Easter Sunday at SHPC
Photo by Ethan Russell
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church Newsletter
Weekly Happenings at SHPC
April 9, 2015
SHPC Laugh-a-Lot
Tradition has it that the Greeks celebrated the Sunday after Easter with laughter and joy, and here at SHPC, we will rejoice! This Sunday, April 12, 2015, at 9:30 a.m., we'll celebrate Holy Humor Sunday with lots of special music, our own Pastor as Late Night TV host, and celebrity guests, including the fabulous Jen Boynton. Our children and youth have a special role in the fun. We'll also commemorate the 55th anniversary of the first service of worship in our building with a trip down memory lane and cake!
A Note From Pastor Bev
Easter was glorious! Thanks to every one of you for bringing such friendly energy and beautiful smiles to welcome the many, many guests who worshipped with us. It was a full house, and the Spirit was with us! Thank you to our Flower Guild (see photos below) for a gorgeous Sacred Circle in Full Bloom, and thank you to our SHPC Singers and Music Ministers, Stephen, Michael, and to Youth Music Director Hallie and Bill O'Callaghan. Thank you to our Deacons, to all who brought delectables to share, to Carolyn and Robin and all who stayed late to clean up. Thank you to Dennis, Sharon, Lora, and Janel for the Egg Hunt. Thank you to Karl Schmetz for the ribbon streamers! And to Michael Durphy for the planting of the front yard! Thank you to Allie in our office for all the extra work! And to Jody and Lora for the set up in the sanctuary! Thank you to Ryan, Sydney, Carter, and Andy for making 30 children feel so welcome! Thank you to Ethan Russell for the beautiful photos! Thank you, thank you. It was wonderful.
And now, this Sunday is going to be lots of fun. Come learn about the funniest moments in our church history and be ready to be surprised! It's a good reminder that God is surprising!
With joy,
| |
Thursday, April 9
7:00 p.m.
Choir Practice - New singers welcome! |
Friday, April 10
Bible Study |
Sunday, April 12
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
All Fun w/guest Jen Boynton singing Coffee and Refreshments - All Welcome! |
Wednesday, April 15
ISFC Roundtable Lunch in the Fellowship Hall |
Thursday, April 16
7:00 p.m.
| Pastor Bev on Study Leave through 4/23
Choir Practice - New singers welcome! |
Friday, April 17
Bible Study w/Lora East |
Sunday, April 19
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Lora East preaching - Embodied Resurrection Coffee and Refreshments - All Welcome! |
Thursday, April 23
7:00 p.m.
Choir Practice - New singers welcome! |
Friday, April 24
Bible Study w/ Pastor Bev |
Sunday, April 26
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Freedom! A Report on Pastor Bev's Study Leave Coffee and Refreshments - All Welcome! |
Thursday, April 30
7:00 p.m.
Choir Practice - New singers welcome! |
Bible Study - Friday, April 10 - Noon
Humor in the Bible
Jonah, Elijah and the Prophets of Baal, Balaam's Ass (Numbers 22), selected Proverbs, and Phil. 4:4
Whatever your experience with the Bible might be, you are welcome to come and learn and make meaningful friendships.

Now That Easter's Over...
The crowds and pageantry of Easter are behind us and the obvious question before us is "now what?"
The dynamics of Jesus's resurrection gives us a reason to change our outlook, have a new disposition, and gain a fresh confidence regarding our future.
After Jesus conquered death and reappeared to his disciples, He further explained things, clarified some concepts, and charged them with going out and making disciples of all nations and teaching others to obey everything He had commanded. In other words, set up a new lifestyle and way of living that respected the teachings of Jesus.
That admonition is for us, too, we "ordinary people" wherever we may be.
One of my favorite songs of all time is named just that --"Ordinary People." This song claims that "God uses ordinary people, He chooses people just like me and you, who are willing to do as He commands. God uses people who will give Him their 'all,' no matter how small your all may seem... just remember little things become ... 'big' ... when you place them in the Master's hands."
While we may be ordinary, God, through us, chooses to do extraordinary things. When I first came here to Sleepy Hollow Church three years ago there were 15 people in attendance and we were without a Pastor. Last Sunday every seat was full, there was an overflowing crowd. There was excitement, children bustling, energy everywhere, two choirs singing and a vibrant group of believers celebrating. That's big!
Together, let's put into practice Jesus's instructions that came after Easter.
We are our Lord's representatives here in Marin County (and wherever our travels take us). We are to reflect a divine driven lifestyle. He has promised to be with us in every circumstance and empower us "until the very end of the age." If God be for us ... who can be against us?
From L.A., your friend ... Paul
Please Remember in Your Prayers

