Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church

December 6, 2013 

Pastor Barksdale Online
"Greeting One Another In The Love Of Christ"
In This Issue
Weekly Message
News Update
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FWMBC Members and Friends,  
On December 8, 2013 FWMBC will celebrate it's 69th Church Anniversary.  Be sure and mark your calendar.  Come praise and worship God with us for His many blessings......WE WILL START THE SERVICE AT 11:30 AM ON THAT DAY TO ACCOMMODATE MT. ZION MBC. 






Weekly Message 

         A CALL TO SERVE!


The Lord said to me, "I knew you before you were formed within your mother's womb; before you were born I sanctified you and appointed you as my spokesman to the world."

(Jeremiah 1:4,5) 


Dr.George Washington Carver, a black scientist who taught for many years at Tuskegee Institute, may have done more for Southern agriculture than any man in history.  Born in slavery, never knowing his father, Carver fought against great odds to make something of his life.  He lived by the motto, "Let down your buckets where you are."  Many people never knew however that Carver accepted Christ at the age of 10 years.  He viewed faith in Jesus as a means of destroying both barriers of racial disharmony and social stratification.    He testified on many occasions that his faith in Jesus was the only mechanism by which he could effectively pursue and perform the art of science.


I believe that all of us have been given a purpose for living our lives.  As Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church members celebrate our 69th Church Anniversary, I am overjoyed that from the 1st meeting of our founders, until the present day, we are "letting down our buckets where we are" for the cause of Jesus Christ.

Like Jeremiah (in the passage above), many have heard and accepted the call to serve God in various capacities over the years. The contributions in and outside of our church walls have been monumental as we spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. 


I am indeed gratified to be a part of this dynamic Spiritual Organism known as the Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church. I am glad that all of you accepted the call to serve and joined with me in "letting down our buckets right where we are." As a result souls are being saved and God is being glorified.  Happy 69th Anniversary FWMBC! 







    News Update: 



Dec. 8, 2013 8 AM   Pastor   

 Dec. 8, 2013 - Church Anniversary 11:30AM....(Pastor Lightfoot) Mt. Zion MBC are our guest.

Dec. 14, 2013 Angel Tree Fellowship 9AM-12noon

Dec. 15, 2013 - 8AM  Rev. Bryant

                       11AM  Rev. Criswell

Dec. 18, 2013 - Annual Business Meeting 6:30PM

Dec. 22, 2013 - 8AM Min. Mebane

                       11AM  Pastor

                        3:30PM  Christmas Program 

Dec.  29, 2013 - 8 and 11AM  Pastor