What's happening in Province II?  
#youthtakeover16: Be the Change

House Band: Sloan River Project
At Georgian Court University, Lakewood, NJ
July 7 - 10, 2016  Find out everything!
Out in our neighborhoods...
Diocese of Albany
Walk Through the Door to Holiness - October 3-5, 2016 At Christ the King Spiritual Life Center Find out more...
Diocese of Central New York
Young people in the diocese are getting ready for their El Salvador Youth Pilgrimage, July 13 to 20, 2016. Read more.. 
The Diocese of Haiti
How We Can Help Haiti's Children During Drought Emergency: The news coming from Haiti is very alarming. The El Niņo weather phenomenon has struck again, this time leading to a severe drought. It's been so bad for farmers that many have lost more than 82 percent of production. Read more...
Diocese of Long Island
"Hands of Love", a group coming together to knit, crochet and stitch for charity has recently formed at Christ Church in Port Jefferson.  Read more..
Diocese of New Jersey
St. James' Church in Eatontown Adds Portuguese Service: One of the core tenets of adaptive leadership is to identify needs in our communities and adapt our structures.  Read more...
Diocese of New York
NYC Pride March, Sunday June 26, 2016The diocese's Committee on LGBT Concerns is arranging for a float and DJ in the 2016 LGBT Pride March. The March takes place on Sunday, June 26. Find out more...
Diocese of Newark
Blessing:  A response to the ultimate curse
It was the ultimate curse. To curse is to wish diminishment, damage or - in the case of the horrific crime in Orlando early Sunday morning, death to someone else.
Diocese of Rochester
From Bishop Singh: Trustees' Decision to Sell 935 East Avenue, Rochester
I'm writing to update you on ongoing discernments related to Diocesan House, our administrative offices and chapel located at 935 East Avenue. Read more...
Diocese of the Virgin Islands
Read the summer 2016 edition of The Cathedral Bell from the Cathedral of All Saints, St. Thomas, USVI.  In this newsletter is information on service places and time on St. John and St. Thomas, so you can find a church if you are visiting. Thanks to Nazareth by the Sea for posting it to Facebook.
Diocese of Western New York
Two Bishops Receive Award
The New York State Council of Churches recently awarded the first Excellence in Ecumenism award to Bishop R. William Franklin of the Episcopal Diocese of Western New York and Bishop Richard J. Malone of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo.
Other News...

Ways and resources to observe World Refugee Day on June 20 For individuals, congregations
[Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs press release] In 2000, the United Nations named June 20 as World Refugee Day, deeming it an annual opportunity to celebrate the resilience and success of the former refugees who bless our communities with their wisdom and irrepressible spirit and to examine the root causes of violence and persecution that force people to flee at an alarming rate. Read more.

Thursdays at 2: Every Thursday at 2 pm Eastern, a new video illustrating the work of congregations and individuals will be posted on the Episcopal Church's Facebook page here and YouTube Channel here.

Election Toolkit helps Episcopalians engage in nonpartisan activities
The Episcopal Church has developed an online toolkit with a webpage that outlines how individual Episcopalians and congregations can participate in the electoral process through a number of nonpartisan activities.
Grant Opportunities..
Jubilee Ministry grants - Deadline June 17
Applications now accepted for 2016 Jubilee Ministry grants
The 2016 Jubilee Grants will be awarded in two categories, totaling $65,000: Jubilee Development Grant and Jubilee Impact Grants. Find out more.
Coming soon...See the rest and Find out more...

Registration is now open for Called to Transformation, an Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) facilitator formation workshop, August 8-11, Nashotah House, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.Registration is available here. Registration is $175 per person which includes room, all meals, handouts, etc. Transportation is not included. Deadline for registration for the August session is July 29. Seating is limited. Find out more...

NEHM logo
2016 Episcopal Health Ministry Conference "You Shall Love Your Neighbor as Yourself"

Celebrating 20 Years of Episcopal Health Ministries 
September 15 - 17, 2016. More information
Christian formation curriculum is based on House of Bishops' teaching on the environment.
At a time when Christians' concern for the environment is at its height, a pair of Episcopal priests have released a new curriculum that explores the flawed theology at the heart of the environmental crisis and guides Christians in developing a practical response.  It can be downloaded for free until July 1, 2016.
Canon Charles Perfater,
The Right Reverend Lawrence Provenzano,
Canon Rosalie Simmonds Ballentine, Esq., Vice President
Canon Paul M. Ambos, Esq., Secretary
Canon Richard J. "Jerry" Carroll, Treasurer
Jan Paxton,
The Rev. Gloria E.E. Payne-Carter, Clerical Representative to Provincial Council
The Right Reverend R. William Franklin,
Canon Noreen Duncan,
The Rev. Dahn Gandell,

Dioceses of the Province

Check the websites of the dioceses: AlbanyCentral New YorkConvocation of Episcopal Churches in EuropeHaitiLong IslandNew Jersey, New YorkNewarkRochester, Virgin Islands(no website), Western New York
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