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July 2014
Reunion Time! Alumni Weekend Promises Fun, Friends, Frivolity

Your invitation to Boalt Hall's Alumni Weekend will arrive soon. Last year, we enjoyed a fantastic reunion with a record number of graduates returning to reminisce with classmates and reengage with the school. This year, we're out to raise the bar yet again. Come meet our new dean, Sujit Choudhry. Check out all the exciting things happening at your law school. Attend compelling events that explore pivotal issues and celebrate one of our illustrious alums. It will be a weekend to remember, and we hope to see you there! 



Jesse Choper to Shed Light on Key Supreme Court Decisions


Boalt Hall professor and former dean Jesse Choper has scrutinized U.S. Supreme Court decisions for more than a half-century. On September 20 during Alumni Weekend -- some 54 years after he clerked for Chief Justice Earl Warren '14 on the nation's highest court -- Choper will review some of the Court's latest key rulings. 


"Reading the reviews of this term, I must say they're greatly oversimplified,'' he said. "My aim is to provide a realistic look at what this term tells us about narrowly-divided courts and to offer a careful appraisal of the constitutional issues involved."  



Seven Questions with Former Ambassador Jeffrey Bleich '89


Jeff Bleich '89 had some concerns when President Barack Obama asked him to serve as U.S. Ambassador to Australia. "Cutting ribbons and wearing sashes weren't on my wish list," Bleich said. "I wanted to make sure the job involved meaningful work geared toward important goals." 


Wish granted. While ambassador from 2009 to 2013, Bleich played a pivotal role in several policy advancements and has received several awards for his effectiveness. Now back in the Bay Area as a managing partner at Munger Tolles & Olson, Bleich will return to Boalt for Alumni Weekend. On September 20, he will describe some of his memorable experiences during a presentation entitled "Rebalancing America's Relationship to Asia with Australia by Our Side." Recently, Bleich spoke about his work as an ambassador and upcoming presentation.  



Thomas Orloff '69 to Receive Jensen Public Service Award


Thomas Orloff '69 admits he was "stunned" to learn he had won Boalt Hall's D. Lowell Jensen and Barbara Jensen Public Service Award. "My wife gave me the message that Jesse Choper had called and I said, 'What in the world could that be about?'" Orloff recalled. "It was a very nice surprise. I'm still a bit taken aback and extremely honored." 


The Jensen Award is given annually to a prominent Berkeley Law graduate who has demonstrated outstanding dedication to public service in the legal profession. Orloff will receive the honor during a special luncheon September 20 -- during the law school's Alumni Weekend festivities -- at the Bancroft Hotel. He spent nearly 40 years at the Alameda County District Attorney's Office, and served as DA from 1995 to 2010.  



Reproductive Rights: 
Center Preps Program on Law, Policy Trends


Alumni Weekend will include a dynamic program, presented by the Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice (CRRJ), on recent trends in law and policy related to reproductive rights -- and the cultural and political shifts undergirding them. Faculty Director Kristin Luker and Executive Director Jill Adams '06 will give an overview of mounting state-level restrictions on access to reproductive healthcare and the challenges brought against them. California and its proactive policymaking efforts will be highlighted, as will long-term strategies to realize rights for marginalized communities whose reproductive decisions have been forced, coerced, or denied. 


"CRRJ explores a range of issues and perspectives related to sex, pregnancy, family, and community," Adams said. "We look forward to highlighting some of the most exigent and impactful among them, including sterilizations performed in prison, public assistance for newborns, and contraceptive insurance coverage. In addition to new state laws, we will touch upon recent Supreme Court cases, as well as those winding their way up to the Court." 

New Dean to Meet with Alumni and Friends Across the Country


Sujit Choudhry, who officially became Boalt's new dean on July 1, will share his vision for the law school in a series of local and regional meetings with alumni and friends. They include a reception at the San Francisco office of Arnold & Porter on August 7, a gathering in Silicon Valley on August 28, and a visit to Miller Starr Regalia in Walnut Creek on September 11. Learn more about Choudhry -- who calls his new job "the opportunity of a lifetime" -- in his recent Transcript magazine Q&A.

With Our Sincere Apologies


Normally, having something in common with Joe DiMaggio, Pope John Paul II, and Mark Twain would be cause for celebration. But when we included Boalt alum William W. Godward '37 in the "In Memoriam" section of the recent issue of Transcript magazine, he joined a list of illustrious people whose passings were erroneously reported. As we found out soon after the magazine hit mailboxes, Bill is very much still with us, having recently celebrated his 101st birthday. We're embarrassed by the gaffe, and we've taken steps to ensure it never happens again. We extend our heartfelt apologies to Bill, his family, friends, and his longtime firm, Cooley LLP.

Ask the Archivist 
By Any Other Name


Q: I recently ran across an old map of the campus from the late 1940s. On it Boalt Hall was labeled as "Joaquin Hall." Was that an earlier name for the law school?


--IS, Albany 


A. Someday someone will invent a Time Borer that will give us the capability of drilling down through time at any specific point on the planet. When that happens, somewhere between Café Zeb and the saber-tooth tigers we will pass through a sepia-washed abode called Joaquin Hall. It will be filled with studious young women, but it will not be the law school.


Faculty News 
Five Distinguished Boalt Scholars Receive Endowed Faculty Chairs


Boalt recently honored five of its scholars with endowed faculty chairs. Chosen for their contributions to legal education and scholarship, the new chair holders were feted at a celebratory event inside Memorial Stadium's University Club with fellow faculty and family members. After an opening welcome by Interim Dean Gillian Lester, the honorees shared bits of the research that had captured their imaginations and expressed gratitude to the donors whose gifts enabled them to delve into a specific course of study.



Student News 
Justine Kentla '16 Wins Major Campus Public Service Award


For most first-year law students, just navigating a new, rigorous, and often perplexing area of study is a notable achievement. But Justine Kentla '16 isn't most law students. Honored recently with a prestigious UC Berkeley Chancellor's Award for Public Service, Kentla is the co-founder of the Focus Forward Project. The nonprofit provides educational training and support to people charged with federal crimes who are awaiting trial or sentencing in New York. While acclimating to her first year at law school, Kentla co-managed the growing East Coast program from 3,000 miles away.



Building Boalt's Future 
Your financial support secures a second century of excellence. Please make a gift today.
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Alumni Online


Join us online on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. LinkedIn is a great resource for referrals, job listings and career development advice from Robert White, Boalt's director of alumni career services.

Calendar Cruising


From the Boalt Calendar:


August 2: Young Alumni Picnic, Golden Gate Park 


August 7: Dean's Welcome Reception, San Francisco


August 28: Dean's Welcome Reception, Silicon Valley


September 11: Dean's Welcome Reception, Contra Costa

September 20-21: Alumni Weekend 


Career Corner


Support for your career development doesn't end with graduation. The Career Development Office provides resources for alums, including access to the b-Line jobs database and individualized confidential career counseling: resume review, job search strategies, career exploration (including careers outside of law practice), and more. See the Alumni Resources page on the CDO website.


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notesClass Notes  
Keep your fellow alums up-to-date with your important life changes by submitting a class note to alumni@law.berkeley.edu. We'll publish your news on the web and/or in the alumni magazine, Transcript