What's happening in Province II?  
Around our neighborhoods...
Diocese of Albany
Knitting Ministry at St. Michael's, Colonie, NY
Anyone who likes to knit or crochet can find multiple opportunities at St. Michael's! Hats and Gloves for Prayer tables, Lapghans for Samaritan Hospital, Booties and Hats for Infants at St. Peter's are all part of this ministry. Read the whole story...
Diocese of Central New York
Mission of Miracles Team Prepares for 13th Medical Mission

St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Camillus hummed with activity this past Saturday, as community members ages 16 to 92 sorted and packed hundreds of pounds of donated medical and hygiene supplies for the upcoming Mission of Miracles medical mission to El Salvador. Read the whole story...
The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe
Congregations Work with Episcopal Relief and Development
Episcopal Relief & Development is working with local organizations as well as Anglican Communion and ecumenical agencies to provide assistance in Syria and in Europe to people fleeing ongoing violence. The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe helps host and resettle people in their new home countries. Churches are actively responding at a local level in Rome, Munich, Paris and Brussels, among other cities. "The way in which our 21 congregations have responded makes me very proud," said The Rt. Rev. Pierre Whalon. "While Episcopal churches in Europe have had significant refugee ministries since the Second World War, our people have unanimously increased their present work." Read the whole story...
The Diocese of Haiti
Haiti - The country hit by the worst drought in 35 years!
Since the beginning of 2015, Haiti faces the worst drought in the last 35 years, reports the National Coordination for Food Security (CNSA). The phenomenon "El Niño", which began in early 2015, one of the strongest ever recorded, could persist in 2016 and have an impact on food security in Haiti. Find out more...
Diocese of Long Island
Facing America: Portraits of Refugees Resettling in the US
Hidemi Takagi: Facing America: Portraits of Refugees Resettling in the U.S.
February 10 - March 25, 2016
Artist Reception February 27, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
The Forum @ St. Ann's is pleased to present its first commissioned work, Facing America: Portraits of Refugees Resettling in the U.S. by Hidemi Takagi at the historic St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church in Brooklyn Heights, NY. The exhibition will be on view in the sanctuary February 10 - March 25, 2016. Read more...
Diocese of New Jersey
Theo's Cafe Young Adult Dinner
Theo's Café: Young Adults Dinner with Bishop Stokes is an opportunity to have dinner with the Bishop, share, and ask questions. It's your time.
Leader: The Right Reverend William H. (Chip) Stokes, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of New Jersey
Young adults from the Diocese of New Jersey and Bishop Stokes will engage in conversation and community, and we'd like to ask you to pass this information along to anyone you think might be interested in joining. Find out more...
Diocese of New York
Celebrating 10 Years of the NYIP
The New York Intern Program is an opportunity for young adults to commit to a year of service, discernment, social justice and intentional community, based in a diverse and historic Harlem church.

Recent college graduates, ages 22-28, join NYIP from late August through mid-August of the following year, to provide services to people in need, through initiatives at some of New York City's most innovative and caring agencies. The interns share an apartment in the church, and participate in the worship life and social action happening in and around this welcoming, activist faith community.

The celebration of the 10th anniversary of The New York Intern Program will be on Thursday, April 28, 2016, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the Rectory of the Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest, 1115 Fifth Avenue, NYC, 10128 Find out more...
Diocese of Newark
The Diocese of Newark held its 142nd annual convention at the end of January. The theme was "Who is my neighbor?" The Rt. Rev. Steven T. Lane, IX Bishop of Maine, was keynote speaker. There are a number of videos of speakers on the diocesan website. The five Mission Minute videos shown at Convention each examine the question "Who is my neighbor?" through the lens of numerous stories from around the Diocese of Newark and are also online.
Diocese of Rochester
At Convention 84, the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester elected to begin a year-long pilgrimage to See the Face of God in Each Other - to overcome racism as it expresses itself in our Church, our culture and our communities. Ending with a Day of Repentance, Healing, and Reconciliation in conjunction with the 85th Convention in November 2016, this pilgrimage will present several opportunities for parishes and individuals to engage the topic of race - and to see God in others. See the whole program...
Diocese of the Virgin Islands
Companion Diocese Relationship
Led by the Holy Spirit, the Discernment Team of the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama chose the Dioceses of the Virgin Islands and Alaska to enter into its next companion relationship. Then, at its Convention in 2015, the Episcopal Diocese of the Virgin Islands accepted the Call and agreed to the partnership. After almost a year of conversation and prayers, both Dioceses have come to an agreement to work together to build up the Kingdom of God, each working in harmony with the other. Read the whole story...
Diocese of Western New York
Did you know: The Episcopal Partnership for Mission and Outreach is proud to announce our 2016 Campaign, returning in Lent (February 10 through March 27). We are excited to share our vision for the Partnership with you. The focus of the Partnership is connections. Connecting congregations to each other through common ministries. All these ministries are associated with Episcopal congregations. Donations to the Episcopal Partnership for Mission and Outreach will help these and other congregations expand their community outreach. Follow the links above to find out more.
Bishop Suffragan for Armed Services and Federal Ministries - Nominations Open
Nominees are being accepted for the Episcopal Church Bishop Suffragan for Armed Services and Federal Ministries. Based in Washington D.C., the Bishop Suffragan for Armed Services and Federal Ministries is a member of the staff of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. The profile, filing information, and other important details are available here .
Opportunity in the Diocese of Newark
Episcopal House Staff Opening: Hispanic/Latino Missioner, Episcopal House. This part-time position (25 hours/week) is responsible for advocacy and for oversight of Hispanic/Latino ministry in the Diocese of Newark. The Hispanic/Latino Missioner will work with the Bishop, diocesan staff, clergy, congregations and diocesan organizations to promote, encourage, create, enhance, and develop opportunities for ministry among people of Hispanic and Latino cultural backgrounds in their communities and unique missional contexts, and to initiate, promote, carry out, and maintain these mission/ministry initiatives. Applications must be received by March 15. Find out more.
Roanridge Trust Grant Awards

