Dr. King Marching to Protest the Vietnam War in Chicago in 1967
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church Newsletter
Weekly Happenings at SHPCJanuary 16, 2013


Inspired by Dr. King


     We are all called to bring our uniqueness to solving the world's problems.  Sharing our gifts for the good of the world through practicing justice, kindness, and peace makes a real difference here and now, whether we see it or not.  And that's just the beginning!  This Sunday, January 19, 2013 at 9:30 a.m., we'll re-experience the mystical moment when Jesus breathed Spirit onto his followers, empowering them and us to continue his work, and we'll lift up the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a powerful example of God-given courage. Our scripture passages are Amos 5:21-24 and John 20:19-22. The SHPC Singers will bless us with song!  

In This Issue
Bible Study
Moving Forward
Cents-Ability Sunday
Children's Choir and SHPC Singers Practice Weekly
Updates to the Directory
Social Media Conversation
Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
Women's Weekend
Work Trip to Haiti
Meditating on the Miracles
Quick Links

Bev piano
A Note From
Pastor Bev


Recipe for a perfect birthday:


Wake up thanking God for the blessing of a new day and a new year;

Enjoy a morning of coffee and conversation with family;

Wow! Lovely emails, messages, flowers, and cards;

Late afternoon walk to the top of the ridge to check in with God;

Dinner prepared by Michael with a delicious chocolate cake;

Go to sleep thanking God for a perfect day.


Thank you, dear friends, for the lovely roses and the birthday wishes.  My heart is full!


     I am so blessed to be your pastor,


                                          - Bev


January - February Calendar


Thursday, January 16th 

   7:30  p.m.     Choir practice at the church -new singers welcome


Friday, January 17th
  12:00 p.m.     Bible Study with Pastor Bev
Sunday, January 19th   
   9:30 a.m.      Inspired by Dr. King, with Pastor Bev and 
                       the SHPC Singers
                       Bring your Coins for Cents-ability Sunday 
 10:30 a.m.      Coffee and Refreshments - All Welcome!

Thursday, January 23rd 
   7:30 p.m.      Choir practice at the church - new singers welcome
Friday, January 24th 
 12:00 p.m.      Bible Study with Pastor Bev 
                       Deadline for submitting changes to the Directory     

Sunday, January 26th
   9:30 a.m.       Feeling Connected? with Pastor Bev
 10:30 a.m.       Coffee and Refreshments - All Welcome!

 10:45 a.m.       Social Media Conversation with Janel Stewart 


Thursday, January 30th 
   7:30  p.m.     Choir practice at the church - new singers welcome

Friday, January 31st
  12:00 p.m.      Bible Study with Pastor Bev

Friday, January 31st to February 2nd
                        Women's Retreat at Westminster Woods

Saturday, February 1st
   10:00 a.m.     Quarterly Meeting of the Presbytery of the
    - 3:00 p.m.    Redwoods at St. Luke's in San Rafael

Sunday, February 2nd
   9:30 a.m.       Worldwide Justice with Patty Sanders
                        SHPC Children's Choir Sings at Worship 
 10:30 a.m.       Coffee and Refreshments - All Welcome!
Thursday,  February 6th 
   7:30  p.m.     Choir practice at the church - new singers welcome

Friday, February 7th
  12:00 p.m.      Bible Study with Pastor Bev

Sunday, February 9th
   9:30 a.m.       Celebrating Community with Pastor Bev
 10:30 a.m.       Coffee and Refreshments - All Welcome!
 10:45 a.m.        Annual Meeting of the Congregation to Elect
                        Officers and Review the Pastor's Terms of Call 

Bible Study 


Bible Study meets every Friday in January at noon in Pastor Bev's office.  All are welcome, and you are invited to bring your lunch. If you are new to studying the Bible, join us!  This week we explore the mystery of Jesus breathing spirit onto his followers. Our Bible passages are Amos 5:21-24 and John 20:19-22.


Focus:  The Key to "Moving Beyond" 
Where We Are

I am currently working in  LA and miss Sleepy Hollow's serenity and calm lifestyle. LA is fast paced, hectic, and has traffic backed up almost everywhere these days.


