Families Together in New York State Legislative Awareness Day March 3, 2015

State Leaders, Family Members, Advocates Join Together to Support Governor Cuomo's Raise the Age Proposal


Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today received the Families Together 2015 Exceptional Leadership Award for his administration's work on Raise the Age criminal justice reform. The Award was presented at a Legislative Awareness Day and Luncheon where family members and advocates urged state leaders to pass the Governor's Raise the Age proposal that aims to create better outcomes for children and public safety.


Read more HERE.

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Hello All,

Such great energy at this year's Legislative Awareness Day! We appreciate all of your support and efforts to raise the family voice to new heights. We have 3 weeks to get the "Raise the Age" section of the budget passed! That means we need your help! 

Next Steps:
Setting up meetings with legislators in your local districts. Let them know that you live and vote in this community, that you care about what happens to youth in the justice system, and that families and youth cannot afford to wait any longer for these reforms! Families Together in New York State and our regional chapters are happy to support and empower families and youth who want to help make a difference! Contact [email protected] for support in these efforts.

Amplify our voice through social media. 
Use the are two social media cheat sheets - Sample Twitter and Facebook Fact Posts and Raise the Age Social Media Advocacy to help join the conversation happening right now through Twitter and Facebook about juvenile justice reform, ex. #raisetheageny. Help us reach your social networks and amplify the important discussion happening throughout our communities. 
Sign and share the Raise the Age NY Call to Action letter HERE!

P.S. you can find
FTNYS CEO Paige Pierce on the Governor's new Raise the Age Website!
With Gratitude,

Brad Hansen
Public Policy Coordinator
Families Together in New York State
518.432.0333 x28