Marianist Lay Network of North America
Building a Community of Communities
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Internat'l Org. of Marianist Lay Communities

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 and the Magnificat 



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MLNNA operates through the generosity of lay Marianists and Marianist Lay Communities that make up its membership. This newsletter and our support of MSJC, MLFI, and the IO-MLC couldn't happen without your support. To make a contribution, click the button below.




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Maintaining an accurate list of MLC's is a constant challenge. Take a look at the link below and write to
 if you see anything that needs corrected.







Mary's Yes Continues in Our Yes

   Matt Dunn face

Dear Friends,

As I reflect on Advent and Christmas, I'm also conscientious of what it means to call myself Marianist - joining in Mary's mission of bringing Christ to the world. Given recent world events, especially those right here in the United States, Mary's Magnificat touches me in new and deeper ways.


We are blessed. God has done great things. But God's work is not done. And our work is not done. As a society, we have a long way to go in recognizing injustices that surround us. We have a long way to go to treat all people with dignity. We have a long way to go to be Christ to others, and to see Christ in others. The Christ for which we await at Christmas is present in us, but he is also present in others, including those different from us. The heaven we seek will only be realized when we all understand this and work toward a just, humane, and inclusive society (world).


It's always amazing to me how timeless the lessons of the Bible are. Similarly, I find myself increasingly aware of how our world is not much different from the times of Blessed Chaminade, Mother Adele, and Marie Therese. Mary's work is not finished. Our Founders' work is not finished. Our work is not finished.


As Marianists, we have a gift to share with the Church and world. We build community. We are inclusive. We are equals. We recognize that there is a place for everyone. We find as a model, Mary, who said yes to God's call to bring Christ into the world. We answer that same call.


May you have a Mary Christmas. And may you be Mary.



Matt Dunn
Head of Spirituality
Marianist Lay Network of North America

Welcome Aboard!

The leadership team is happy to announce that the following individuals have accepted appointments to the team. If you know any of these individuals, please congratulate them and also thank them for their service to the Marianist Family.


Marceta Reilly, at-large member
Ken Barrett, Representative to MLFI Advisory Committee
Terri Maze, Secretary
Kerryanne Bollman, Treasurer

Fr. Ted Cassidy, SM, Spiritual Advisor


Additional positions will be filled soon. If you have an interest in getting more involved, please contact someone on the leadership team or write to


Welcome to the Family!

On December 6, the Luminaria Marianist Lay Community made its Marianist Commitment at the University of Dayton. Join us in welcoming them to the Marianist Family!




Explaining Catholic Teaching on Mary
Explaining Catholic Teaching on Mary
As shared by America Magazine

Ministry/Education Opportunities 


GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS at the University of Dayton -a Catholic and Marianist Institution - are available each year.  This two year program allows graduate students to gain campus ministry experience while pursuing a Master of Theology or Pastoral Ministry.  GAs engage in 20 hours/week. There are six Campus Ministry positions available to begin the 2015-16 academic year.  They are within Residence Life Ministry, Neighborhood Ministry, Center for Social Concern, Retreats, Program for Christian Leadership, and Parish Faith Formation. Responsibilities include building community through spiritual and social programs, directing retreats, planning worship services, planning service outreach, coordinating faith formation, and providing pastoral support.  Tuition, stipend, and housing are provided.  Download an application at or direct inquiries to Kelly Adamson, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH  45469-0408. 937-229-2574.  Applications are due February 1. 


ONLINE MARIANIST CLASSES - NACMS Virtual Learning classes coming up in January are on Mary and Community. Click HERE for more information. 

In Memory  


In your prayers, please remember:

Michael Rouen, who died on December 2, 2014. Michael was a member of the Pillar of Faith Marianist Lay Community in Houston, Texas for the past 20 years.  As such he joined the community in support of the work of the SM in Houston and Mexico; the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative; and had attended a few Lay Marianist Assemblies over the years. Please pray for his eternal rest and for comfort for his family and loves ones during this difficult time.


We also remember Priscilla, the sister of Bob Stoughton, lay Marianist in Dayton, OH who died suddenly and unexpectedly on December 6. She is survived by her husband and two children, one in college and one in high school.


Please notify us of special prayer intentions to include in the newsletter by writing to


You can also post intentions on our Facebook page, where we frequently solicit intentions.

Our Lady of Guadalupe  



God of power and mercy, you blessed the Americas

with the presence of the Virgin Mary. May her prayers

help all men and women to accept each other

as brothers and sisters. Through your justice present

in hearts and in our service to others, may your peace

reign in the world.

May the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary.

Some dates to be mindful of...
December 12 - Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 25 - Nativity of our Lord

December 28 - Holy Innocents
January 1 - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
January 10 - Death of Mother Adele de Batz de Trenquelleon

January 22 - Death of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade

February 2 - Presentation of the Lord, Anniversary of Foundation of First Sodality in 1801.
Your Support Matters


MLNNA is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization. Your support will help us work toward the goals of the strategic plan and will allow us to continue to support the Marianist Lay Formation Initiative, the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative, the International Organization of Marianist Lay Communities. Additionally, such things as this newsletter, our national database, our support staff in Philadelphia, and more are made possible by your generosity.


Follow the link if you'd like to make a one-time or recurring online contribution. You may also send a check to the address below (in the footer).

We are most grateful for your thoughts, suggestions, prayers, and financial support. Together we can breathe life into how we live and express the Marianist charism.