The Elijah Prophecy
 Modern Manna Ministries                  Issue 154 
December 7, 2012

Danny and Fruit (Pink)




Risen Logo long 








Nov 25 - Dec 4

Jan 20 - 29
















































BellaVita Lifestyle
River View
Nature Paths

Colloidal Silver-treated pool

Fitness Room
Professional Fitness Center

100 Fruit Trees

 Mock Salmon and Crackers
Organic, raw, gourmet meals

Ozone Jacuzzi

BV PRayer
New Cedar Sauna 

New Coldsheet
Coldsheet Treatments
BV Grad Diploma  A Young Graduate 
Debbie BV
Organic Juices 
For more information:

These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. These products are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or medical condition.

The Lord is the Master Physician. The Bible says He is the One who "forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." Ps.103:3


Incredible New Video




       We just finished another BellaVita Lifestyle Center program where twelve guests experienced incredible improvements, or should I say miracles, in only ten days on the therapeutic cleansing program. We also have an exciting new seven-minute video for you to watch below.

     Ron came with anxiety at a level 10. He had a quadruple bypass, was totally stressed-out, and still smoking when he arrived. In fact, he confessed that he drove up and down the road smoking his last cigarette before he pulled into BellaVita's driveway. His diet was terrible, and he occasionally drank too much. He did not know what to expect at BellaVita, but knew he was in trouble physically, mentally, and spiritually.

       I immediately took a liking to Ron. I saw the stress in Ron his face, and knew, at once, that the man was a mess. At graduation, ten days later, I told Ron that he should receive the most improved award. He lost weight, his blood pressure dropped to 108/78, his psoriasis totally cleared up, he had no smoking withdrawals, and, best of all, his anxiety went from a level 10 to zero and decreased his anxiety medication, per the advice of his doctor, to half the dose. When I spoke to his son Mario, a couple of days later, he said: "This is the father I remember. Thank you, Danny, for helping him get his life back."

     Olga came to BellaVita wanting a good detox and tune-up. She had a brain aneurysm two years ago and found Jesus. She came with a rash, which doctors failed to heal, that disappeared in only 7 days. She lost weight and inches, and had to tighten her belt a couple of Olga notches to keep her pants from falling down. She had not jogged in years, but loved that she began jogging again and walking 4 miles a day. Her morning cough stopped, she gained better clarity of the mind, the coldsheet treatment helped her resolve her emotional issues, and, spiritually, she gained a deeper relationship with the Lord! She also signed up for R I S E N, our Medical Missionary School, to become a Natural Hygiene Coach, and wants to get busy in the health field at the corporate level coaching executives on how to cleanse and regenerate their whole being!

     Alex came with osteoarthritis and pain in her hands, legs, and feet, besides a rash on her back, head, and neck. AlexAlso, her jaw felt like it was kind of locked. After 10 days at BellaVita, her rash was completely gone, her energy was much better, her pain was gone, her finger swelling was nearly gone, and her jaw is moving much better. She is so happy she received more than she hoped for at BellaVita.

     Our goal at this unique health center is to recharge man's vital force! Praise the Lord for showing us His health and healing program! When you combine cleansing with the regenerating part of the program, the miracles happen! It is God who heals. 

     Jim came to BellaVita with high blood pressure and on medication. The first day, his blood pressure was 124/72. On day ten, without medication, his pressure was an astounding 106/62. This shows you the power of the program. With the juice fasting for 5 days, cleansing drinks and poultices, all the organic living foods and raw meals, no grains (especially gluten), and the herbal formulas that cleanse and regenerate the organs--the liver, kidneys, lungs, colon, skin, lymph, and blood--the miracles happen. Our goal at BellaVita is to alkalinize the body and purify the blood. It is our own immune system and God who does all the healing! We simple educate people on obeying God's health and spiritual laws, and practice His program at BellaVita Lifestyle Center.

     Ophelia came with her sweet husband Samuel, who was able to lift his arms over his head for the first time in months. Ophelia's blood sugar was 361 the day she arrived. She was on Ophelia medication for neuropathy and terrible pain in her legs. She experienced some great improvements, as her blood sugar dropped nearly 200 points in 7 days and her leg pain was gone by day 10. She cut her medication from 4 pills to one a day, and was very happy with the quick results.  

