McClellan remained in camp for a few days, and then departed for good on November 11. The shock of that event was still felt for weeks to come.
Major Henry Livermore Abbott, 20th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Several days after McClellan left, Major Henry Livermore Abbott of the 20th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry wrote to his father about the incident: "The removal of McClellan caused as much row as we thought. The men cried & so did McClellan. Officers in high positions were only prevented from resigning by a general order from the boss at the War Dept. threatening dishonorable dismissal to all officers who gave McClellan's removal as the reason of their resignation."
Burnside's subsequent disastrous decisions at Fredericksburg would increase their doubts about the wisdom of this change in command.
The Civil War Book of Days is a weekly newsletter marking the sesquicentennial of the Civil War. Published by the Vermont Humanities Council, it commemorates what happened each week 150 years ago.
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