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Alzheimer's Foundation of America

Conference Provides Insight Into Implementing State Alzheimer's Plans, Best Care Practices

The Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) and the National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC) on December 3 brought together more than 250 Alzheimer's disease stakeholders for a free conference and webinar, "From Plan to Practice: Implementing NAPA in Your State," in order to help push forward goals in the National Alzheimer's Project Act (NAPA) locally in addition to at the national level.


Among the panelists, federal officials reported on NAPA's goals and progress; an economist projected cost savings if demonstration projects related to NAPA would be implemented; and several state policymakers provided insight into the process of developing and implementing state plans to address Alzheimer's disease. In addition, leading experts shared best care practices in their communities that focus on patient-centered care.


A recording of the conference will be available for the next two weeks. Please note that Java software is required to access the recording. 

Government Releases First Genetic Database for Alzheimer's Disease 

The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) this week released to a wide range of researchers the first set of genetic information from 410 people in 89 families to assist them in identifying the causes of and treatments for Alzheimer's disease.


The genome sequencing data-which determines the order of letters in a person's DNA-was collected as part of the Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project. The project was introduced in February 2012, to work toward one of the major goals of the "National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease": to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer's disease by 2025.


According to Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., director of the NIH, the project "is designed to identify genetic risks for late-onset of Alzheimer's disease, but it could also discover versions of genes that protect us. These insights could lead to a new era in prevention and treatment."

AFA Urges Task Force to Recommend Wide Usage of Cognitive Screening in Older Adults

AFA submitted a comment letter  this week to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), an independent panel of non-federal experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine, which urged them to recommend wide usage of screening for cognitive impairment in older adults in its final statement on this subject.   


The USPSTF's draft recommendation statement acknowledged that expert consensus guidelines support early detection of cognitive decline; however, it stated that there have been no empirical studies indicating whether screening for memory difficulties improves decision-making or outcomes.


AFA's comprehensive response highlighted the benefits of cognitive screening, including the opportunity for individuals to participate in long-term care and financial planning, and to take advantage of community services. AFA also noted that while additional research is needed to explore the cost benefits of cognitive screens, and define issues such as the age at which screening typically should be initiated and frequency of screening, such further examination should not deter wide adoption of cognitive screens.


AFA was also among 65 signators on a letter sent by the LEAD Coalition, urging USPSTF to include in its final statement a recommendation that cognitive screening be offered (grade A or B).

National Alzheimer's Plan Advisory Council

The Advisory Council an Alzheimer's Research, Care and Services, which is advising on the development and implementation of the "National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease," met on December 2 to introduce new members, get federal updates on plan implementation, and hear from researchers and statisticians about ways to efficiently access data generated from patient trials and genome mapping.


The council also heard updates on the progress of preventive trials, and a look forward to the first dementia summit at the international G-8 meeting December 11 in London.


The council's next meeting will take place on February 3, at which time its subcommittees will present recommendations for the 2014 update of the national plan.

News to Use


  • Teleconference to Explore Challenging Behaviors - AFA's monthly "Care Connection" teleconference on December 12 will feature Kelly O'Shea Carney, Ph.D., CMC, executive director of Phoebe Center for Excellence in Dementia Care, Allentown, Pa., who will share strategies for managing challenging behaviors in people with dementia. The free one-hour teleconference, designed for family and professional caregivers, begins at 1 p.m. EST. To join, call 877-594-8353 and use guest identification number: 46692951#.
  • Call On Your Senator to Strengthen Care and Support for Individuals with Dementia- AFA urges all Alzheimer's disease stakeholders to contact their Senators and urge them to support Senate Resolution, S. Res. 303, which asks the Senate to commit to strengthening the quality of care and expanding support for individuals with Alzheimer's disease. The resolution also calls for doubling the amount of funding for Alzheimer's disease research in fiscal year 2015; and developing a plan for fiscal years 2016 through 2019 to increase Alzheimer's disease research funding to $2 billion. Not sure who to call?  Contact the Congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121.
News Updates
  • Just Say 'Ohm' - New research suggests that meditation and yoga could help slow the progression of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and related illnesses in people with mild cognitive impairment. The results of the small study lends further support to the perceived benefits of stress reduction. Read more...
  • Verbal Mistreatment Negatively Impacts Mental Health - A study of 142 adults aged 65 or older indicates that individuals who were verbally mistreated at least once in a year's time experienced decreased social functioning and weakened mental health compared to those who were not. Read more...
December 5, 2013
Volume 6 Issue 24

Alzheimer's/Dementia Connection of Havasu,

Lake Havasu City, Ariz.


The Alzheimer's/Dementia Connection of Havasu held a heartfelt "Tree of Reflection Lighting Ceremony" on December 1 that brought together the organization's board and staff, and the community.  


Held for the seventh year, the ceremony honors and remembers loved ones affected by Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia through stars placed on the Tree of Reflection.


Among those who spoke at the ceremony was Michele Kirkpatrick, a volunteer, who shared how her mother's battle with Alzheimer's disease taught her to find the silver lining in every situation.
Alzheimer's/Dementia Connection of Havasu Board Members


Paige McCoy

Warwick, R.I.


When Paige McCoy, 17, chose Alzheimer's disease as the focus of her senior project-which stipulated that she research and plan an event-there was more at stake than just a grade. The teen chose to raise money for Alzheimer's disease care to honor her grandmother, who passed away from the disease last May, and to give back for all her grandmother had given her.


In late October, McCoy hosted a fundraiser at an armory in East Greenwich, R.I. Guests-children and adults-enjoyed a variety of food and beverages. Local businesses donated gift cards and baskets for raffle prizes. In total, McCoy raised $1,100 for AFA.



"5 Boroughs Concepts in Care Conference" 


May 8, 2014


AFA's third "5 Boroughs Concepts in Care" conference will be held at the Marriott Marquis-Times Square in New York.  


This free educational conference will include sessions for professional caregivers, family caregivers and individuals with dementia, as well as an exhibit hall and hands-on activities.

The Legacy Society
AFA's Legacy Society offers special recognition to individuals who have included AFA in their wills or estate plans.
Support AFA Monthly
Donors can now make recurring monthly donations 
to AFA, which will be automatically deducted from your credit card each month. You may cancel at any time. 

Information on Year-End Charitable Donations

To make a gift that qualifies for a tax-deduction in 2013, your mailed contribution in the form of a check or money order must be postmarked on or before Tuesday, December 31, 2013.   


Credit card donations sent through the mail or authorized over the phone must be received at AFA by close of business (5 p.m., EST) on Monday, December 30, 2013, to ensure processing by December 31. 


Donations made by credit card on AFA's website are processed immediately. Credit card donations that are transacted by midnight (central time) on December 31, 2013 will be processed as 2013 contributions.




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Alzheimer's Foundation of America
Our mission is to provide optimal care and services to individuals confronting dementia, and to their caregivers and families through member organizations dedicated to improving quality of life. 
 Visit us at www.alzfdn.org or call us toll-free at 866-232-8484.

If you have a question or concern that you would like to discuss with a social worker, write info@alzfdn.org or call (toll-free) 866-232-8484.