E-Newsletter from The RIDGE Project

 February 2015

In honor of our 15 year anniversary this year, we thought we'd share some facts, statistics and other numbers about The RIDGE Project and what we get to do!


Did you know?

  • We presently have 52 employees operating out of 4 offices in Ohio (McClure - headquarters, Dayton, Canton, Columbus)

  • Our TYRO programs are taught at 18 prisons in addition to numerous community locations throughout Ohio

  • Over 70 Fatherhood/Healthy Marriage classes are taught every week

  • We are a part of the Ohio Adolescent Health Centers (OAHC), a collaborative of 20 fellow organizations providing direct support services to over 400 schools and over 317,000 youth in Ohio over the past 3 years!

  • In addition to providing direct services through TYRO-ROP in NW Ohio, we serve as the fiscal agent for OAHC.

There are serious problems in both our state and our nation:

  • Teens without fathers are 7 times more likely to get pregnant as an adolescent

  • 1 in 5 prison inmates had a father in prison

  • Children with absent fathers are 4 times more likely to be poor

  • Students living in father-absent homes are 2 times more likely to drop out of high school and twice as likely to repeat a grade in school

  • Approximately 21,000 prisoners reenter Ohio's communities each year

  • Ohio's 3-year male recidivism rate for new crimes is approximately 26%

How The RIDGE Project is making a positive impact...

  • 97% of TYRO Dads reported a strong commitment to fatherhood

  • 97% of TYRO Dads participants improved in at least one responsible parenting category

  • 97% of TYRO Dads and Couple Communication participants improved in at least one healthy marriage category

  • 89% of TYRO Dads participants reported a strong to very strong feeling of hopefulness for the future

  • For TYRO program completers, the recidivism rate drops by a margin of 36%

  • Overall, this results in a 312% comprehensive annual return on investment for the TYRO Dads program

  • TYRO is now mobile; connecting, mentoring, personal development is extended through our new mobile digital platform. 


A Word from Our Directors

The Forgotten Victims of Crime


On April 16th, 2015, we will hold our 2nd annual gala event, "A Night to Remember." The underlying purpose of this unique event is to recognize and remember the forgotten victims of crime. In April of 2013, we worked together with Ohio legislators to introduce a resolution that recognizes April as "Forgotten Victims of Crime Recognition Month," identifying and bringing greater awareness to the forgotten victims of incarceration - those family members whose lives are altered when their loved one goes to prison.


When a man is incarcerated, not only is his life changed, but also the lives of his partner and their children. Those left behind are "forgotten victims," left without the support of their partner. They must work alone, providing the necessities for themselves and their children. They must take on the role of the absent partner in the lives of their children, trying to keep some sense of normalcy, while also being treated by many in society as invisible since their families are viewed as disposable.


Our personal family experience with this tragic scenario has taught us much about what it takes to overcome the challenges that seek to destroy these forgotten victims. The family unit, once disrupted in this way, has little chance of surviving without intervention. Children need their parents, and children will thrive when their parents are healthy and whole. Only by bringing to the surface the actions that led these families to their current situation, can they escape becoming a statistic of their culture. In nearly every case, regardless of what the charge is, incarceration is a direct result of a culture of entitlement, a culture of selfishness.


Through our programs at RIDGE, we attack this culture from within. Our TYRO Dads curriculum teaches men how to be good fathers, loving spouses and responsible citizens. By acknowledging the truth and setting a new course, TYRO Dads are bringing stability and security to their families. Our Couple Communication programs show couples how to create and nurture loving relationships with each other and their children, how to communicate in a way that their partners understand, and how to build lifelong commitments that are so increasingly rare today. TYRO-JET brings education about the value of each effort, the truth that hard work is what brings profit. This job ethics program empowers TYROs to obtain employment, and instills in them the recognition of the beauty of work that contributes value. But, we know that we can't simply stop there.


