Adoration of the Magi by Francesco Bassano
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church Newsletter
Weekly Happenings at SHPCJanuary 3, 2013




     Epiphany is the twelfth day of Christmas, when Christians remember and celebrate the magi's visit to the baby Jesus.  It's Epiphany because the magi recognized Jesus as the Christ; it's epiphany because the magi, representing humankind, experienced the manifestation of God in Christ.  Epiphany also means a sudden, intuitive perception or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, often triggered by a seemingly ordinary occurrence or experience.  James Joyce describes these revelations as "the most delicate and evanescent of moments."  Looking back over the past year, or over your whole life, when have you experienced an epiphany?  Did it have a lasting impact on the way you live your life?  This Sunday, January 5, 2014 at 9:30 a.m., we'll explore epiphanies, and learn how we can open ourselves up to more profound moments. Our texts are Matthew 2:1-12, and 17:1-8.

In This Issue
Bible Study
Change in the New Year
Christmas Melodies on You Tube
Senior High Cooks for REST
Recognition for REST
MIC Interfaith Retreat
Quick Links

Bev piano
A Note From
Pastor Bev


     It's January 1, 2014, and what a wonderful feeling to start a fresh year!  We wake up to the same life in the same world, but we have a great opportunity to approach everything with a fresh attitude.  It helps to put first things first.  What's your single most important New Year's resolution?  In the past for me it might have been to cut back on the sweets, but this year, it's clear that the most important resolve is to choose a grudge-free heart.  There is no resentment worth carrying forward into a new year.  God is a great help here!  We can turn to the beautiful Psalm 51:10 and make it our mantra:  "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me."  


     This is what God is calling us to do in the new year:  to turn our focus away from what others have done wrong, and to put all of our energy into what we can do together to co-create a better life, a better church, and a better world.


     With blessings to each one of you for a bright new year,


                               - Bev


January Calendar
Friday, January 3rd
 12:00 p.m.  -   Bible Study with Pastor Bev
Sunday, January 5th
   9:30 a.m.  -   Epiphany! with Pastor Bev
 10:30 a.m.  -   Coffee and Refreshments - All Welcome!

 11:00 a.m.  -   Senior High students cook for the REST program 


Thursday, January 9th 
   7:30  p.m. -    Choir practice at the church - new singers welcome
Friday, January 10th
 12:00 p.m.  -   Bible Study with Pastor Bev
Sunday, January 12th   
  9:30 a.m.  -    The Meaning of Baptism, with Pastor Bev 
10:30 a.m.  -    Coffee & Refreshments - All Welcome!


Thursday, January 16th 
   7:30  p.m. -    Choir practice at the church -new singers welcome


Friday, January 17th
 12:00 p.m.  -   Bible Study with Pastor Bev
Sunday, January 19th   
  9:30 a.m.  -    Inspired by Dr. King, with Pastor Bev 
10:30 a.m.   -   Coffee & Refreshments - All Welcome!
Friday, January 24th 
 12:00 p.m.  -   Bible Study with Pastor Bev 
Bible Study Resumes January 3rd

We will resume Bible Study in 2014 at noon on Friday January 3rd to explore the meaning of Epiphany. 



Change That Leads to Small and Large Victories  

Last night our star MARY WILSON of the SUPREMES sang to a packed house here in Chicago the hit from Dreamgirls

"I'm Changing". 


As the music soared and the orchestra crescendoed, I listened closely to the lyrics: "I'm Changing ... I'm going to be better than I am ... but I need you, I need a hand ... all those years of darkness can make a person blind ... I'm going to start again ... I'm going to leave my past behind ... I'll change my life ... I'll make a vow ... And nothing's going to stop me now."


As we look forward to 2014 "change" is a great topic for all of us to consider. 


Change can be frightening, or it can be comforting. But the good news is change is possible. I would encourage you to join with me and let's look for areas that you and I would like to change. This can be personal, about ourselves ... or ... about our environment. God has promised that change and evolving to be more like Christ is a two part process. The first part involves us -- and the second part involves tapping into the power and resources of the Holy Spirit. 


However, change is also something that often requires a helping hand. This next year we will all be in contact with people who are trying to change. Let's be that helping hand of encouragement to them. Look for opportunities to support others who are trying to change.


