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Rainy Day Books is located in
The Fairway Shops 2706 W 53rd Street Fairway, Kansas 66205-1705 Phone: 913-384-3126
Store Hours: Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri 10 to 6 and Saturdays 10 to 5 Sundays we are Home with our families and friends to read and rest!
Our World-Famous Author Events Calendar!
On Tuesday, July 14th, Vivien gave a Reading Recommendation presentation to three Book Clubs at a luncheon at Rolling Hills Presbyterian Church. That day was also the launch for the new Harper Lee Book. So what was the Besteller at the luncheon?? We Are Called to Rise by Laura McBride, a Rainy Day Books favorite! However, the ladies also bought a number of Go Set a Watchman, because Vivien had read it the night before and gave it two thumbs up! Also, Vivien recommended The Summer House by Santa Montefiore from London, England, who is making it big in America like in the UK and Europe!
Read our Weekly Author Events Newsletters! We work smart & hard to create exciting and unique opportunities as we celebrate 40 Years of bringing Author, Books and Customers together for memorable experiences!
TONIGHT: Jenny Milchman will launch The Rainy Day Books Mystery Book Club!
Jenny Milchman, will discuss her New Book As Night Falls. This Event is the launch of The Rainy Day Books Mystery Book Club, with discussion led by Becci West, Assistant Manager.
This Event is Monday, July 20, 2015 at 7:00 PM at Rainy Day Books in The Fairway Shops, 2706 W 53rd Street, Fairway, Kansas 66205.
Thursday Night: Kathy Reichs, MD, New York Times Bestselling Author!
Kathy Reichs, MD, New York Times Bestselling Author and Producer of the hit FOX TV show BONES, will give a Multimedia Presentation and she will discuss her life, career, and her new Mystery Novel Speaking in Bones.
This Event is Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 7:00 PM at Unity Temple on The Plaza, Sanctuary, 707 W 47th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64112.
JUST ADDED: Dr. Bob Hill!
This Event is Tuesday, August 4, 2015 at 7:00 PM at Rainy Day Books in The Fairway Shops, 2706 W 53rd Street, Fairway, Kansas 66205.
Great New Books arrive on our shelves each Week!

Speaking in Bones
Kathy Reichs, MD
Professionally, Temperance Brennan knows exactly what to do test, analyze, identify. Her personal life is another story. She's at a loss, wondering how to answer police detective Andrew Ryan's marriage proposal. But the matter of matrimony takes a backseat when murder rears its head. Hazel Lucky Strike a strident amateur detective who mines the Internet for cold cases comes to Brennan with a tape recording of an unknown girl being held prisoner and terrorized. Strike is convinced the voice is that of eighteen-year-old Cora Teague, who went missing more than three years earlier. Strike is also certain that the teenager's remains are gathering dust in Temperance Brennan's lab. Brennan has doubts about working with a self-styled websleuth. But when the evidence seems to add up, Brennan's next stop is the treacherous backwoods where the chilling recording (and maybe Cora Teague's bones) were discovered. Her forensic field trip only turns up more disturbing questions along with gruesome proof of more untimely deaths. While local legends of eerie nocturnal phenomena and sinister satanic cults abound, it's a zealous and secretive religious sect that has Brennan spooked and struggling to separate the saints from the sinners. But there's nothing, including fire and brimstone, that can distract her from digging up the truth and taking down a killer even as Brennan finds herself in a place where angels fear to tread, devils demand their due, and she may be damned no matter what.

The Other Daughter
Lauren Willig
St. Martin's Press
Raised in a poor yet genteel household, Rachel Woodley is working in France as a governess when she receives news that her mother has died, suddenly. Grief-stricken, she returns to the small town in England where she was raised to clear out the cottage...and finds a cutting from a London society magazine, with a photograph of her supposedly deceased father dated all of three month before. He's an earl, respected and influential, and he is standing with another daughter-his legitimate daughter. Which makes Rachel...not legitimate. Everything she thought she knew about herself and her past-even her very name-is a lie. Still reeling from the death of her mother, and furious at this betrayal, Rachel sets herself up in London under a new identity. There she insinuates herself into the party-going crowd of Bright Young Things, with a steely determination to unveil her father's perfidy and bring his-and her half-sister's-charmed world crashing down. Very soon, however, Rachel faces two unexpected snags: she finds she genuinely likes her half-sister, Olivia, whose situation isn't as simple it appears; and she might just be falling for her sister's fiance.