Chris Lopin, and his father and family as they mourn the loss of Chris's mother;
Cat Caldwell and her father and family as they mourn the loss of Cat's mother;
The family of Clyde Ongaro; may Merle and the family be surrounded by God's comfort;
Ahmed Abu-Aly, for healing;
Patty Sanders, for healing for her hip;
Jean Brockett, mother of Jody, for full recovery, and for Jody and her father; Carolyn O'Hara, mother of Laurie, for healing, and for strength and support during her recovery;
Andrea Proster, sister of Nancy Elberg, for complete healing, and for Nancy for strength in companioning her;
Jerry Lambert, mother of Paul, for blessed assurance of God's constant presence;
For healing for all those who are in grief for every kind of loss;
For those who have lost family members;
For the caretakers;
For the PCUSA, thanksgiving for marriage equality and acceptance for those remaining in the church who oppose it;
For the church of Jesus Christ, to be open and inclusive to all in the spirit of Our Lord;
For all facing financial stress, and for those with tax problems as we approach April 15;
For our church community, for creativity, compassion, unity in the Spirit, and energy for mission.
Please take time this week to pray for those on our list.
Thank You to the Flower Guild!
Left to Right: Peg Maclise, Frankie Eakes, Millie Millar, Jody Schmetz, Merle Ongaro, Lora East, Patti Vance, and Linda Peltzman
Take a look at these wonderful floral artists hard at work creating the beautiful Sacred Circle:

Easter Photos
Easter Egg Hunt in the Rain!
 MOLOTH April Schedule - EARTH DAY will be featured! Join us for the 3rd and 4th Sundays in April: Sunday, April 19th Sunday, April 26th Charles Wei, Youth Leader |
Let's Talk! resumes April 19 with How Radical is Jesus?
with Richard Peltzman
SHPC Hosting Garden Roundtable Discussion
Dear Garden Friends,
On Wednesday, April 15th from 12:00 to 1:30, SHPC is hosting a roundtable discussion about our garden experiences this past year - our successes and challenges for the Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative (their organization first funded our garden for $500). Approximately 10 - 25 people will be attending.
Would you be interested in attending to help tell the SHPC story? If you are able to attend, please let me know by Saturday, April 11th so that food can be ordered (ISFC is supplying sandwiches). To RSVP please send an email to Patti at PV3@comcast.net
Thanks so much!

Join the Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative's April Roundtable Discussions about CSAs and Community Gardens
- April 14, Community Supported Agriculture
First Congregational Church, Sonoma - April 15, Community Gardens
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church, San Anselmo
These informal discussions are free programs from Noon-1:15 pm and include lunch. A donation basket will be passed to help cover lunch and expenses.
Through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), a congregation can establish a relationship with a local farmer and interested members can pick up a fresh box of produce weekly at their place of worship. Hear from local farmers and receive resources needed to launch a Congregation Supported Agriculture program. Attendees will discuss planning steps to ensure long-term success of the program. The discussion will be valuable for both those who already have experiences with CSAs and for those who are interested in starting a CSA.
Faith-based garden projects offer benefits to congregations and the surrounding community including opportunities to advance fresh food access for those in need, active stewardship of creation, and faith teaching. Discuss common challenges and best practices to move your garden project forward! Learn about diverse, successful models such as sharing your congregation's space with non-member gardeners from independent garden associations (all Marin community gardens have waiting lists) or "greening" a local food pantry by offering fresh veggies from the garden.
Share this with other members of your congregation and encourage them to RSVP!
Please call (707) 634-4672 or email us for more information about this event or our organization.
With thanks,
The Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative Team
Mexico Mission 2015!

