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Events at a Glance

January 18 ~ Harbor Springs preview service @ 5 pm at HS Middle School


STUDENT EVENTS: For the latest info, check out the Genesis students Facebook pages in Petoskey and Boyne City.

PRAYER: To share a prayer request during the week, please contact the Genesis Office at 231.487.0081 or info@genesiswired.com.

ONLINE GIVING: Online giving is available on the Genesis Church website via PayPal.

The Weekly Update
January 7, 2015

Did you miss last Sunday's talk?
Listen here: Petoskey and Boyne City. You can also listen to the talk from the most recent Harbor Springs preview service.
Check out the Genesis Next Step videos at www.genesiswired.com/next!
Last Sunday at The Gathering




If Genesis is your church, we want to invite you to a "This is My Church Luncheon" ~ January 18 in Boyne City or January 25 in Petoskey, following the Sunday Gatherings. These are two opportunities to gather with the family of Genesis to hear updates and give feedback on the 2015 Budget, Future Facility Direction, and other plans. Please RSVP for a luncheon on your connection card at The Gathering, or sign up online at www.genesiswired.com/signup, or call the Genesis Office (231.487.0081).


This Sunday at The Gathering

In Petoskey & Boyne City:
Do you ever get frustrated trying to read or understand the Bible? Many choose not to study it because it can seem impossible. While we may not understand everything, God desires we dig, apply some principles and gain His help to learn His ways. This Sunday, we will go through these key principles to gain hope in studying the Bible in order to Walk in the Light.

The Genesis Church office is located at 510 Howard Street in Petoskey.
Office Hours: Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 10 am - noon & 1-4 pm
Mailing address: PO Box 2008, Petoskey, MI 49770