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 Health Home Training Announcement


Families Together in New York State CEO Paige Pierce writes: 

I encourage all Family Support providers to register and attend this helpful and timely bi-weekly webinar series on Medicaid Analytics Performance Portal (MAPP) Health Home Implementation.  

Good Morning,


Starting Tuesday April 21, 2015 from 1:00 - 2:30 pm, DOH will begin the MAPP Health Home Bi-weekly Webinar series.  The purpose of this webinar series is to discuss MAPP Health Home implementation issues.  In addition to answering questions from the Health Home community, this webinar will cover topics such as new MAPP functionality, MAPP file specifications, new High/Medium/Low billing, MAPP Training, and other topics based on Health Home community interest.  If there is a specific topic you'd like covered during this bi-weekly webinar series, please submit an email to the Health Home email web form under the subject "Medicaid Analytics Performance Portal (MAPP)" (https://apps.health.ny.gov/pubdoh/health_care/medicaid/program/medicaid_health_homes/emailHealthHome.action).


This bi-weekly webinar is scheduled through August 25, 2015.  Any cancellations will be messaged to the Health Home community through the Health Home email listserv.  Please find below a link to register for this webinar series.  You'll only have to register once to attend all of the bi-weekly meetings from 4/21/15 - 8/25/15.



Please register for the MAPP Health Home Bi-weekly Webinar Series by clicking on the link below:  

Click here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/338401457446834177

MAPP Health Home Bi-weekly Webinar 
Date Start 4/21/15 
Date End 8/25/15 
Time 1-2:30PM

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Brought to you by GoToWebinar�
Webinars Made Easy�


Thank You,

NYSDOH Health Home Program

The views and opinions expressed in third party messages included in this mailing are those of the organization or individual mentioned; and should not be attributed to Families Together in New York State, Inc.


Tracie Killar, Communications Director   

Families Together in New York State, Inc.