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CPAP Compliance

CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, is a treatment that uses mild air pressure to keep the airways open. It is the gold standard treatment for obstructive sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder.


Unfortunately, CPAP compliance is typically less than 50%.  While the reasons that patients fail to use CPAP vary, research has shown that active engagement with a patient can improve compliance.


As part of Integrated Neurology Services' sleep medicine program, we strive to optimize CPAP compliance. We follow up with our patients regularly to discuss any issues patients may have and to troubleshoot these issues.  We also strive to educate patients on the benefit of treating their obstructive sleep apnea.


For patients who need extra assistance, we operate a CPAP Compliance Clinic that provides participating patients with one-on-one support with a sleep technician.  For those approximately 20% of patients with sleep apnea who refuse CPAP or cannot tolerate CPAP, we can help facilitate alternative therapies such as evaluation for surgical intervention or an oral appliance.

BREAKING RESEARCH: Migraines Linked to Possible Brain Damage

A new study finds people who had migraines were more likely to have brain damage: white matter abnormalities and infarct-like lesions. 


While the significance of the brain damage caused by migraines is unclear, there is some fear that it might be linked to an increased stroke risk for migraine suffers. 


As the study found that people with less migraine attacks experienced less brain damage, experts are recommending that migraine suffers be extra vigilante in managing their migraine attacks. 

INS in the News
Integrated Neurology Service's physicians and staff are often called upon by the media to provide expert advice on important health issues.
  • Dr. Neal K. Maru was recently a guest on WTOP to discuss a new CDC report on American's use of prescription sleep aids.