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Families Together in New York State 
2014 Policy Agenda 
Families Together 2014 Policy Agenda is created by families  
of youth and children with social, emotional and behavioral challenges. 
Raise the Age of Criminal Responsibility. We support Governor Andrew M. Cuomo's Commission on Youth, Public Safety and Justice that will deliver recommendations on how to raise the age of criminal responsibility in New York to 18 by December 31, 2014. New York is one of only two states that sets criminal responsibility at the age of 16. Minors arrested after their 16th birthday are tried as adults and incarcerated in adult correctional facilities. Approximately 46,000 minors come into contact with the New York State courts each year. Youth eligibility for adjustment, the family court process involving probation and resolution without court intervention, should be included in any state plan. 

Fully Implement the Regional Centers of Excellence (RCE) Plan by Pre-Investing $25 Million for the Expansion of Community-Based Services and Reinvesting Medicaid Redesign Savings. We support the Executive Budget proposal that pre-invests an initial $25 million into community-based services and promises an ongoingcommitment of 
$110,000 per every closed inpatient bed for these services, which include additional crisis and respite beds, waiver slots, and family and peer support services. Savings will happen slower than consolidation. This proposal ensures thousands of New York children and families will have access to community-based services, filling the gaps left by the reduction of inpatient beds. Additionally, we support the reinvestment of savings from the implementation of Medicaid Redesign from the Department of Health (DOH) budget and encourage investment toward children's services such as respite, transportation, and peer and family support services. 
Continue reading the 2014 Policy Agenda HERE. 


There is still time to registered for the 
Families Together in New York State 
2014 Legislative Awareness Day. 
Registrations will be accepted until Friday, February 7. Register Here.  


Legislative Awareness Day 2014

 Register Today!

February 11, 2014

10:00am - 3:00pm

at the Convention Center,

Empire State Plaza

Albany, New York  


Your Voice is Needed!


Please join hundreds of family members, youth, advocates,  and state leaders from across the state for the Families Together in New York State (FTNYS) Legislative Awareness Day on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at the Convention Center, Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York from 10:00am - 3:00pm. Meet with your legislators, network with other families and advocates and share your valuable voice and ideas!


The event is free of charge and lunch will be served. Visit our website at www.ftnys.org for ongoing information regarding this exciting Legislative Awareness Day!


10:00am - 12:00pm Registration and Legislative Visits

12:00pm - 2:30pm   Luncheon, Speakers and Awards

2:30pm         Closing Remarks  


Register today by visiting FTNYS Legislative Awareness Day 2014. 


For more information, please contact Brad Hansen at 518.432.0333 x 28 or [email protected].


Working Hand in Hand for Children and Families in New York State

Families Together in New York State and the New York State Coalition for Children's Mental Health Services offer two opportunities to participate in state and local program and policy developments relating to children's mental health. On Monday, Monday, February 10, 2014, from 3:30pm - 5:00pm at the Hilton in Albany, The New York State Coalition for Children's Mental Health Services invites you to the Family Advocacy Training.  The following day on Tuesday, February 11, 2014, join the Families Together in New York State Legislative Awareness Day at the Convention Center. 


For more information and to register for the The New York State Coalition for Children's Mental Health Services event on Monday, February 10, click here.



To register for the Families Together in New York State's event on Tuesday, February 11, click here.


Please note, you must register for each event separately. Thank you for your voice!


The views and opinions expressed in third party messages included in this mailing are those of the organization or individual mentioned; and should not be attributed to Families Together in New York State, Inc.


Tracie Killar, Communications Director   

Families Together in New York State, Inc.