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Introducing The Raffetto Group & Dr. Al
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Welcome to my newsletter!  Perhaps you've had the opportunity to receive some of my past digital "words of wisdom" or maybe this is your first exposure to "Dr. Al." In any case, I hope you will join me in exploring the dynamics of bringing positive change to the workplace. 

This is the first of a series of four webletters you will receive from me over the next several weeks.  They will introduce my credentials and experience, and then outline my areas of expertise in employee recruiting, training, testing, and organizational change. I hope that these introductory messages will raise your interest and awareness of steps you can take to realize lasting results in your workplace.

Keep a Good Thought,

Dr. Al Signature

Allen M. "Dr. Al"  Raffetto, Ph.D.  

An Introduction to Dr. Al
Where He's Been, What He's Learned, What He Does...


Allen M. Raffetto, Ph.D., the group's founder, brings together psychology and business for clients throughout the United States and Canada. He has worked extensively with companies in the Midwest since 1983. "Dr. Al" holds degrees in psychology from Stanford University (B.A.), San Francisco State University (M.A.) and the University of North Dakota, (Ph.D.). His specialized area, cognitive psychology, includes studies of human learning, memory, perception and information processing.

You Chart  

Dr. Al was a member of the faculty and Chairman of the Psychology Department at Beloit College from 1969 to 1984. During those years he also held research appointments at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he studied the reading process, and at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, where he participated in an on-going study of how medical education transforms bright students into practicing physicians.


The Raffetto Group works with the brightest and most progressive businesses & leaders to increase results and quality in their operations. We mine and develop the talents of you and your company's personnel, building your plans and your people in ways that transform interesting ideas into successful realities. We coach the whole person because in business and life, selectively choosing to change doesn't work and costs you way too much.
Topic of next webletter: Coaching Leaders & Their Companies
Click to See My Blog

Dr. Al 
Rivers, Vineyards and Gold... 
All are in California and all shaped who Dr. Al is as well as his approach to life.
While growing up on the Russian River, 70 miles north of San Francisco, he worked and played in the surrounding vineyards of the Sonoma Valley. 
Dr. Al's ancestors were drawn to California in the 1850's by the lure of gold. Knowledge became the treasure that Dr. Al came to value as a fourth generation native of Northern California. 
His parents Dr. Joe and Vivian guided him to Stanford, and in time Dr. Al earned   his Ph.D. in Psychology. He t hen steadily built a professional practice focused on developing the full wellness in people and businesses.
Dr. Al recruits, directs and helps grow people into the key players every organization seeks. He will match their strengths with their company's needs for achieving strategic well-being. 

Wheel of Life

$200 OFF 

How Round is Your Wheel of Life?
You invest in office equipment, you invest in property and vehicles, you may even invest in training to make key players better at their jobs. But how often do you invest in yourself? It is not unusual for dynamic executives to throw themselves headlong into work with little regard for their personal well-being, and before they know it they find that their lives are in disarray and their business suffers as a result.
We can be your personal coach. We will help you balance the various demands in your life, and prioritize between business and personal, short-term vs. long-term, and profits vs. investment. Coaching sessions are one hour in length, once a week, and can be conducted in person at our resource center or in an appropriate location within Superior, Wisconsin. We can also conduct sessions on-line via GoTo Meeting webinars.
Provisions: Consulting fees for one month of personal coaching are $800 for four sessions. This offer is good for $200 off from our standard fees, for a net cost to you of $600. Please ask us for more information. 
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Helping you Connect, Inform & Grow!  (218) 341-3476 - doug@cooltownconnect.com