The Other Son
Alexander Soderberg
Crown Publishing Group
The exciting follow-up to The Andalucian Friend, a breakneck thriller that follows Sophie Brinkmann as she faces the consequences of joining Hector Guzman's crime empire From the moment Hector Guzman entered a coma, Sophie Brinkmann has regretted joining his crime family. Hector's right hand, Aron Geisler, is doing all he can to keep the sinking ship afloat and keep Sophie in their steely grip. But when Hector's brother is murdered in Biarritz, Sophie gains the upper hand, and intends to use it. Sophie becomes a player in a game where the rules are constantly changing, where loyalty and friendship are rendered meaningless. In order to survive, she must look inward and find her inner darkness. If not, she will be swallowed whole by the forces closing in on her: vengeful mobsters, cunning detectives, charismatic arms dealers, and possibly her own son.

All Together Now
Gill Hornby
Little Brown and Company
The small town of Bridgeford is in crisis. Downtown is deserted, businesses are closing, and the idea of civic pride seems old-fashioned to residents rushing through the streets to get somewhere else. Bridgeford seems to have lost its heart. But there is one thing that just might unite the community--music. The local choir, a group generally either ignored or mocked by most of Bridgeford's inhabitants, is preparing for an important contest, and to win it they need new members, and a whole new sound. Enlisting (some may say drafting) singers, who include a mother suffering from empty-nest syndrome, a middle-aged man who has just lost his job and his family, and a nineteen-year-old waitress who dreams of reality-TV stardom, the choir regulars must find--and make--harmony with neighbors they've been happy not to know for years. Can they all learn to work together, save the choir, and maybe even save their town in the process? All Together Now is a poignant and charming novel about community, family, falling in love--and the big rewards of making a small change.

The Rosie Effect
Graeme Simsion
Simon and Schuster
With The Rosie Project, Graeme Simsion "achieved the impossible and created an entirely new kind of romantic hero," Jojo Moyes, author of Me Before You said. Now Don Tillman returns in the hilarious and charming sequel to the international sensation. Get ready to fall in love all over again. Don sets about learning the protocols of becoming a father, but his unusual research style gets him into trouble with the law. Fortunately his best friend Gene is on hand to offer advice: he's left Claudia and moved in with Don and Rosie. Picking up where The Rosie Project left off, The Rosie Effect is a fun, hilarious, and poignant read. "Don Tillman helps us believe in possibility, makes us proud to be human beings, and the bonus is this: he keeps us laughing like hell" (Matthew Quick, author of The Silver Linings Playbook).

The Pine Tar Game: The Kansas City Royals, the New York Yankees, and Baseball's Most Absurd and Entertaining Controversy
Filip Bondy
Scribner Book Company
On July 24, 1983, during the finale of a heated four-game series between the dynastic New York Yankees and small-town Kansas City Royals, umpires nullified a go-ahead home run based on an obscure rule, when Yankees manager Billy Martin pointed out an illegal amount of pine tar--the sticky substance used for a better grip--on Royals third baseman George Brett's bat. Brett wildly charged out of the dugout and chaos ensued. The call temporarily cost the Royals the game, but the decision was eventually overturned, resulting in a resumption of the game several weeks later that created its own hysteria. The Pine Tar Game chronicles this watershed moment, marking a pivot in the sport, when benign cheating tactics, like spitballs, Superball bats, and a couple extra inches of tar on an ash bat, gave way to era of soaring salaries, labor struggles, and rampant use of performance-enhancing drugs. Filip Bondy paints a portrait of the Yankees and Royals of that era, featuring two diametrically opposed owners, in George Steinbrenner and Ewing Kauffman; a host of bad actors and phenomenal athletes; and lots of yelling. Players and club officials like Brett, Goose Gossage, Willie Randolph, Ron Guidry, Sparky Lyle, David Cone, and John Schuerholz offer fresh commentary on the events along with their take on a rivalry that culminated in one of the most iconic baseball tantrums of all time. Rush Limbaugh, employed by the Royals at the time as a promotions director, offers his own insider's perspective. Through this one fateful game, the ensuing protest, and ultimate fallout, The Pine Tar Game examines a more innocent time in professional sports, as well as the shifting tide that gave us today's modern iteration of baseball.