As the old saying goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."  That's why we offer risk-avoidance programs to thousands of youth. By targeting youth with character programs, we can help future generations break the cycles that have held captive their legacies. We are on a mission to restore broken families and bring healing to so many children who live as invisible, forgotten victims of crime; thank you for joining us in this journey to rescue fathers and families.


Ron and Cathy Tijerina 

Headline News at The RIDGE Project  

Don't Miss Out on This Unique Event!


The RIDGE Project's 2015 Gala Event, "A Night to Remember," will be here in less than two months. You won't want to miss this truly unique gathering, which will be held on April 16th at the historic Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, Ohio.  As you probably know by now, this special night is dedicated to continuing our fight for the forgotten victims of crime, as referenced earlier in this newsletter.


But, what you may not know is the exciting history held within the walls of this well-known structure. The building, birthed in 1886, combines three architectural styles: Victorian Gothic, Richardsonian Romanesque and Queen Anne. The Reformatory first housed juvenile offenders, opening its doors to the first 150 in 1896. Since then, it has seen over 155,000 men walk through its gates, finally closing on

December 31st, 1990. The Reformatory was featured in the 1994 film "The Shawshank Redemption," the 1997 film "Air Force One," and the 2004 Lil' Wayne video "Go DJ." Click here to see the top 10 sites at the Reformatory or click here to view some of our photos from our site visit earlier this year.


Another exciting opportunity will emerge that night when comedian Jeff Allen takes the stage. He's sure to tickle your funny bone, as he's done in places all around the world. His career highlights include:

  • Performed for the troops in Bahrain and on ships in the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean  
  • Starred in comedy specials on: Comedy Central, Showtime and VH1
  • Starring in the Bananas Comedy Television Series syndicated nationally
  • Regular columnist for magazines including: Living with Teenagers, Homelife and Homecoming
  • One-hour comedy special, Happy Wife, Happy Life�, on both the Odyssey Channel and Family Net
  • Featured in the Warner Bros. comedy film, "Thou Shalt Laugh"
  • Featured on The Blaze television network with Glenn Beck
  • Starring in the critically acclaimed film, Apostles of Comedy (given the Dove Foundation seal)
  • Starring in the recently released film, Apostles of Comedy, Onwards and Upwards (given the Dove Foundation seal)
  • Two-time featured performer at the National Prayer Breakfast and featured performer for George W. Bush's inauguration
  • Co-hosted the Gospel Music Associations Pre-Dove Awards
  • Starred in national tours, Apostles of Comedy and Jeff Allen & Friends: Funny People of Faith
  • Featured comedian on Bill Gaither's Homecoming Tours
  • Toured with his wife, Tami, delivering a message of hope and inspiration in: Laughter and Tears on the Edge of a Marriage

If you haven't yet seen his material, click here. You won't be disappointed!


Additionally, we still have several unique sponsorship opportunities for this event. Get your message in front of a diverse group that includes business leaders, families, policy makers, government officials and other affiliates and partners of The RIDGE Project. Please email Chuck VanRenterghem or call 419-278-0092 for more information.


And remember, event tickets are only $75 each. To reserve your place at this exclusive event, simply click here.   Again, seating is quite limited, so please register soon. To address specific needs or any questions regarding the event, please contact Special Events Manager Chuck VanRenterghem at 419-278-0092.


Other Newsworthy Items


Want to know where the Tijerinas will be speaking over the next few months? Click here for the latest calendar updates. 


Pastor Gary Martin Makes Headlines


The Canton Repository recently interviewed The RIDGE Project's Gary Martin, in a story about how he is helping to change the lives of incarcerated men and how he came to be at RIDGE. Read the full story here.

Full Speed Ahead! Updates on Some of Our Industry-Leading Initiatives

Internship for International Student  

Ohio Northern University student Safar Alahmari has joined The RIDGE Project as an intern for the next few months. Safar is a citizen of Saudi Arabia and is currently studying at ONU in Ada, Ohio. He will be learning many aspects of our business, with the hope of implementing some of our practices in his home country's criminal justice system. RIDGE will be utilizing this opportunity to develop a standard program for future internships. 


