Marianist Lay Network of North America
Building a Community of Communities

MLNNA is a lay association of the faithful which functions as the lay branch of the Marianist Family in North America.
An Object of Devotion


I'm always intrigued by how people express their faith in the secular workplace. I've ridden elevators with people carrying bibles to lunchtime discussion groups, I've seen copies of The Living Word on people's desks. On a recent elevator ride one passenger invited another to a church service. In none of those instances was Catholicism the expressed religion.

Just how do Catholics express their faith? How do Marianists express it? If we're living as Jesus would live, we likely express our faith through our actions. Perhaps, as Marianists, we practice the system of virtues and silence our tongues and minds as necessary and appropriate. Perhaps we honor a spirit of inclusion and discipleship of equals, recognizing that everyone has a specific role to play and gifts to share. Perhaps we organize things according to the three offices without calling them that. Those are some Marianist ways.

Greg A.F. Pierce, author of Spirituality@Work, and presenter at July's assembly, suggests in his book ten ways to be spiritual at work. One, is to build community with co-workers - working together, celebrating milestones, treating one another with respect. Another is to treat others the way you want to be treated. A more overt way, is to find ways to display sacred objects. They could be sacred without necessarily being religious - such as family pictures or articles/items that remind you of something, etc.


While I try to practice Christ-like virtues, I do have sacred objects. One is on my office wall. It is a copy of Norman Rockwell's painting, The Golden Rule. The slogan "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You" is part of the image. I get many compliments on it. Another object is a stone on the console between my car seats. During Lent, my parish has given out crosses and other tokens to carry in our pockets or put on our key chains. This past year, we could select from stones that had various virtues written on them. Needless to say, the stone is a conversation starter. And I'm not afraid to say where I got it or why I have it. 

Sometimes we're subtle. Sometimes we're not. But, often, we leave our faith at church on Sunday and don't carry it into our daily lives. How do you express your faith in your daily life, either at home, in public, or at work? Visit our Facebook page and share your story! 

The Ballot Is Being Prepared!

All lay persons in our database will have the opportunity to vote for the new chair of MLNNA along with two new heads of office.


The nominating committee conducted 15 interviews and narrowed the prospective list down to 2 for chair and 4 for head of an office.

We are grateful to all who were nominated and considered the opportunity, 47 in all.

Links to a SurveyMonkey ballot will be emailed next week, along with bios on the candidates and links to listen to their interviews with the nominating committee. Those for whom we don't have email addresses will receive a paper ballot. Please make sure Constant Contact and SurveyMonkey are approved email domains so they don't go into your spam folder! Voting will be live from the time the email is sent until October 1 when votes will be tallied.

A Semi-Virtual Community Comes Together



The Kukalama Marianist Lay Community met for their annual gathering in California, August 1-3, 2014. Kukalama is a semi-virtual Marianist Lay community with members from the San Francisco Bay Area in California, Honululu, Hawaii, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

From Top, L to R:
Top Row: Virgina Boesen, Rick Boesen, Christopher Casupang, Julie Nagasako, Mary Ann Datoc and Alex Datoc; 2nd Row: JJ Boesen, Chachi Boesen, Christopher Xavier Casupang, Jameson Datoc; Sitting: Cristin Fong, Lianne Casupang, Jamieson Fong; Lap: Lily Fong, Anna Casupang, Liam Fong; Not present but present in spirit: Francine Cruz, Toni Mesina, AJ Datoc 

Planning Ahead

  • The Adele Social Justice Project Newsletter features information about a service trip to Peru and details about the Midwest Women's Summit
  • Alive Magazine, a publication of the Society of Mary, Province of the United States
  • Connections, the newsletter of the Northeast Marianist Family Council

Submit your stories and pictures:
MLNNA is a registered 501(c)(3) non profit and tax exempt organization

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