An Apocalyptic Vision of the Final Battle
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church Newsletter
Weekly Happenings at SHPCAugust 14, 2014

Summer Storytelling Series concludes with...

The Story of Daniel - Part Two - Apocalypse!

     When things get bad enough in the world, it's human to wonder if this could be the end, or at least, the beginning of the end.  For thousands of years, apocalyptic visions, writings, and more recently, films, have spoken to the questions: What will the end look like?  Will God's justice finally triumph?  


     This Sunday, August 17, 2014, at 9:30 a.m., we'll explore Daniel's vision of the end of empire, the end of suffering, and, unique in the Hebrew Bible, the resurrection of the wise. Our text is The Book of Daniel 11:40-12:4.  We'll explore our call to be hope-bringers in times of darkness, and rejoice in the supportive love and encouragement of this community.  The SHPC Singers will sing for us!

In This Issue
Bible Study
Paul's Blog
Let's Talk
Take Wil and Betty Dinner
Justice Garden Delivers to Bennett House
Farmstand Coming Soon
Greeters Needed
Summer Gospel Workshop
Donate Furniture!
Quick Links
Bev piano
A Note from 
Pastor Bev       

Our prayer list has been getting longer and longer this summer, and the nightly news is hard to watch.  What can we do?


In times of darkness, God calls us to take seriously our identity as light-bringers.  Every tiny ray of light counts.  Acts of kindness, smiles, and encouragement are our daily practice, and we can focus on upping them, like doing more reps when you're bodybuilding.  If you are holding a grudge, practice forgiveness and let go of your self-righteousness.  You will be bringing more light to the world.  Do you have anything you can give away?  Clothes for the needy?  An hour of your time volunteering? Can you help with our farmstand?  Now is the time!  There is much darkness in the world weighing on people's hearts; together we are called to bring more light.


Together we are co-creating a community with a serious commitment to peace, where all people are valued and cherished. The world needs all of us to take part! 


 August Calendar



Thursday, August 14
      7:30 p.m.        SHPC Singers Rehearse at church - 
                           New singers welcome!

Friday, August 15
      12:00 p.m.     Bible Study

Sunday, August 17
        9:30 a.m.      The Book of Daniel - Part Two - Apocalypse!
       10:30 a.m.     Coffee and Refreshments - All Welcome!

Thursday, August 21
       7:30 p.m.         SHPC Singers Rehearse at church - 
                             New singers welcome!

Friday, August 22
        12:00 p.m.     Bible Study with Bentley Stewart

Sunday, August 24
        9:30 a.m.       Bentley Stewart preaching - 
        "What is Truth? A Bird in the Hand, or Two in the Bush?"
       10:30 a.m.      Coffee and Refreshments - All Welcome!

Thursday, August 28
       7:30 p.m.          SHPC Singers Rehearse at church - 
                             New singers welcome!

Friday, August 29
        12:00 p.m.      Bible Study

Sunday, August 31
         9:30 a.m.      Working for a Better World, with Pastor Bev
        10:30 a.m.     Party for John and Patty Sanders - All Welcome!

Bible Study - Daniel 11:40-12:4
Friday, August 15 at noon
Bible Study meets at noon on Fridays in the Pastor's office.  Whatever your experience with the Bible might be, you are welcome to come and learn and make meaningful friendships.  

Finding "Good" When Experiencing "Bad"


I'm with my Mom this week in Atlanta, and Mom is battling cancer at age 90. She is so happy to see me. There is a glow and grateful heart that is visible in her attitude and every move. On her bookshelf is a book entitled Learning to Dance in the Rain.


I just love that phrase because life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it truly is about learning to "dance in the rain." Each of us are going to be surrounded by storms.


Sometimes our faith is shaken by the loss of a loved one, a big career disappointment, fear, anger, resentment, anxiety, or a lack of hope. Willie Nelson has said, "When I started counting my blessings my whole life turned around." Practicing "gratitude" is the key to finding "good" when experiencing "bad."


Gratitude is contagious. People see it when we practice it. This wonderful emotion starts when we choose not to focus on what is missing in our lives but are grateful for what is present. The biggest thing present in all of our lives is God's love and protective hand over us.


The Bible says, "Fear not for I am your God, I will strengthen you, I will help you" (Is 44:10);  "And we know for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" (Rom 8:28)


The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist expects it to change, and the realist adjusts the sails.


