarry Road
San Anselmo, CA  94960
Sophia De Quattro, Editor
E-mail us at or call us at 415-453-8221

Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church | 100 Tarry Road | San Anselmo | CA | 94960