Two Province II Dioceses were awarded Roanridge Grants: Diocese of New York: Spark Education Center Diocese of Newark: Going Local. Read the ENS Story...
Grant Opportunities

The Louie Crew Clay Scholarship
In recognition of Dr. Louie Crew Clay's many years of prophetic witness in and beyond the Diocese, The OASIS - a justice ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark - is pleased to announce a fund to support scholarly work that shares our mission "to make the church safe for ALL people, and to challenge the church when its interest is self-preservation and not prophetic witness."

The OASIS will award up to two annual scholarships. Scholarship applications will be vetted by a special Scholarship Committee which will include Dr. Louie Crew Clay and winners will be announced at our anniversary in June. We welcome applications from writers, students, and researchers. For more information and the application go to the Oasis website. Application Deadline: April 1st, 2016

2016 ECF Fellowship Application is Now Available!
Innovative scholars and ministry leaders transform lives. Since 1964 the Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) has supported over 200 scholars and ministry leaders throughout the Episcopal Church, fostering innovation in theological formation and ministerial leadership in challenging times. The 2016 Fellowship application is now available. The 2016 Fellowship application deadline is March 11, 2016. Click here to learn more and to apply.
Paths for Lent
  • At Society of Saint John the Evangelist we pray for you a year filled with new beginnings and wonderful surprises. Our wish for you is that 2016 is a time of grace and a time to grow in faith and love. And to nurture that growth, this Lent we are offering Growing a Rule of Life. This series focuses on God as the Chief Gardener of our souls, as we seek out ways to grow into the fullness he desires. Just as stakes and lattices nurture the growth of young plants, so too can spiritual disciplines support the flourishing of our whole being. This series uses a tool from monastic spirituality called a 'Rule of Life' to explore and cultivate our relationships with God, Self, Others, and Creation. This is an exciting opportunity to dig deep and dream big about ways to live into a more abundant life with Christ. To watch an introductory video by Brother David Vryhof, sign up or download the free workbook, simply visit ssje.org/growrule.
  • Looking for Lenten resources? Forward Movement has assembled a list of books and other materials that might help. Check out Forward Movement's website here.
  • "Walk the Path of Lent" with Episcopal Relief & Development's 2016 Lenten Meditations: Episcopal Relief & Development invites supporters to "Walk the Path of Lent" with this year's Lenten Meditations series, featuring reflections on spiritual practices written by the organization's staff, partners and friends from around The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. In these poignant meditations, program staff, disaster response volunteers, board members and others share the breadth of spiritual practices that give them strength for the journey. - See more...
Coming soon...

Register today for the 2016 Church Leadership Conference!
Join us for "Be Still and Grow" at the February 19-21, 2016 Conference as we explore how churches can refocus their energies and deepen the faith of their membership. What would it look like if there were a renewed focus on prayer and liturgy? What could the Church become if leadership were more concerned with spiritual well-being than physical or financial? Click here for more information and to register.

Episcopal Foundation Webinars
For the full calendar, information and registration, go to the website.

JumpStart! CNY-Your Church Buildings Can Become an Asset to Your Ministry
Ready to "Jump Start" your church's ministry through creative use of your buildings?
Clergy, wardens, parish administrators, members of vestries, building committees and more are invited to learn how your church can be:
  • Thriving, not just surviving
  • Relevant to your neighborhood
  • Building ecumenical partnerships
  • Generating income for ministry
When: Saturday, April 23, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Where: DoubleTree Hotel, 6301 NY-298 East Syracuse
Registration: $25 per person covers refreshments and materials.
Registration is now open on the diocesan website of the Diocese of Central New York.
Canon Charles Perfater,
The Right Reverend Lawrence Provenzano,
Canon Rosalie Simmonds Ballentine, Esq., Vice President
Canon Paul M. Ambos, Esq., Secretary
Canon Richard J. "Jerry" Carroll, Treasurer
Jan Paxton,
The Rev. Gloria E.E. Payne-Carter, Clerical Representative to Provincial Council
The Right Reverend R. William Franklin,
Canon Noreen Duncan,
The Rev. Dahn Gandell,

Dioceses of the Province

Check the websites of the dioceses: AlbanyCentral New YorkConvocation of Episcopal Churches in EuropeHaitiLong IslandNew Jersey, New YorkNewarkRochester, Virgin Islands(no website), Western New York
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