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WHP Executive Committee
Universidad Nacional Aut�noma de M�xico
Environment for the Americas
Migratory Species Coordinator
USFS, International Programs
Sarahy Contreras
Universidad de Guadalajara
Director, Emerging Programs and Partnerships Group
Point Blue Conservation Science
Regional Wildlife Ecologist
USFS, Pacific Southwest Region
USFS Committee
Cheryl Carrothers
USFS, Alaska Region
Barb Bresson
Avian Conservation Program
USFS, Pacific Northwest Region
Western Hummingbird Partnership
Western Hummingbird Partnership (WHP) is a collaborative approach to hummingbird research, conservation, and education. Working with partners in Canada, the United States, and Mexico, WHP strives to understand what hummingbirds need to survive in a changing world. Our newsletter will keep you up-to-date on the latest in hummingbird news. Thank you for joining us!
Keep up with the latest in hummingbird news via Facebook or the WHP newsletter. Both are provided in English and Spanish. Find the Spanish version on our website: Spanish Newsletter
Guide Helps Gardeners Attract Hummers
Sue Reel, a wildlife educator with the Lolo National Forest in Montana, created Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Garden Using Native Plants. The 16-page guide encourages gardeners to Think Diversity, Think Chemical Free, and Think a Little Messy, among other tips for growing a successful garden for hummingbirds. It also describes 4 species of hummingbirds and provides planning tips for gardens.
The guide will be available for purchase soon, but in the meantime, you can read it online.
Trail is for the Hummingbirds
Some visitors to The State Botanical Garden of Georgia had never noticed hummingbirds until a walk along the Hummingbird Trail introduced them to these feisty birds. The Trail has 20 stops to highlight places where hummingbirds are likely to be seen. A Hummingbird Trail brochure leads visitors to these sites.
The Trail is a wonderful example of how gardens and other public facilities may provide habitat for hummingbirds and share the world of hummingbirds with visitors.
Learn more about educational trails.
El Charco Celebrates Hummers
The 2nd annual International Festival of the Hummingbird was hosted in San Miguel Allende, Mexico in October. Sponsored by El Charco Botanic Gardens, Audubon Mexico, and Camino Silvestre, the event featured workshops, family activities, and bird walks.
Humberto Berlanga and Mar�a del Coro Arizmendi were on hand to sign their new Field Guide to Hummingbirds and Oscar Gonz�lez of Peru shared his work on pollinating hummingbirds in the forests of the high Andes. Many other speakers, a Family Day, and crafts completed a successful weekend.