September 2015

The Grapevine Newsletter    


 Richard Associates specializes in results-oriented marketing efforts. 


Oktoberfest Networking
Tuesday, Oct. 6
6-9 pm
All are welcome!
Register: Oktoberfest

Lower Bucks Chamber Bucks Business Connect
 Thursday, October 8
 8:00-9:15 am

Lower Bucks Chamber
Business Card Exchange
Wednesday, October 21
5-7 pm

Lower Bucks Chamber
Business Card Exchange
Wednesday, Nov. 18
5-7 pm

Central Bucks Chamber
Business Card Exchange
Tuesday, October 27
5-7 pm
For more info: CBCC 

Central Bucks Chamber
Business Card Exchange
Thursday, Nov. 12
5-7 pm
For more info: CBCC

Central Bucks Chamber
Business Card Exchange
Wednesday, Dec. 2
5-7 pm
For more info: CBCC

Central Bucks Chamber
Holiday Business Luncheon
Friday, Dec. 4
12:00-1:30 pm



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Happy Fall!

It's conference season! I attended a marketing conference in early September, and there are a few others on my calendar for the remaining months of the year. I think it's important to get away from our daily routines at times, and be out in the world learning from others in our profession to broaden our perspective. When was the last time you were out of the office in a learning environment?
Are you searching for a new career, or in transition? We can help! Our services include resume review to create a powerful personal brand. We help you find your uniqueness in a competitive marketplace.
At Richard Associates, we specialize in cultivating a better customer experience. We are great at "problem-finding." You know, the hidden issues that are holding back your business  from true success and profitability.
We are currently booking October and November strategic sessions. We'll spend about 2 hours with you to discuss what's happening in your business and develop ideas to create an action plan for you to implement right away. Contact us today to position your business for growth!

We also develop lectures and workshops for organizations and associations. Topics include networking with purpose, customer service, targeted marketing, and others. Contact us to find out how a presentation can be crafted for your team. 
How can you become an influencer in your industry? Read more about it 
in "Jumpstart Your Business" below.  There's also a list of local networking events, a networking tip, and links to articles I think you will find interesting.


Best regards,

Susan Richard


P.S.  Are you ready to find your uniqueness? 
Contact us today!


Jumpstart Your Business

Become an Influencer
At a recent conference, multiple speakers discussed the concept of influencer marketing. With informative, branded content to share online, people are able to develop a rapport and trust with potential clients and referral sources. By becoming influencers, people are able to propel word-of-mouth marketing for their businesses.
The basis for becoming an influencer is choosing the network for the best reach. This could be LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. It may also be a blog you have created and promote through these channels.

Work with Others
Find others in your network who may help you reach your goals. Seth Godin speaks about the Connection Economy, where a community is working together in collaboration. Choose to connect with other influencers, and use that as a springboard for your message. You may need to incentivize your efforts with product samples, discounts, free trials, exclusive events, or gift cards. By allowing influencers access to your product or service, this creates online chats and comments to broaden your reach.

How could you be an influencer?
Networking Tip

Introduce Yourself

At networking events and seminars, be sure to introduce yourself including your first and last name. Always have business cards on hand, but if you've forgotten, at least your new acquaintance will be able to search for you online and connect with you at a later date.


Make the most of networking opportunities, and be prepared to expand your connections.



Congratulations to Karen Carroll of blue plate minds! By clicking on a link in our July 2015 newsletter, she won the best-selling business book on productivity, "The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business" by Charles Duhigg. Thank you, Karen, for being a loyal reader of our newsletter!

Conference Presentation

As a session presenter at the University of New Mexico's Mentoring Conference in October, I will be speaking on the importance of networking at the college level. I am excited to share my ideas at this forum! I'll tell you more in an upcoming newsletter.
Extra, Extra!

Best Way to Exit
Are you nervous about leaving your job for a new opportunity? Find out how to gracefully say goodbye in this article from the Wall Street Journal.

Time Is Money
Do you know what your time is worth? We all know it's valuable. Maybe you can outsource some of your everyday tasks. Take a look at this article from the Wall Street Journal for tools to calculate your time value.

Richard Associates...Your Marketing Partner

At Richard Associates, we cultivate the customer experience to help you succeed. From advertising that works to seminars designed to enhance your professional skills to business consulting that focuses on your goals, our services are developed with your needs in mind.


We understand that marketing is an investment in your business. And, you'd like a return on that investment. That's why we focus on results-oriented efforts that measure your success.


We build client relationships into marketing partnerships. Working with you.


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