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In This Issue
Reverse Mortgages Can Pose Problems for Heirs

Reverse mortgages can be a big help to seniors needing extra cash, but they can become a nightmare for their heirs. Heirs who don't know their rights may be faced with large bills or threats of losing the house. Fortunately, there are some protections for heirs.

Click here to learn more.
Should You Use a Lawyer or LegalZoom for Your Estate Plan? 

While the goals of attorneys and their clients are supposed to be aligned, often they are not, or at least not completely. We have been thinking about what this means in the field of estate planning and how we can better serve our clients. Click here to learn more.
Attend Law School for Social Workers this Fall

This coming fall, we will have four LSSW programs all pertaining to different topics. NASW credits are available and registration is required.

Click here for more details. We hope to see you there!
Resource: What to Do When You Are Appointed Attorney-in-Fact

You have just been appointed
 as an agent under a durable 
power of attorney to represent a family member or a friend, and now you probably have some very important questions:
  • What kind of records should you keep?
  • Can you be held liable for your actions as agent?
  • What is your role when more than one agent is appointed?
Click here to learn what your duties and responsibilities are and how to handle financial affairs under a power of attorney.

Margolis & Bloom | 617/267-9700 | |
535 Boylston Street, 8th Floor
Boston, MA 02116
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