The Reason for Flowers: Their History, Culture, Biology, and How They Change Our Lives
Stephen Buchmann
Scribner Book Company
Flowers, and the fruits that follow, feed, clothe, sustain, and inspire all humanity. They have done so since before recorded history. Flowers are used to celebrate all-important occasions, to express love, and are also the basis of global industries. Americans buy ten million flowers a day and perfumes are a worldwide industry worth $30 billion dollars annually. Yet, we know little about flowers, their origins, bizarre sex lives, or how humans relate and depend upon them. Stephen Buchmann takes us along on an exploratory journey of the roles flowers play in the production of our foods, spices, medicines, perfumes, while simultaneously bringing joy and health. Flowering plants continue to serve as inspiration in our myths and legends, in the fine and decorative arts, and in literary works of prose and poetry. Flowers seduce us--and animals, too--through their myriad shapes, colors, textures, and scents. And because of our extraordinary appetite for more unusual and beautiful "super flowers," plant breeders have created such unnatural blooms as blue roses and black petunias to cater to the human world of "haute couture" fashion. In so doing, the nectar and pollen vital to the bees, butterflies, and bats of the world, are being reduced. Buchmann explains the unfortunate consequences, and explores how to counter them by growing the right flowers. Here, he integrates fascinating stories about the many colorful personalities who populate the world of flowers, and the flowers and pollinators themselves, with a research-based narrative that illuminates just why there is, indeed, a Reason for Flowers.

Lessons from Tara: Life Advice from the World's Most Brilliant Dog
David Rosenfelt
St. Martin's Press
David Rosenfelt's loyal readers of the Andy Carpenter series are familiar with Tara, the golden retriever sidekick. Many also got to know Tara from Dogtripping, David's nonfiction book about becoming a slightly nutty dog rescuer and the dog that started it all. Here, finally, is a book all about the inspirational canine who taught David everything he knows. Well, he did know how to tie his shoes before he met and came to love Tara, but that's about it. Through Tara, David learned about dating, about being able to share his emotions, and also about everyday stuff like who gets to use the pillow if several dogs are sleeping in your bed (clue: It's not the human) and why random barking will never be something that can be eliminated. Lessons From Tara is infused with David's trademark wry and self-deprecating sense of humor, and will move readers to tears and laughter.

War of the Whales: A True Story
Joshua Horwitz
Simon and Schuster
Six years in the making, War of the Whales is the "gripping detective tale" (Publishers Weekly) of a crusading attorney, Joel Reynolds, who stumbles on one of the US Navy's best-kept secrets: a submarine detection system that floods entire ocean basins with high-intensity sound--and drives whales onto beaches. As Joel Reynolds launches a legal fight to expose and challenge the Navy program, marine biologist Ken Balcomb witnesses a mysterious mass stranding of whales near his research station in the Bahamas. Investigating this calamity, Balcomb is forced to choose between his conscience and an oath of secrecy he swore to the Navy in his youth. "'War of the Whales' reads like the best investigative journalism, with cinematic scenes of strandings and dramatic David-and-Goliath courtroom dramas as activists diligently hold the Navy accountable" (The Huffington Post). When Balcomb and Reynolds team up to expose the truth behind an epidemic of mass strandings, the stage is set for an epic battle that pits admirals against activists, rogue submarines against weaponized dolphins, and national security against the need to safeguard the ocean environment. "Strong and valuable" (The Washington Post), "brilliantly told" (Bob Woodward). Joshua Horwitz combines the best of legal drama, natural history, and military intrigue to raise serious questions about the unchecked use of secrecy by the military to advance its institutional power.
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Rainy Day Books is located in The Fairway Shops, at the Northwest corner of the intersection of Shawnee Mission Parkway and Belinder Road. Our address is 2706 W 53rd Street, Fairway, Kansas (KS) 66205. Our Phone Number is 913-384-3126.
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Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM; Saturdays: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM; and Sundays we read, rest and enjoy time with our families and friends.
When you shop at Rainy Day Books you're a part of our Legacy of Literacy for Kansas City. We provide full service, knowledgeable Reading Recommendations and priceless Author Event experiences, all at a fair price. To our faithful loyal Customers, we say Thank You for your Support! We look forward to seeing again you soon!
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Life is Good and it just keeps getting Better,
Vivien & Roger and all of your friends at Rainy Day Books