President Obama Relaxing with his Daughters 
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church Newsletter
Weekly Happenings at SHPCJune 12, 2014

Celebrating Fatherhood


For many in the church worldwide, God is Father, and here at SHPC, we sing the Lord's Prayer, a/k/a the Our Father, each Sunday. In our American culture, men are invested with a great deal of power and authority. The U.S.A. lags behind some nations in Africa, South America, and Western Europe, where women have served as heads of state. How do we untangle fatherhood from patriarchy, and celebrate the many gifts fathers bring to our lives and to the world? 


Let's explore and celebrate fatherhood, taking time to remember our own fathers with love, and to share wisdom about how to be loving fathers in today's world. Our scripture passages are Matthew 28:16-20 and Romans 8:15-17, 28-30, 38.

In This Issue
Bible Study
Paul's Blog
MOLOTH Meets Again
Mexico Mission
Justice Garden News
Alec Kenilvort
Take Wil and Betty Dinner
Greeters Needed
221st General Assembly
Celebrating the Interfaith Vision
Pedal for Protein
Quick Links
Bev piano
A Note from 
Pastor Bev       

Our newsletter this week highlights two very important areas for your attention and prayers. 


First, our Mexico Mission team departs this Saturday morning from the church. We've asked the participants to arrive at 6 a.m., and all are welcome to come and wish them well and send them off with encouragement and prayer. Huge thanks to Frankie Eakes and Nancy Elberg for providing breakfast for the MM team and also snack bags for the bus! Please pray for the MM team all week, for safe travel, for health and strength, for good building and good fellowship, for mutual encouragement and for good memories. I'll be joining them Wednesday through Friday, and I am really looking forward to it! Our own Bentley Stewart will be covering for me here, so please call him at 407-489-1258 for pastoral care while I'm away.


The second area for your prayerful attention is the every other year denominational convention of the P.C.U.S.A., called General Assembly. That week long meeting starts this Saturday in Detroit, and commissioners from all the Presbyteries will be convening to meet in committees and consider constitutional amendments and other key matters. Scroll down in this newsletter for a good guide to this year's G.A., and please keep the commissioners and the entire body in your prayers. Our denomination is under stress due to the controversy over proposed amendments concerning marriage equality, with some congregations threatening to leave the denomination if marriage equality passes. If you would like to talk about these issues, please let me know. We can talk individually, or get a group together.


It is my joy to serve as your pastor.


June Calendar



For Summer Choir Schedule, contact Stephen at 454-4412


Friday, June 13

12:00 p.m.        Bible Study with Pastor Bev


Saturday, June 14

  6:00 a.m.       Mexico Mission departs with continental breakfast


Please hold the Mexico Mission in prayer June 14-21


Sunday, June 15

  9:30 a.m.       Celebration of Fatherhood

10:30 a.m.       Coffee and Refreshments - All Welcome!

10:45 a.m.       Green Team meets


No Bible Study Friday, June 20 - Bev with Mexico Mission


MOLOTH MEETS Saturday, June 21 3-5 p.m. at the Hamiltons!


Sunday, June 22

  9:30 a.m.        Mexico Mission Return Service 

 10:30 a.m.       Potluck Brunch - All Welcome!   


Friday, June 27

12:00 p.m.         Bible Study with Pastor Bev


Sunday, June 29

  9:30 a.m.       Summer Storytelling Series begins with

                       The Story of Cain and Abel - Sibling Rivalry

10:30 a.m.       Coffee and Refreshments - All Welcome!

Bible Study
Bible Study meets at noon on Fridays in the Pastor's office throughout the month of June (except NO Bible Study on June 20th). Whatever your experience with the Bible might be, you are welcome to come and learn and make meaningful friendships.  This Friday, June 13, we'll be studying the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20 and the Apostle Paul at his rhetorical finest, Romans 8:15-38.

What Makes You Different is What Makes You Special


I am sitting here at 5:00 a.m. high up on the 48th floor of the Palazzo Hotel/Casino in Las Vegas. This week we are starting to prepare and review the potential candidates who want to star in the Broadway bound Musical "The First Wives Club."


