Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church
Mexico Mission Team 
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Dear Sleepy Hollow Church Family,
We are preparing for our 19th Mission to Mexico to build homes for families much less fortunate than we are.  We have a strong group participating again this year with 40 people (32 students and 8 adults) traveling to Mexico next Saturday, 11 June 2016.  We hope to build two homes for the families.  We'll return to San Anselmo one week later and would love for you to join us as we share our experiences in the "Return Service" on Sunday, 19 June at 9:30 a.m., followed by a Potluck Brunch. 
The students and adults have done a great job in raising funds for the trip, but the group could use more support.  If you can donate to the Mission this year, that would mean a lot to the program.  We have made it easy to donate on-line.  Simply 
or copy and paste this link into your browser:
Of course, hand written checks (payable to SHPC) are also gratefully accepted!
Please follow us during the trip through the Mission Blog:
We'll post daily updates on our progress, and we look forward to sharing our trip in person with you!
Thank you for your support,
The Mexico Mission Team

Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church | 100 Tarry Road | San Anselmo | CA | 94960