My Mom has learned how to adjust the sails and dance in the rain. It is so inspiring to be here with her as she uses her walker, hearing aide, and the electric chair that lifts her up onto her feet. But one mustn't be lulled to sleep by it all. She's happy, grateful, and still plays a mean hand of canasta. And for that ... I am grateful.




From Atlanta ... Paul Lambert


Please Remember in Your Prayers
Praying Hands


Andrea Proster, for healing, and her sister Nancy Elberg, for strength in companioning her;

Clyde Ongaro, for healing;

Jerry Lambert, for healing;

Those struggling with financial insecurity, for a door of opportunity to open and for relief from stress;

Robin Williams, for his soul to be at peace, and for his family, friends, and fans all over the world, for comfort in their grieving;

For light and hope to reach all those who have contemplated or attempted suicide, and for the loved ones of those who have committed suicide;

For healing for all those struggling with depression, for strength for their loved ones, and for guidance for those who want to help and aren't sure what to do;

For all those impacted by the resurgence of the Ebola virus, with special prayers for medical workers;

For those on the downed helicopter attempting to bring humanitarian relief to Iraq, and for their loved ones, and for humanitarian workers and journalists serving in wartorn areas around the world;

For all those living in places of darkness and violence, for peace, shared humanity, and hope.


Please take time this week to pray for those on our list.


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Let's Talk! Discussions Start September 7 at 10:45 a.m.

What topics are of interest to you? Which subjects resonate with you and would tempt you to be a part of a discussion series called "Let's Talk" here at SHPC starting September 7? Below is just a sampling of topics/questions, but stay tuned for a more extensive list. We will give you a chance to indicate which topics you are interested in exploring and discussing with a survey/handout, and you can talk to any of us about your favorite topics, too.

- Marriage equality
- Abortion access
- Death penalty
- Stem cell research
- What is the relationship between faith and religion?
- Should we impose a tax on foods linked to obesity?
- Do all nations have a right to nuclear weapons?

Richard Peltzman
Matt Ehlen
Cathy Sarkisian

sign up here 

Right now we need cooks for a couple of Wednesdays in October, and the months of November and December are wide open for sign ups. Thank you and bless you for taking a hot meal and your love to Wil and Betty on Wednesday nights.

Justice Garden Team Delivers to Bennett House 


On Tuesday, the Justice Garden Team delivered produce from the SHPC Justice Garden to the Bennett House, a senior, low-income housing complex in Fairfax. The residents were thrilled with the fresh produce!


Patti Vance,

Justice Garden Team



The SHPC Garden Collective Farmstand


We're hoping to open the Farmstand Saturday, August 23 from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the corner of Butterfield and Green Valley Court. Proceeds from cash donations will benefit Marin Food Bank and local food pantries. We are still awaiting the ripening of the tomatoes, but check out the photos of all the beautiful produce below!



Greeters Needed for Sunday Mornings August 17, 24, 31 and all of September 

Help with our ministry of hospitality by signing up to be a greeter!  All you have to do is get to church by 9:15, light the candles, and hand out bulletins with a smile.  

Jody Brockett Schmetz, 
Worship Elder

sign up here 

Choir Field Trip or Solo Singers - All are Welcome!  The Lighthouse Singers of Marin Gospel Workshop

Saturday, August 16th

1:00 to 4:00 pm

First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael

1510 Fifth Avenue

San Rafael, CA 94901


Come learn Gospel music with The Lighthouse Singers of Marin! 


Sliding scale $10 - $35 based on what you can afford. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Preregister by August 10th for $5 off. Call 415-456-1356 to register.


Please visit for more information.


It's that Time Again -- Please Donate Furniture for San Francisco Theological Seminary Students!

Each year, San Francisco Theological Seminary students have the opportunity to "shop" for FREE gently used furniture and other household items. These donated items help transform a new apartment into a new home. 


Please consider donating, and help our new students transition into their new lives at SFTS.


Donations will be accepted:

Sunday, August 17th 1-4 pm

Monday, August 18th 2-6 pm


Lower Alexander Hall

40 Kensington Road

San Anselmo, CA 94960


Please contact Jennifer Frisch at 415-451-2840 or to pledge your donations. 


Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church, 
100 Tarry Road, San Anselmo, CA  94960
Allie Duro, Editor/Office Administrator
E-mail us at or call us at 415-453-8221