God is an agent of change. As we evolve each day, and become more and more Christ-like, let's embrace change. Look for opportunities to change. And be bold in our knowledge that the Holy Spirit will help us and guide us through those changes.


The Apostle Paul assures us that "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion". God will never give up on us. God understands every situation we find ourselves in ... and is next to us, prodding, whispering, and guiding us into changing for the better.


As Michael Jackson sings in "Man in the Mirror" ... make that change!


Paul Lambert

(From Chicago)


Christmas Melodies 
on You Tube! Plus SHPC Singers' January Schedule


If you missed Christmas Melodies this year, you are in luck. The show was videotaped by the capable Tom McAfee and is available for viewing on You Tube. Click here to check it out. Many thanks again to everyone who made this event possible, with a special thanks to Tom.  


Choir practice will take place Thursday January 9th at 7:30 p.m.   We will begin preparation for the celebration of Dr. King's life on January 19th.  Thereafter choir will meet Thursday January 16th and then first and third Thursdays of the month, always in the worship hall at church.   If you know anyone who likes to sing and might be interested, please invite them to a choir practice to try it out. 



Stone Foxes Combat Homelessness with Goodnight Moon Project 


Sleepy Hollow has a bevy of super-cool kids who have become super-Stone Foxcool adults. To give you an idea of what one of them is doing, check out the article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal a couple of weeks ago. Elliot Peltzman's band, the Stone Foxes, has been raising hunger awareness and collecting food during tours around the country. Now they've made a video that is worth checking out. So click here to read the article and watch the video!


By the way, The Stone Foxes are a rockin' live band. I can attest: I caught them at their sold-out show at the Fillmore a few months ago.



Matt Ehlen

Mission Elder


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REST Volunteers Recognized by the City of San Rafael


On December 16th the San Rafael City Council presented a Resolution of Appreciation to the Rotating Emergency Shelter Team (REST) Volunteers.  The Resolution commends the REST program volunteers for their dedication to improving the lives of persons in Marin County who are without housing during the winter months.  It also acknowledges the cost absorbed by congregations for the use of their facilities and for providing meals to their guests.  Special appreciation is extended to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, its Associate Director, Suzanne Walker, and Walker Bonspille, REST Director, for providing training to volunteers, transportation to the shelter sites and administrative support of the program.  A full copy of the resolution is posted on the bulletin board adjacent to the fellowship hall at SHPC. Though Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church is a small congregation, we provide reliable support to the REST program, with monthly meals and fellowship provided to both the women and the men. For more information about the SHPC schedule of participation, please contact Kit Argilla at


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Please Remember In Your Prayers
Praying Hands

Patty Sanders, for an enriching journey on her trip to Nicaragua;

Andrea Proster, sister of Nancy Elberg, for healing, and Nancy, for strength in companioning her; 

Jeri Rayford's sister-in-law Lee Livingston, recovering from stroke, and for her loved ones; 

Jerry Lambert, mother of Paul, for healing;

Linda Peltzman, for healing from surgery;  

Beth Gilmartin and her family, for comfort on the loss of beloved father and grandfather, Chuck Hughes;

Patty Kuehn and her family, for comfort on the loss of beloved father and grandfather, Dick Conner; 

Gregg Elberg, recovering from surgery;

Clyde Ongaro, recovering from surgery;

All those who are missing loved ones or lonely during this holiday season; 

All those traveling, for traveling blessings;

All those trying to stay sober over the holidays, for continued sobriety into the new year.


Please take time this week to pray for those on our list.


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MIC Interfaith Retreat:
Neuroscience & Spirituality

Monday, January 13th, 2014

10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Join Marin Interfaith Council for a day with David Richo and Linda Graham as they explore how modern neuroscientists correlate brain functioning, mental activity and spiritual experience.  David Richo is the author of How to be an Adult in Faith and Spirituality. Linda Graham is the author of Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being.  This retreat will offer a rich and rewarding experience of how modern brain science can illuminate and strengthen our spiritual practice. For more information, contact  Allison Kirk at 456-6957. To register click here.

Send us an e-mail or call us at 