As I study the stars and performers anxious to fill the shoes of Bette Midler, Diane Keaton, and Goldie Hawn (the actors in the movie version), I am trying to evaluate what makes each one of these extraordinary candidates "special," what makes them "distinctive," and most of all what would make them the "right choice."


We all have a uniqueness about us. God made sure of that, and when we see the bigger picture, we realize that none of us are ordinary or average. Each of us is a one-of-a-kind original. God designed us that way for a purpose.


In Ephesians 2:10 the Bible states "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." We need to realize that what makes us different is what makes us special. Therefore, we should celebrate our differences. You see, as we unite our differences, we become a force for God. 


I am so happy to be a part of Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church. I marvel at the talents of so many of you. What we need to focus on this summer is to get out of our comfort zone, avoid coasting, and take initiative. Be strong in the Lord. Be a part of the Church's outreach programs. 




Because someone's waiting on the other side for our touch and help. Someone less fortunate than us is floundering, out of step, and needing a helping hand. God is greater than the problems or discouragement this person may be experiencing. Let's step up. Let's be special. Let's come alive for God. This summer can be one of the best summers of our lives.


You might also like to read Luke 12:35; Philippians 2:1-4; I Peter 4:10 - when the Bible is understood and applied it can destroy and subdue the most formidable adversary.


Paul Lambert

Please Remember In Your Prayers
Praying Hands
Sharon Adams, for comfort on the loss of her father and her sister, Ceilia;
Andrea Proster, sister of Nancy Elberg, for healing from a bone marrow transplant, and Nancy, for strength in companioning her; 

Jan Ardell's daughter, Jeannie, for healing of her broken wrist and complete restoration of the use of her arm;   

Jerry Lambert, mother of Paul, for healing;   

Gregg Elberg, recovering from surgery, and mourning the loss of his mother;

Clyde Ongaro, for healing;

Our Mexico Mission team, and the families they are serving;

Graduates, for guidance on their next steps and for a sense of optimism and hope for their futures;

All those impacted by the plague of gun violence;

Children and young people who have no possibilities in their homelands, who take grave risks to come to the U.S.;

Our P.C.U.S.A. General Assembly, for wise decisions, for attentiveness to the Holy Spirit in their midst, for forbearance, and for love of the church.


Please take time this week to pray for those on our list.


Back to the top

MOLOTH (ages 11 and up)

We will be meeting on Saturday, June 21 from 
3-5 p.m. at the home of the Hamiltons for a SWIM PARTY!  Bring sunscreen. Please RSVP to Pastor Bev and let's all thanks the Hamiltons!

Mexico Mission 2014 Commissioning Service - June 8th
                                                                                                                        with thanks to Ethan Russell for the panorama

What a wonderful send off for the Mexico Mission 2014 team, who will be on the mission from June 14th to June 21st building homes for three families in need.

  • Saturday, June 14th, 6:00 a.m. - MM Team meets for a farewell continental breakfast at SHPC and departs on bus no later than 7:00 a.m.
  • Saturday, June 21st, time TBD - MM Team arrives back at SHPC feeling exhausted and uplifted
  • Sunday, June 22nd, 9:30 a.m. - MM Team Return Service - led by the participants - all welcome!

Potluck brunch to follow-- All are welcome and please bring a dish to share!



Justice Garden: Garden Helpers Needed
Sleepy Hollow Justice Garden is now accepting names of middle, high school and college students who are interested in helping with the church garden project this summer. Jobs include day to day garden maintenance, help with the summer farm stand and delivering produce to the Food Pantry Program for families in San Rafael.  


If interested please contact Patti Vance at


Congratulations to Alec Kenilvort!
Our very own Alec Kenilvort has been drafted to the Colorado Rockies! Alec is a Mexico Mission and Challenge Class alumni who is also part of the Green Team work force and a member of the SHPC Singers. 

Alec is pictured here as he thanks the SHPC community for its support over the years.

Please sign up for more Wednesday night dinner deliveries!
From the Food Barrel ministry to the 2 cents ministry, no one does more for the hungry than Wil and Betty.  PLEASE sign up for a few Wednesday night dinner deliveries to Wil and Betty; a few folks are doing more than their share right now.

