Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church

March 4, 2016        

"Pastor E" Online Message 
"Greeting One Another In The Love Of Christ"

In This Issue
Weekly Message
News Update
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FWMBC Members and Friends,  
I am extremely thankful for your prayers and blessings regarding my retirement. I have been experiencing health challenges that are considered in my decision. Please know that I will still serve my Lord Jesus Christ to the best of my ability for the rest of my life.  I am available to preach and teach as the opportunities arise and my health allows. I will continue to write this column while also working on a book. I truly thank my church family at FWMBC for electing me as "Pastor Emeritus."  May God continue to bless you all and keep you in His grace.

Also, remember to keep our sick and shut-in members in prayer.
Weekly Message
            (1 Thessalonians 5:17)  

The Bible often gives mandates that leave no room for alternatives.  This verse is one of them.  It is clear and concise.  Obviously God considers prayer extremely important.  What can we do to insure that we are doing just that?  Let's look at some things we can do. 

1. We can pray even while around other people during our everyday activities.

2,  We can pray in various postures such as kneeling, standing, lying down, sitting, walking, etc. 

3.  We can pray at home; at church; at work; in the car; etc.  You can pray silently if you are in locations where such would be more

4. Prayer should be a part of your regular routine although prayer should never be considered routine. Even though you may have a busy schedule, always take time to pray.

5.  Make it a point to pray even when obstacles are in our way.  Remember, Satan is never happy when God's people pray.

6.  Prayer and laziness do not go together.  Don't make excuses for not setting aside time to pray.

7.  Pray because God commands us to pray and prayer changes things and people.     

Of course there are many other ways and reasons that we can pray without ceasing.  It is sufficient to say that we are living in difficult times which will only be changed by the prayers of God's people.

News Update: 


March 6, 2016    8am Pastor Criswell
                       11am  Pastor Criswell

March 13, 2016  8 and 11am  Pastor Criswell

March 20, 2016   8 and 11am  Pastor Criswell

March 27, 2016    We will have ONE Service this Easter  Sunday at 10:00am   Pastor Criswell

Easter Program will begin shortly after the 10am worship service.