The Mexico Mission home-building trip is a life changing opportunity to go outside of our comfort zones and make a meaningful change in the lives of families living in poverty. This year's trip is scheduled for: Saturday, June 13 through Saturday, June 20, 2015
Upcoming Important Dates:
Sunday, April 19th @ 5:00 pm
Mandatory Meeting for Students at Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church
Any outstanding participation forms and $200 due (second non-refundable installment)
The completed forms can also be dropped off / mailed to Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church, 100 Tarry Road, San Anselmo, CA 94960, e-mailed to Mark Sarkisian, or sent to Mark at 667 Butterfield Road.
Forms can be found here.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Mark Sarkisian | Allie Duro | Cell Ph: 415.812.3395 | Cell Ph: 415.497.5006 | Email: mark.sarkisian@som.com | Email: alliemduro@gmail.com |
Greeters Needed for the month of April
Help with our ministry of hospitality by signing up to be a greeter! All you have to do is get to church by 9:15, light the candles, and hand out bulletins with a smile. Thank you to all who have signed up so far!
Jody Brockett Schmetz,
Worship Elder
It Takes a Village --
Thank you so much to all the volunteers who are making our church so warm and welcoming with coffee hour hospitality!
Fellowship time is organized by your Deacons, but we rely on everyone pitching in to help. While each Parish is assigned a month for Fellowship, that time may not be convenient for your schedule. So now you can sign up online! Just click here and pick a Sunday that's most convenient for you.
April 2015: Marie Ongaro's Parish
Sign up now before the good slots are all taken!
Thank you and bless you to all who have signed up to take a hot meal and your love to Wil and Betty on Wednesday nights. The online sign up sheet has been updated and is ready for more volunteers!
Save the Date...
3rd annual "Church in the Redwoods"
Sunday, June 14th @ 1:00 pm
Samuel P. Taylor State Park - Redwood Group Picnic Site
BBQ available and kept going by the Peltzmans'. You provide what you want to BBQ and bring a dish to share. Water, iced tea, and decaf coffee will be provided. Other drink selections welcomed; there will be an ice chest available. We will plan to have an early dinner together and a camp fire after.
Other suggestions:
camp chairs, jackets, games, bikes, guitars, books
See you there!
Elder Linda Peltzman,
Membership Nurture
The 16th Annual Interfaith Breakfast:
A Fundraiser for Marin Interfaith Council
Wednesday, May 6, 8:00-10:00am
Congregation Kol Shofar
215 Blackfield Drive
Tiburon, CA
Please join us Wednesday, May 6th from 8-10 am at Congregation Kol Shofar for an interfaith celebration during the week of the National Day of Prayer with leaders from the three Abrahamic traditions.
Reservation Information:
Individuals: sliding scale of $50-$35.
Sponsor a table of 8: $350
Partial scholarships are available upon request - email: programs@marinifc.org or call 415-456-6957.
Guest Panel of Speakers:
Ms. Zahra Billoo, J.D. - Executive Director, SF Bay Area, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SFBA)
Rabbi Susan Leider - Congregation Kol Shofar
Dr. Johnathan D. Logan Sr. - Pastor, Cornerstone Community Church of God in Christ.
Mangia/Nosh will cater a delicious breakfast with vegetarian and gluten free options. Breakfast items include: bagels, muffins, scones, danishes, banana bread, veggie frittata, fresh fruit, coffee and tea.
Please register online by Tues, April 28th for catering purposes.
Interfaith Counseling Center
Growth, Hope and Healing
The Interfaith Counseling Center offers a variety of services to promote the healing, growth, and wholeness of individuals, couples, families, and congregations.
15 Austin Avenue
San Anselmo
(Near downtown, off Kensington between Ross and Bolinas)
All services are non-denominational, inter-religious, confidential, and available to persons without regard to race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. A sliding scale of fees for service is available.
Seussical the Musical
As part of Holy Humor Sunday on April 12th, Jen Boynton will be singing "How Lucky You Are" from the family favorite Seussical the Musical.
Jen will also be performing as the Cat in the Hat in Stapleton Theater Company's production of Seussical the Musical May 8-17 at The Playhouse in San Anselmo. Go to stapletonschool.org for more info.

Raising Resilient Girls - Drake High School
Wednesday, April 29 - 6:30-8:00pm
Drake High School
1327 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.
Cost: FREE
Please join us for an evening with Simone Marean, Executive Director and Co-Founder of the internationally recognized Girls Leadership Institute (GLI). Simone will share with parents and teachers how to help girls practice assertive self-expression, emotional intelligence, and healthy relationships, preparing them for a life of personal and societal leadership. Her engaging presentation will cover the development of girl dynamics beginning in pre-school through high school.
If you would like to attend this event, please visit the Eventbrite website to RSVP
Simone will discuss:
- How and why girls of all ages are aggressive with one another
- The Good Girl phenomenon; how the pressures of femininity, and the socialization of girls away from conflict, influences their aggressive behavior and approach to conflict
- What girls need to avoid victimization
- The importance of emotional intelligence for healthy conflict
- The importance of a plan for healthy communication and conflict at school and at home
The presentation is for adults only.
Click here for more information about Girls Leadership Institute (GLI).
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church,
100 Tarry Road, San Anselmo, CA 94960
Allie Duro, Editor/Office Administrator
E-mail us at shpchurch@comcast.net or call us at 415-453-8221