Greeters Needed for Sunday Mornings 

Help with our ministry of hospitality by signing up to be a greeter!  All you have to do is get to church by 9:15, light the candles, and hand out bulletins with a smile.

sign up here 

221st General Assembly (2014): The Office of Public Witness Prepares
As we seek humbly to serve God, our neighbor, and our church, we are taking the opportunity to share our preparation for GA.  In this Advocacy as Discipleship, we will highlight various recommendations and overtures to be considered at the 221st GA that will guide and direct our Public Witness ministry in Washington. This is not intended to be a comprehensive view of all social witness policy before the 221st GA, but rather a snapshot and quick study of the business to come. We encourage you to keep our denomination, each commissioner, delegate, overture advocate, resource person, and all those who will be present in Detroit for the Assembly in prayer, and to use (click on the "PC-Biz box") as a resource to see all the business before this GA.  When the Assembly meets in Plenary, the business will be broadcast via live stream.


Contents of this Issue:

For a complete look at all the business before the 221st General Assembly, please visit the General Assembly's business website at


Stay tuned and follow the 221st General Assembly.


Visit the GA website here: for information about attending and following the Assembly, including social media handles and hashtags.


Click on the "PC-Biz box" in the upper right-hand corner. PC-Biz is the business site of the Assembly and you can read each of these items in their entirety, along with their Rationale, other comments, and recommendations (either urging approval or disapproval of each item).


The Most Important Preparation


As we all continue preparing for this General Assembly, let us all enter into the conversation in a spirit of respect and goodwill. These are big questions, but as the Body of Christ, we rely on the Spirit to guide these deliberations. Please keep in prayer each person whose participation in the General Assembly will contribute to the collected voice of the church and especially pray for the commissioners, whose task is to listen for the Holy Spirit and to speak the prophetic voice of God to the church and the world.


See you in Detroit!


To link directly to this piece, please visit our blog.  



Honoring the Divine Spark in All of Us: Celebrating the Interfaith Vision - an Invitation from the Marin Interfaith Council
Thursday, June 26, 2014
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


You are invited to our Annual Forum to celebrate the relationships and collaborations we share in our Interfaith Vision. Come to celebrate and to hear reflections from Annie Reynolds and Stephanie Listug, Young Adult Leaders!  


Come and Fund-a-Need!  You may have noticed that MIC has been blessed by 2 interns (Lizzie Chadbourne and Nicole Trotter) and 1 Interfaith Fellow (Colleen McDermott) just this semster!  And now, we are working with another student from the San Francisco Theological Seminary who would like to intern with MIC for the entire academic year!  MIC needs to raise an additional $10,000 to support these new positions. We hope to fund this need at this event in honor of the 10 years of Carol's vision and work which have brought these interns to MIC!


Bring your favorite appetizer to share with 8 of your interfaith friends! We will provide the lemonade and iced tea! 



First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael

Canoles Hall

1510 Fifth Avenue

San Rafael, CA 94901


Please click on the link below to register:


Register Here  

Please contact us at or call 415-456-6957 for more information.


Thank you for your continued support of the Marin Interfaith Council. We hope to see you on June 26th!




Sr. Colleen McDermott

Marin Interfaith Council



Pedal for Protein
Supporting Food Bank Pantries
September 20-25, 2014


Come ride with the Hunger Task Force on September 20 to 25, 2014. Tour the beautiful Northern California Coastline, from Orick to Sausalito, 360 miles over 6 days, or chose a 1 or 2 day ride.


Your participation will help food pantries along the northern coast of California stock up on protein rich foods like peanut butter, canned tuna, chicken and milk and provide them to families, seniors and children. The tour cost

for the full week tour is $200 for registration plus a $500 minimum in fundraising. A one day tour is $50 for registration plus a $100 minimum in fund raising. All funds raised will be donated through local food banks. For more information or to register, click here


If you have additional questions, please contact me at 515-6127.  


Patty Sanders

Pedal for Protein Ride Director

Hunger Task Force

Presbytery of the Redwoods

Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church
100 Tarry Road, San Anselmo, CA  94960
E-mail us at or call us at 415-453-8221