Anthem Strong Families Replicating TYRO Program 


Anthem Strong Families, based in Dallas, Texas, has been having phenomenal success with The RIDGE Project's TYRO Dads program. Under agreement from RIDGE, Anthem has been utilizing the TYRO curriculum in connection with their programs. Their results have been extremely promising, showing that TYRO can be successfully implemented in various demographics and social climates. To find out more about Anthem, click here.


What Did They Say?


Want to know what people think about The RIDGE Project? Here's what one person had to say:


"The extraordinary story behind the birth and blossoming of The Ridge Project is incredible. It truly is a blessing to see how individual lives are being help and changed by the education, support, encouragement and example of the leadership provided. The growth of this agency is vital to build healthy decision making to build stronger families!!"

- GreatNonProfits.com


Click here to read more reviews. 

TYRO Transformation: A Husband & Wife Share Their Experiences

Damien & Christina Beauford, One Year Later


Just over a year ago, at our first-ever gala event in Columbus, Ohio, one of our TYROs gathered his courage and got up on stage to talk about his experiences, both personal and with The RIDGE Project. His story was moving; a true inspiration for other TYROs looking to improve their lives. Now, nearly a year later, we caught up with Damien and his wife, Christina, to see how they are doing. They are happily married, having taken the plunge last August. We asked them what their experience with RIDGE programming has done for them and how their lives have been affected. They each submitted a personal account of their own experiences.  Their story was also featured in our last TYRO Times edition - see below.



"I was first introduced to The Ridge at RiCI where I was serving a 4-year sentence. I was just trying to take as many programs as possible at the time. My main goal was getting home to my family. In the beginning, I couldn't imagine the impact that The Ridge would have on my life. It started with TYRO Dads (a parenting class) and went on to Couples Communication 1 & 2, which I was able to take with my girlfriend and mother of my children at that time. At this point I had taken 20-30 programs - but The Ridge was different.


A lot of programs offered were just that, programs. Half the time the facilitators didn't show up or we were working from a book doing things that were common sense: "Don't yell, don't fight, be patient." We took programs because the end result was a certificate which looked good when you were up for release. But The Ridge was not one of those programs. The facilitators which were sent to RiCI were more than that. Not only did they believe in what they were teaching, they were living it. They held us to a higher standard and we were called to the carpet if we were not living right. These were actual mentors that were setting examples in the way they treated their wives - who were often present at events, by the way they handled relationships with us and with their relationships with the prison staff. They were true men of their word. The skills that we were learning were steps and taught us to think of our actions, words and listening skills in a completely different manner. 


Upon my early-release court date, I contacted a Ridge staff member who I had become close with and informed him of my upcoming hearing. He told me that The Ridge would try to put something together to be sent about my time with the program. At my hearing, my lawyer came with a few letters, one of them being from The Ridge. In this letter they stated my time with the program along with the changes that they saw in me. The judge was absolutely astounded to see a letter from such a positive and influential program and I believe it played a big part in my early release. The Ridge did what no other program had done for me. It vouched for me and the man that I had become because of their materials and relationships. My time with the program did not end there. We were able to go to a couple's workshop in Cleveland and solidify communication skills that we had learned in CC 1 & 2 and we got to spend time with other couples and their staff.


I was then asked to speak at their first annual Forgotten Victims gala, where I was given a chance to share my story of success and to give much deserved credit to Ron and Cathy and all the others who play a part in what they do. This past August I married my longtime girlfriend and mother of my children. Two of The Ridge facilitators and employees proceeded over our wedding. These are people who we consider friends and family and it is people like them who make the program exactly what it is. They believe in the program so much that if you yourself give into it, you cannot help but believe and live it yourself."

- Damien Beauford


"I never would have thought that the father of my children would end up in prison serving a four-year term. It just wasn't my life. Yet one day, it was. I wasn't sure what to expect of him or how our relationship would weather this storm. I wasn't sure how my family was going to look throughout the sentence and especially how it would look when he was released. What people fail to realize is that it's not just the prisoner who serves time. The whole family itself receives that same sentence and suffers in ways that the prisoner does not.


