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The 11th Cavalry Memorial Project is well underway.  Our monument is now in storage at the Columbus Monument Company until the spring, when the key parts will be used in the erection of the new memorial on the future site of a new Armor and Cavalry Museum.   
Here is an artist's sketch of what the new monument will look like, with a target date of completion on or about 1 June of 2015.

The centerpiece obelisk is a rock which was quarried in Vietnam and brought back to Fort Knox carrying the names of our KIA.  Over time it has been enhanced with other obelisks to memorialize our KIA from our other conflicts.
It is now a monument for all of our eras of service.  First of its kind.  A benchmark for all other armor and cavalry regiments to try and emulate.  A place where Blackhorse Troopers of all eras can connect with their past and their future (the new Home of Armor).  A fitting memorial to the Blackhorse Troopers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice since 1901.  A place to take your family and say: "This is who I am.  I was part of the Eleventh United States Cavalry, the one and only Blackhorse Regiment."
The cost of the project will be shared between the 11th Armored Cavalry's Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia and the Blackhorse Association.  To help offset the cost, both organizations have been offering granite memorial bricks.
Anyone can purchase a memorial brick, at a cost of $100 each.  The bricks are a lasting tribute of your service to our regiment.  The bricks are a special way in which we all can participate and show our support for our fellow Blackhorse troopers whose names are listed on the memorials.  The bricks measure 8 x 4 x 2 inches and can accommodate inscription of up to three lines of 15 characters per line.  Many choose to have their name, unit and years of service with the regiment inscribed on their brick.  Others have chosen to put the names of other troopers on a brick. You may purchase bricks along with others to be placed together at the new monument - for example, a group from K Troop, 3/11 from Bad Hersfeld in the 80's is purchasing approximately 10 bricks for that purpose.  In the sketch above, the pavers will be placed in the four rectangular areas shown.

The opportunity to purchase a brick will end on December 31, 2014.  

To purchase a brick, you can:

 (1) go to our website at and follow the instructions on the top right of the home page, or
(2) fill out the paver form (link below) and send to Don Wicks at the address on the form along with a check or credit card information
The Blackhorse Association and the ACVVC thank you for your generosity in supporting this important project.
**If you want to contribute to erecting our new monument at Fort Benning, but do not want to purchase a paver, please (1) go to our website, click on "Donate" and click on "Contribute to our Operating Fund", or (2) send a check directly to our Treasurer at:
The Blackhorse Association
ATTN: Treasurer
P. O. Box 84093
Lexington, SC 29073



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Please notice: Content on the sites below do not represent the official views of The Blackhorse Association, the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment or the US Army   



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