But it is a good backdrop for one to think about how to focus and prioritize one's thought life and activities despite whirling circumstances, living in a hotel, and weathering the usual professional anxiety.


We are all human and to become what God wants us to be requires that we remember a few very important basics. Just as we get our natural DNA from our parents and natural bloodline, we get our spiritual DNA from our heavenly Father. That means each of us has the right gifts, the right personality, the right talent to fulfill what God truly wants us to become.


Everyone of us has potential that has not yet been released. But just like with the physical, some genes lie dormant, waiting to be activated. In essence we are all becoming something beyond what is simply on the surface ... if we will focus on it.


One of the best ways I have found to focus is to set aside a quiet time each morning. This may mean getting up a half hour earlier, or designating a time during the day where you can get away to yourself. This is a gift to yourself. A chance to go below the surface and beyond the obvious. A time that is reserved just for God and you. 


Being in God's presence is a unique privilege. I'd ask you to focus on it and see if it isn't  the key to moving beyond where you are, and becoming what you were really meant to be. 


I miss you all ... and am focusing on "moving beyond".


Paul Lambert

January is my birthday month ... so I am there in spirit with all you other proud January citizens.


Cents-ability Sunday
Sunday January 19th, 9:30 a.m. 


Congratulations to SHPC for a recording breaking Cents-ability donation in 2013 of $2,868! SHPC was the highest giver in the Presbytery in 2013. Many thanks to everyone who has supported this program with both large and small donations. Every single contribution helps. When all the donations are totaled up at year end, grants are then given out in the new year to support the Marin Food Bank, food pantries, soup kitchens, community garden projects and all the Norcal food banks in the presbytery up to the Oregon border. 


Now that we are the beginning of a new year, we start again. Please come to church this Sunday with your coins from home. If you need a new collection box from home, we will have those available on Sunday too. The funds we slowly build up, month by month, will go to supporting all of these important anti-hunger programs for following year. A nickle a meal adds up to $54.75 per person in donations and if all of us participate, we will continue to be a strong supporter of his important hunger prevention program. 


Patty Sanders  


Children's Choir and SHPC Singers 
Now Sing Weekly 


We have good news about our music program! Starting this Sunday, the Children's Choir will sing with Hallie Foster every week at the beginning of Sunday school. The children will also perform a song during worship once a month, on the first Sunday of the month. In addition, the Sleepy Hollow Singers, which used to meet the first and third Thursdays of the month, will now meet at the church every Thursday evening from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Child care is provided for choir participants. If you would like more information about the children's choir, please contact Hallie Foster at halliefoster@gmail.com. For more information about the SHPC Singers, please contact Cathy Sarkisian at csark@comcast.net. New singers are welcome in both groups.


Please Send Us Updates for the Annual Directory of Members and Friends
Deadline is Friday January 24th

We have good news:  we are in the process of creating a 2014 "Directory of Members and Friends." This hard copy directory is for both members and friends of SHPC. You do not need to be a member of the church to be in the directory; all friends of the church are welcome to be included. 


If you have had changes to your contact information since January 1st, 2013, please email the church office by January 24th at shpchurch@comcast.net. If you were not in the directory last year, but would like to be this year, please email the church with your contact information, including name, children's names, address, email and phone numbers.  


The hard copy booklet will be available for pick up at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday February 9th. 


If you have any questions, please contact Birgit in the office at 415-453-8221.


A Social Media Conversation with Janel Stewart All Ages and Devices are Welcome
January 26th, 10:45 a.m. 

Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Facetime, Google+...


In this age of social media, where do I jump in or jump out? On Sunday January 26th, Janel Stewart will lead a discussion on the topic of social media and community. If you are an active user, a casual browser, or if you have never even heard of a "Tweet", unless it came from a songbird,  this conversation is for you. All ages, stages and levels of interest and engagement are welcome and will be encouraged to share thoughts and ask questions. This is real time face time! You may bring your smartphone or tablet, so we can refer to them during the discussion.  


The topic of Social Media is pretty broad. In an effort to shape our discussion time to best meet our group's interest, Janel will be collecting questions on social media leading up this discussion. If you have a question or interest point on social media please email janelstewart@gmail.com.  