While in prison, Damien linked up with The Ridge Project and I couldn't imagine the blessing that it would bring. Damien was never a bad father or a bad man to me. However, I always knew that he wasn't doing his best. He had more to give; he was just too caught up in other things to apply himself. TYRO Dads taught him how necessary it was to step up and be the man that his family needed. Couples Communication 1 & 2 taught us how to deal with conflict and solve problems in a healthy way. However, those programs alone weren't what taught him or any of those other men all of the necessary lessons; it was the relationships formed by the facilitators with them that impacted them the most. They were real life examples of men who were doing exactly what they were teaching. They were who they said they were and they held Damien and all those other men to the same standards.


I couldn't have imagined that after a forty-one month prison term that my family would emerge stronger, healthier and more functional than it had beforehand. Damien is no longer the father of my children; he's my husband and my best friend. Our whole relationship I always felt like I was trying to teach him how to parent. Now, I find myself now learning lessons from him. The Ridge Project helped to give me a better version of my husband and gave my children a better version of their father; and I am forever grateful for what they do."

- Christina Beauford 

Family Engagement Focus

Another Successful Father/Daughter Dance Inside of an Institution

We recently held another father/daughter dance at Richland Correctional Institution. We had a total of 60 attendees (15 TYROs, 15 spouses or partners, and 30 children)! This breakthrough event is gaining momentum around the state and has had rave reviews from those in attendance. Our family program director, Beth Brown, is in charge of organizing and leading these awesome events. Beth describes this last event at RiCI below.


"We had a great event last night, at Richland's Father/Daughter Dance.  We opened with a welcome and introduction to The RIDGE Project and explained the agenda of the evening, offering everyone a light meal of hot chicken sandwiches, chips, cookies and veggies. It was nice to see the families eating together! This was their time to spend on their families, especially daughters. The evening also included face painting, family photos and lots of dancing.


The focus color last night seemed to be Pink! We had a lot of beautiful and excited little girls dressed up for their daddies wearing pink. One little four-year old girl gave her dad a run for his money - she NEVER left the dance floor the whole night.  She was all over that floor dancing, spinning, swinging, and dancing with her daddy when he could keep up! She even found another little friend and they danced around too. It was so precious!  I did hear the dad say once, "Honey, can we quit doing circles? Daddy's getting dizzy." They were all absolutely beautiful together!


Regarding the crowd, you could feel the walls (of communication) going up with some of the partners, as often happens when a partner is incarcerated. The dance was a good opportunity for continued bridge-building and for cooperation between the TYRO and his partner.  We could definitely feel the love of the mothers for their children. They were there so their child could stay connected to her dad.  It really was a great opportunity to build on.


The prison staff members, with Gretchen leading the way, were absolutely great!  Gretchen is an amazing person, whose heart is for the families, especially assisting mothers and their children!  She knew many of them and seems to mentor the ladies as she is able. Gretchen had also called me ahead of time to let me know we had a birthday girl that would be at the event. But, unbelievably, it ended up that we had at least 9 little girls who had had birthdays!  So of course, we took a huge cake and sang the traditional song with TYROs leading it.


The DJ did a great job with providing the music for the event and, of course, Jackee did an awesome job with taking pictures of the event. She was all over the place! The big hit of the night was our Famous Frank and his fabulous face painting!  All night long he had a long line. First children, then moms, then the TYROs themselves, all wanting their faces painted. Of course, there were a lot of flowers being painted on faces and Frank's favorite colors (Michigan colors) on one particular little girl. The flower was off to the side, but the stem and the vine ran down her face over her nose.


At the end, the TYROs were thankful and helped to clean up, while the partners and family members, especially a few in particular, made a point to go to all our staff to thank them personally with their daughters. Lives were touched. One mother even told me, 'Our daughter doesn't get to see him much at all. This is a night she will always remember.' " 

Other Things of Note...hope



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