Happy New Year Wishes to Boalt's Remarkable Community
We hope that 2013 is healthy, peaceful, and prosperous for you and your family. As Boalt charges into the new year teeming with exciting events, we encourage you to check our website to stay current on all that's happening within our special community. From the research centers and clinics to the professional skills and LL.M. programs to the student organizations and journals, 2013 will provide many opportunities for alumni and friends to be part of our innovative programs and engaging gatherings. |
Congress Extends IRA Charitable Giving
If you're at least 70˝ years old, you now have a special opportunity to make a gift to Boalt Hall before February 1, 2013 and have it count for tax purposes in 2012 -- thanks to an extension to the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 signed this month. You can read more about it and contact the Office of Planned Giving at 510.642.6300 or giftplanning@law.berkeley.edu. Thank you for considering this option to make a new gift, an additional gift, your pledge payment, or even an increased gift to Boalt. Your support is invaluable.
BoaltNetwork Takes Flight
The Boalt Hall Alumni Association (BHAA) Board of Directors has launched BoaltNetwork, a series of regional events to increase social interaction and contact among alumni and with the law school. Events may feature topical speakers and discussions, networking opportunities, and more. A look at what's coming up:
Jan. 24: A gathering for 1971 graduates chaired by Bob Evans '71, from 6 to 7:30 pm at the Punchdown in Oakland (2212 Broadway Ave.). Please RSVP to 510.643.6549 or rsvp@law.berkeley.edu. Jan. 31: A Los Angeles area happy hour, chaired by Yury Kapgan '01, from 6 to 8 pm at Le Ka, 800 W. 6th Street. RSVP to 510.643.6549 or rsvp@law.berkeley.edu. Next month: A Chicago gathering chaired by Sarah Weiss '10, and a Washington, D.C. event coordinated by Hector Huezo '08 and others.
Add to the fun as Boalt's Centennial year continues! To chair an event in your area -- be it a happy hour, dinner, sports event, family picnic, or other outing -- contact Rachel Barley, the Alumni Center's BHAA Board liaison, at 510.642.9045 or rbarley@law.berkeley.edu.
All-Alumni Reunion '13 Weekend
All-Alumni Reunion '13 weekend will be held Sept. 27-29, and reunion committees for class years ending in 3 or 8 are beginning to form. If you'd like to chair or serve on your class committee, please contact Susan Persson at 510.642.2590 or spersson@law.berkeley.edu.
Ask the Archivist The Dean and the Pathfinder
Q: I just read that William Carey Jones, the first dean of Boalt Hall, was the brother-in-law of the explorer John C. Frémont. Can that possibly be true?
--RM, Berkeley
A. William Carey Jones was indeed the brother-in-law of John C. Frémont., but what you read was a bit muddled. They have the right Frémont, but not quite the right Jones, or the right Jones but the wrong kinship relation.
Alumni News Jon Tigar '89, Fernando Olguin '89 Appointed to Federal Judgeships
The U.S. Senate has confirmed Berkeley Law classmates Jon Tigar '89 and Fernando Olguin '89 to serve as federal judges in California. Tigar will join the Northern District court in San Francisco, and Olguin will join the Central District court in Los Angeles.
Frank Fahrenkopf '65 to Leave American Gaming Association
Frank Fahrenkopf '65, the American Gaming Association's first president and CEO, will step down after more than 17 years at the helm. He helped establish the National Center for Responsible Gaming, an industry-wide code of conduct for gaming, and a task force that promotes diversity in industry hiring and procurement. Fahrenkopf, who chaired the Republican National Committee from 1983 to 1989, co-chairs the Commission on Presidential Debates.
Zoe Savitsky '11 Receives Dept. of Justice Civil Rights Award
Zoe Savitsky '11 has received the U.S. Department of Justice's John R. Dunne Award, which honors professionals who have furthered the cause of civil rights. A lawyer at the department's Civil Rights Division, Savitsky was the lead trial attorney on an investigation of Alabama's anti-immigration law and its impact on access to education, housing, utilities, and courts.
Student News Post-Conviction Advocacy Project to Help Inmates Navigate Parole

Boalt students will help prisoners navigate the parole process as part of the new Post-Conviction Advocacy Project (P-CAP). Guided by co-leaders Ioana Tchoukleva '14 and Katherine Katcher '13, the group is supervised by Oakland attorney Keith Wattley, who has worked on prisoner and parole cases for 15 years. P-CAP, which will also work on appeals for inmates who have been denied parole, joins Berkeley Law's Student-Initiated Legal Services Projects.
Samantak Ghosh '13 Honored for Paper on Patent Doctrine
Samantak Ghosh '13 has won the American Intellectual Property Law Association's national student writing award for his paper on the policy ramifications of the Supreme Court's recent decision involving patents covering natural processes. Boalt Professor Robert Merges said that "it's fantastic that he's getting recognition on such a grand stage, and his work surely deserves it."
Faculty News Kevin Quinn Examines Separate Opinions in Multi-Member Courts
The California Law Review's latest issue tackles an intriguing topic: what motivates judges on multi-member courts to publish separate opinions? An article by Professor Kevin Quinn analyzes the growing academic study of the decision-making process of these courts. You can read it here.
Stavros Gadinis Tackles Political Oversight of Financial Institutions
A new article by Assistant Professor Stavros Gadinis describes how the 2007-08 worldwide economic crisis led to greater political oversight of independent financial institutions. But he warns that such involvement by elected politicians might actually endanger international financial markets, not stabilize them. You can read the article here.
Building Boalt's Future
Your financial support secures a second century of excellence. Please make a gift today.
Online Alumni Networks
All law school graduates are invited to join AlumNetwork. Just email alumni@law.berkeley.edu for your security ID, then visit AlumNetwork here to activate your profile. The online community includes: a directory of alumni, Class Notes, your own personal profile, alumni/ae profiles, events and registration, and more.... And be sure to join our other groups: Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. LinkedIn is a great resource for referrals, job listings and career development advice from Robert White, Boalt's director of alumni career services.
Calendar Cruising
Check out Boalt's calendar to track the many compelling events on campus over the next month. One is the free Regent's Lecture on Jan. 24 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at 105 Stanley Hall. Biotech pioneer Dr. Thomas White, who has more than 30 years of experience in medical biotechnology at Bay Area firms, will discuss genomic medicine in terms of economics, law, and politics, as well as science. For more information, contact Bernadette Powell at 510.643.9903 or powell@berkeley.edu.
Other upcoming events include an Orange County alumni gathering Feb. 7 in Costa Mesa, a presentation on the JOBS Act by Professor Robert Bartlett Feb. 12 in San Francisco, and a talk on "Constructing a Better LIBOR" by Professor Eric Talley Feb. 13 in Los Angeles.
Career Corner
Support for your career development doesn't end with graduation. The Career Development Office provides resources for alums, including access to the b-Line jobs database and individualized confidential career counseling: resume review, job search strategies, career exploration (including careers outside of law practice), and more. See the Alumni Resources page on the CDO website.