BTAC NOTICE - Eliminate Duties on Bikes

Dear BTAC Member/supporter:

As you are aware, BTAC has been actively lobbying the federal government on the elimination of duties on bicycles in Canada.

We need your help once again to continue lobbying the Federal Government on this important issue.

Please take a few minutes to share this postcard on your Twitter or Facebook page. It would also be helpful if you would forward this note among your networks and encourage them to sign our new postcard as well.

Your urgent attention to this request is very much appreciated as the government is currently in the process of developing their Spring budget and we want to ensure the elimination of bicycle duties are included.

Political campaigns such as these can only succeed when there is sufficient volume of signatures and postcards returned and presented to the Minister. We need to show our MP's and Government that their constituents are concerned, and demand that bicycle duties be eliminated.

The postcard can be accessed by Clicking Here

Thank you in advance for your support.

Bill Yetman
Executive Director
Bicycle Trade Association of Canada
202 Church Street PO Box 72
Keswick  Ontario 
L4P 3E1


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