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February 2013
Save the Date: Reunion Weekend
September 27-29


Catch up. Network. Attend interesting panels. And volunteer for your class at reunion@law.berkeley.edu or call Susan Persson at 510.642.2590.

Boalt Reunion

Centers, Clinics & Programs News 
International Executive Program Trains Global Leaders


Boalt's International Executive Legal Education (IELE) program educates the next generation of leaders in emerging regions of the world. Featuring accelerated training programs geared toward international lawyers, judges, in-house counsel, business executives, and government regulators, IELE has provided year-round programs for nearly 500 participants from Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Africa. Boalt faculty and guest lecturers deliver specialized expertise in a wide range of legal subjects.


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Boalt Launches New Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice


On the eve of the 40-year anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Boalt announced the formal launch of its new Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice. Founded by Professor and Pulitzer Prize nominee Kristin Luker, it is one of the first research centers to study the legal, economic, and social impact of reproductive laws on women, families, and communities. "As the nation is mired in a politically-charged debate over abortion, larger issues of women's and family health services have been obscured," said Luker.


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EBCLC Marks 25th Anniversary with Million-Dollar Campaign 


EBCLC logo In celebration of its 25th anniversary, the East Bay Community Law Center has launched a two-year, $1 million Fund for the Future campaign. Sixty percent of the revenue will provide seed funding for a permanent in-house postgraduate fellowship, while 40 percent will enhance the center's client services through high-tech upgrades. Those upgrades include flexible satellite sites closer to clients, courts, and community services, and a "mobile law office" that delivers legal information, counseling, and advocacy where needed.


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Alumni News 
Stephen Kaus '73 Appointed to Alameda County Superior Court 


Stephen Kaus California Governor Jerry Brown appointed Stephen Kaus '73 to a judgeship in the Alameda County Superior Court in Oakland. Prior to his appointment, Kaus was a civil litigation partner at Cooper, White & Cooper in San Francisco and a blog commentator on The Huffington Post. He served as an adjunct professor in federal practice at the University of San Francisco from 1992-1996, and was a partner at Kaus, Kerr & Wagstaffe from 1982-1990. Kaus also worked as a deputy public defender in Contra Costa County and taught trial practice at Boalt from 1980-1984.

Student News 
Trio Wins Negotiation Award 


Third-year students Yulia Buyanin, Cristiana Blauth Oliveira, and Charles Rogerson won the writing portion of American College of Bankruptcy's Inaugural Ninth Circuit Bankruptcy Negotiation Competition. Held in Los Angeles, the event involved preparing a written term sheet and conducting a mock negotiation, both of which pertained to a debt restructuring for a financially distressed winery. Boalt's team was coached by Suzzanne Uhland, an attorney at O'Melveny & Myers, and supervised by Professor Eric Talley.

Faculty News 
Andrew Guzman Book Analyzes Climate Change Challenges


Overheated cover A new book, Overheated: The Human Cost of Climate Change, predicts a grim future for billions of people in this century. The factual account of a staggering human toll, based on hard data, was written by Boalt Professor and Associate Dean Andrew Guzman, an authority on international law and economics. Guzman said climate change "is the most important problem facing the international community in the 21st century. It's a problem that no country alone can solve, but a solution is imperative."


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Jamie O'Connell Examines Impact of Democracy in Arab States


In his paper, "How Democracy in Arab States Can Benefit the West," Lecturer in Residence Jamie O'Connell says emerging democratic Arab nations could reduce the risk of terrorist attacks and bolster economic alliances. O'Connell urges the West to study the nuances of individual Arab states and the preferences of their citizens.


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Ask the Archivist 
Whatever Happened To...


Q: Are there any documents explaining the demise of the Earl Warren Legal Center?


--WW, Berkeley 


A. The convoluted saga of the Earl Warren Legal Center reveals much about the complex and at times uncomfortable issue of fund-raising and building naming. With state financial support for Berkeley ever waning, the Law School is hardly unique on this campus in responding to the hard challenge of capital campaigns by employing a little smoke and quite a few mirrors.


In Memoriam 
Linda Verheecke '93


Linda Verheecke '93 passed away peacefully at her Palo Alto home on December 1, 2012, with her husband, Bob, and their three children, Julia, Michael, and Peter, by her side. Verheecke was a Certified Public Accountant and member of the California Bar who spent her professional career as a tax specialist, first as a CPA and later as an attorney. Most recently she worked as a tax lawyer at BlackRock, an independent global investment management firm. A memorial celebrating Verheecke's life was held Dec. 15 at the UC Berkeley Alumni House.



Sanford "Sandy" Svetcov '64


Sandy Svetcov Sanford "Sandy" Svetcov '64, a San Francisco appellate lawyer and a former prosecutor who gained victories in cases against newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst and a Peoples Temple conspirator, died Feb. 15 at his Larkspur home. Svetcov argued more than 300 appeals in state and federal courts. Last year he won the John Frank Award, the top regional honor for an appellate lawyer, from the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, where he helped run its program of free representation for poor clients. Last September, Svetcov received Boalt's D. Lowell and Barbara Jensen Public Service Award at a special luncheon with invited classmates, family and friends. Previously, Svetcov was a Navy legal officer, deputy state attorney general, and assistant U.S. attorney. He switched to private practice in 1989, and later became a partner at Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd.

Building Boalt's Future 
Your financial support secures a second century of excellence. Please make a gift today.
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connectionsOnline Alumni Networks


All law school graduates are invited to join AlumNetwork. Just email alumni@law.berkeley.edu for your security ID, then visit AlumNetwork here to activate your profile. The online community includes: a directory of alumni, Class Notes, your own personal profile, alumni/ae profiles, events and registration, and more.... 
And be sure to join our other groups: Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. LinkedIn is a great resource for referrals, job listings and career development advice from Robert White, Boalt's director of alumni career services.

Calendar Cruising


Check out Boalt's calendar to keep tabs on the many engaging campus happenings over the next month. Upcoming events include:


* The Berkeley Center for Law & Technology hosts its annual privacy lecture Thursday, Feb. 28 from 3-6 pm at the Bancroft Hotel. The event will address data access and retention in the European Union and United States. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required


The Thelton E. Henderson Center's spring symposium on Friday, March 1. Scholars, activists, and community members will discuss sexual and domestic violence against the backdrop of the prison industrial complex, racialized structural violence, and the criminalization of gender and sexuality.


Ecology Law Quarterly's annual "Race Judicata" 5K run on Saturday, March 16. Proceeds fund summer fellowships for students working in public interest- and public service-oriented environmental law. Email nicholas.jimenez@gmail.com for more information.  

Career Corner


Support for your career development doesn't end with graduation. The Career Development Office provides resources for alums, including access to the b-Line jobs database and individualized confidential career counseling: resume review, job search strategies, career exploration (including careers outside of law practice), and more. See the Alumni Resources page on the CDO website.


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notesClass Notes  
Keep your fellow alums up-to-date with your important life changes by submitting a Class Note. To submit a class note, you will need to use your AlumNetwork ID and password. If you do not have your ID, email alumni@law.berkeley.edu. We'll publish your news on the web and/or the alumni magazine, Transcript.