Please Remember In Your Prayers
Praying Hands

Kate Pace, cousin of Stephanie and Julia McNamara, for healing; 

Andrea Proster, sister of Nancy Elberg, for healing, and Nancy, for strength in companioning her; 

The Paige Family and their loved ones, dear friends of Diane Latta, as they mourn the loss of Aunt Glo and comfort Mo in his illness;

Jeri Rayford's sister-in-law Lee Livingston, recovering from stroke, and for her loved ones; 

Jerry Lambert, mother of Paul, for healing;

Linda Peltzman, for healing from surgery;  

Beth Gilmartin and her family, for comfort on the loss of beloved father and grandfather, Chuck Hughes;

Patty Kuehn and her family, for comfort on the loss of beloved father and grandfather, Dick Conner; 

Gregg Elberg, recovering from surgery;

Clyde Ongaro, recovering from surgery;

All those around the world who do not have civil rights and are struggling to obtain them. 


Please take time this week to pray for those on our list.


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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration
January 20th, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Manzanita Recreation Center 
630 Drake in Sausalito 

This marks the 16th Annual Martin Luther King Day celebration and the year to "let your voice be heard." Every year the Marin City Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Coalition puts on an open community event to bring people together from all over Marin County and beyond. This year's event will start with a symbolic march at 10:00 a.m. from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church to the Manzanita Recreation Center where there will be a full program of performances. The program will include empowering words from Marin City pastors, musical performances from children of all ages, a community choir, and spoken word. The walls will be lined with art and stories of long term Marin City residents. Concluding the program will be the MLK Coalition Awards and a "State of Marin City" address given by Nancy Johnson, the Marin City Community Services District Board Chair. Following the program will be a free "Call to Action" BBQ where residents will be able to learn about ways to get involved in the local community. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church is located at 101 Donahue Street  94965. The Manzanita Recreation Center is located at 630 Drake Avenue in Sausalito, 94966. 


Women's Weekend at Westminster Woods

January 31 - February 2 


One more announcement about Womens' Weekend at Westminster Woods (January 31 - February 2): eight of us are already signed up, two still need to register, and yes, we have room for two more ladies in deluxe housing reserved especially for SHPC. 


So, anyone else who would like to attend the Westminster Womens' Weekend should sign up ASAP.  The camaraderie, along with the peacefulness of camp, that we experience is really special. Any latecomers (or late-registerers) should contact Karen directly at Westminster Woods at 707-874-2426, x zero or x 610 or by email at frontdesk@westminsterwoods.org. Click here for more info and click here to register. 


Lori Lopin


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Work Trip to Haiti with Presbyterian Church of the Roses
Orientation:  January 19th & 24th
Trip: March 7th to 14th 

Reverend Dr. Cindy Alloway, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of the Roses in Santa Roses invites those interested to join a work trip to Haiti from March 7 - 14. The team will work with two children's homes in Haiti. At one home, they will work alongside the staff to build an aquaponic garden system. At the second home, they will help plant Moringa trees.  Cost is $1,090 plus airfare. The first orientation meeting is on Sunday January 19th at 11 a.m.; the second one is on Friday January 24th at 5 p.m..  Both meetings are required and take place in the Rose room at 2500 Patio Court, Santa Rosa.  For more information, contact Pastor Cindy at 707-542-4272 or caollowaypastorrn@gmail.com. 

Companions on the Inner Way Retreat
March 9th to 14th 
Serra Retreat Center, Malibu, CA 

Meditating on the Miracles is the theme of the next retreat by Companions on the Inner Way. If the miracle stories in the Gospels were few in number and limited in spectrum, they could be dismissed as pre-rational accounts of explicable phenomena.  But there are 32 of them, and some take up whole chapters.  What if their purpose were to offer profound insights into the nature of God and humanity?  What if they provided a mirror for the soul?   What if we moved from marveling at to engaging with? Consider joining this event, which will be led by John Bell, an ordained minister of the Church of Scotland and a member of the Iona Community in Scotland. For more information and to register click here, call 510.484.3078 or email companions@seventhavenuechurch.org. Hope to see you there! 


Ann Pope


Send us an e-mail or call us at 