Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church

May 1, 2016          

"Pastor E" Online Message 
"Greeting One Another In The Love Of Christ"

In This Issue
Weekly Message
News Update
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FWMBC Members and Friends,  
This month will be busy at FWMBC. In addition to our regularly scheduled activities we will be celebrating Mother's Day on May 8th.  On May 15th we will celebrate Men & Women's Day with a Breakfast at 8:00am and the Worship Service at 11:00am.  On May 22nd we will celebrate with St.Paul United Methodist Church in Galveston, Texas at 3:00pm on their 150th Anniversary.  I am honored to bring the message at that Service. 

Please see the church bulletins for graduation, Senior citizen, and other auxiliary meetings during the month.

And also, remember to keep our sick and shut-in members in prayer.
Weekly Message

Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith, be it unto thee even as thy wilt.  And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.  (Matthew 15:28)

In the passage above, the Canaanite woman was considered by the Jews as an outsider.  Baal had been the god of her fathers and her land had been conquered and occupied by the Jews years ago.  As a woman, her background presented difficulties for her when she approached Jesus for help.  She was a mother in desperate need.  Her motherly instincts led her to seek Jesus for her child.  Although the disciples wanted Jesus to send her away, Jesus was so impressed by her faith, he healed her daughter of the unclean spirit that had possessed her.
On Sunday, May 8th, our nation will celebrate Mother's Day.  As Christians, many of us are  exceptionally fortunate to have had Mother's who were strong in faith and loved the Lord Jesus Christ.  In some cases your Mothers have passed on to eternal life with Jesus.  For you, Mother's Day will be difficult. And to those whose Mothers have passed on, I pray that you will cherish the faith, love, and goodness that your Mothers gave you. Remember to honor their memories.  If your Mother is living, take time to  show her that you appreciate what she has done for you. If she introduced you to Jesus, thank her over and over again. 

On Mother's Day, let us all render a loving "TRIBUTE TO MOTHERS!             


News Update: 


May 1, 2016 - 8am and 11am   Pastor Criswell 


May 8, 2016 -  8am and 11am    Pastor Criswell  (Mother's Day)


May 15, 2016 -  8am - MEN AND WOMEN'S DAY BREAKFAST

                           Bro. Kenneth Basile (Speaker)


                         11am  Rev. David Smith (Speaker)

                                   New Bethlehem B.C.


May 22, 2016 - 8am and 11am  Pastor Criswell


3:00pm     Rev. L. Barksdale (Pastor Emeritus)  St. Paul United      Methodist  Church                    Galveston, Texas


May 29,2016 - 8am and 11am  L. Barksdale (Pastor Emeritus)

                                        Mission Sunday