    Two other guests saw their rashes heal and disappear in a few days. Dick lost 8 lbs, and loved the spiritual part of the program. He is so excited that he wants Charmaine and me to do a health weekend in Georgia. Elizabeth's blood pressure dropped from 140/92 to 107/76 and Kurt's from 136/83 to 106/60. He also lost 9 lbs. in 10 days. Shiela's blood pressure dropped from 108/65 to an incredible 85/59. Betty was feeling so much better by day ten because she lost weight, lowered her blood pressure, and felt spiritually recharged.

     Mioara came with breast and brain cancer and using chemo. She was overweight, but lost 10 lbs. in ten Miora days. The pain in her legs plus her edema disappeared, as did her stomach problems. She felt so much better on the cleanse, and enjoyed the barefoot walks (earthing) on the slightly wet pasture grass each day. The flaxseed oil, rich in electrons, and the sunshine, rich in protons, helped this lovely woman regain vital force or electrical charge. Her complexion looked so much better, and it was quite noticeable. She was so happy that God smiled on her each day at BellaVita, and she could not thank us enough for all the love she received from everyone.

     Charmaine and her helper and R I S E N graduate, Patti Miller, did a fabulous job preparing raw Patti and Charmaine meals and doing demos. The meals were absolutely fabulous! The Raw Pasta with raw pesto and marinara sauce, Raw Garden Burgers, Kale Chips, and Paprika-dipped Jicama sticks, the gorgeous, live BellaPizza, Garden Minestrone,  Raw Pomegranate Cheesecake and Butternut Pie were so YUMMY!!! Make sure to see Charmaine's raw recipe below.

     BellaVita is getting more popular than ever. We are now turning people away because we do not have enough room to house everyone that wants to come. The experience at BellaVita is so unique because most centers do not offer cleansing of the elimination organs, raw foods and juices, and herbal tonics. Many do not know how to effectively and naturally cleanse the colon of old feces and parasites, the gallbladder and kidneys of stones, or to detoxify the lymph system and blood. When you understand that disease is caused from two things -- toxicity and deficiency, the BellaVita Therapeutic cleansing and regenerating program makes perfect sense.


EXCITING NEW VIDEO! Guaranteed to touch your heart!


Blessings as always,

Danny Vierra







Cropped Charmaine
Chef Charmaine 
  BellaVegan Image



1 1/2 cup sprouted buckwheat groats, see sprouting directions beow

garlic  spices and herbs to taste

2/3 cup soaked flax seeds

� cup olive oil

2/3 cup carrot pulp

Put all ingredients in food processor, blend for 1 minute. Spread onto solid dehydrator sheet making sure to cover sheet without going over edges. BellaPizza Dehydrate at 110 degrees for 4-5 hours. Transfer to a mesh sheet and dehydrate for another 4-5 hours. Top with Mac Cream, Bar B'Que sauce and veggies of your choice. (peppers, olives, zucchini, green onion, basil, tomatoes, grated butternut, cauliflower crumbles)


Bar B'Que Sauce

1 cup fresh tomatoes, chopped

� cup sun-dried tomatoes, chopped

� tsp. minced jalape�o

� cup dates pitted

1 tsp. Celtic sea salt

� cup chopped onion

� tsp. minced garlic

4 fresh basil leaves

Blend all ingredients except sun-dried tomatoes and dates.  Blend until smooth, and then add them.


Mac Cream (yields 2 cups)

1 cup raw macadamia nuts

� cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice

1 Tbsp. garlic

1 cup raw cashews

1 � tsp. Celtic sea salt

�-1/2 cup water

Blend until creamy.


Sprouting Buckwheat Groats

Place 1 cup raw buckwheat groat seeds into a bowl or sprouter. Cover with 2-3 times as much cool, purified water. Swish seeds around to assure even water contact for all.  Seeds will sprout if soaked even a minimum of 2 hours at regular room temperature. However, you can soak overnight. Drain off the soak water. Rinse thoroughly with cool water. Groats create very starchy water (short soak less starchy); it's very thick! They won't sprout well unless rinsed well, so rinse until the water runs clear. Drain thoroughly. You can add to your sprouter at this time or simply put the sprouts in a colander and cover with a tea towel. Set out of direct sunlight at room temperature (70 degrees is optimal; if it's too cold they won't sprout or may take several days. Warm rooms may see sprouts in 1 day). Rinse 2 to 3 times a day.  Groats will have 1/8-1/4 inch tails. Yields approximately 1 � cups of sprouts.


"Like" Charmaine's New Facebook page, BellaVegan. Here is the link to BellaVegan.



Chef Charmaine
Coming Events & Speaking Engagements -
Call 800-655-3228 for more informatio


January 11-13

Fresno Central Valley SDA Church

Natural Remedies and Raw Food Workshop 

and PCRM's Children's Health Program

Fresno, CA


April 2013

Santa Cruz SDA Church

1024 Cayuga St
Santa Cruz, CA 95062-2422




Married couples,  take time together and have a date
Danny and Charmaine at Breakfast night each week. This will give you quality time together without distractions. Quality time is one of the 5 languages of love. Husbands, look your wife in the eyes and listen to her heart. Women, tell him how much you appreciate his hard work. Enjoy your evening together without cell phones, computers, or TV, and pray with each other at the beginning and the end of the date. 
Crusade 2012  
 You can now order the complete set of 12 DVDs online or by calling 800.655.3228 for the low price of $99.00.



Risen Logo long



    This program is offered in a 2-part training series, which includes a distance-learning course entitled "Fundamentals of Natural Hygiene", and an intensive residential program equipping the graduate as a Certified Natural Hygiene Coach.

   "The hygienic system teaches that disease is a remedial effort, a struggle against the vital powers to purify the system and recover the normal state. This effort should be aided, directed, and regulated if need be, but never suppressed. What is this mysterious thing called disease? It is simply an effort to remove obstructing material which we call toxic materials from the organic domain and to repair damages. Disease is a process of purification and repair. It is remedial action. It is a power struggle to overcome obstructions and to keep the channels of circulation free." Natural Hygiene, The Puristine Way of Life. 


1. Fundamentals of Natural Hygiene - A Prerequisite Course for the Natural Hygiene Coach Certification Program. Program launches July 2, 2012. A diploma is issued upon successful completion of course exams with accuracy of 85% or better. This training series consists of 10 components (includes 16 DVDs and required resource books) covering a broad spectrum on health and nutrition, disease, its causes, prevention and cure. Exclusive presentations on video by Charlotte Gerson, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Russell Blaylock, Dr. Neal Barnard, and Danny Vierra, CNC. Graduates gain the foundation necessary for successful understanding of the purpose and function of natural hygiene and its practical application. 


2. Natural Hygiene Coach Certification - A 14-Day Residential Program located at the BellaVita Lifestyle Center. Onsite program begins OCTOBER 18 through NOVEMBER 1, 2012. Certification is issued upon successful completion of residential program at BellaVita Lifestyle Center. Enjoy the beauty and relaxing atmosphere of the BellaVita Lifestyle Center as you train to become a Certified Natural Hygiene Coach during the premiere 14-day intensive program. Come and learn while you engage in the complete 10-day cleansing, detoxification, and regeneration program with additional education in the following:

  • Raw Food Instruction (20 hours)
  • Extensive Instruction in Natural Hygiene
  • Live Juices for Cleansing and Rebuilding
  • Hydrotherapy including Coldsheet Treatments
  • Massage
  • Practical Application of Herbal Medicine
  • Square-foot Gardening Method
  • How to Operate Your Own Lifestyle Education Home
  • Church-based Health Outreach & Evangelism
  • Blending the Health Message with the Gospel & more

    Natural Hygiene Coach Certification (NHC) provides cutting-edge curricula and training to individuals desiring to direct and operate a lifestyle education home and support individuals through the process of cleansing and detoxification of the seven elimination organs/systems of the body and regeneration of the whole person. NHC graduates are licensed to use BellaVita Lifestyle Center Teacher's Manual and programmatic materials (including 26 instructional DVDs) for individualized detoxification sessions. Prospective applicants to the NHC Certification MUST HAVE COMPLETED Fundamentals of Natural Hygiene with a score of 85% or better. Internship for Certified Natural Hygiene Coaches - NHC graduates may apply for an internship at BellaVita Lifestyle Center's 10-day detoxification program.

   "Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power--these are the true remedies. Every person should have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them. It is essential both to understand the principles involved in the treatment of the sick and to have a practical training that will enable one rightly to use this knowledge." Ministry of Healing, p. 127, Ellen G. White. In fact, this prolific author wrote much about the necessity of removing impurities from the body, and supported the Hygienic reform movement.  


Here are the links for more information: 


Fundamentals of Natural Hygiene Basic Plan


Fundamentals of Natural Hygiene Complete Plan 

(Includes all required textbooks)


For additional information, please contact:


One Final Note
I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Time is short and Jesus is coming soon. The signs are all around us.


Please help Modern Manna reach the world with the health message and the gospel. Donations can be made online at www.modernmanna or just drop me a note at or call 1-800-655-3228. Perhaps we can encourage one another.  

God bless you,
Danny Vierra
Modern Manna

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