Message from Forensicon's President
Lee Neubecker


I am pleased to welcome Ms. Erin Lara to our team of computer forensics professionals. Ms. Lara brings a wealth of cyber security and investigative experience, plus builds out our team's language skill set. Ms. Lara is fluent in Spanish and is knowledgeable in Arabic. As a former law enforcement officer, she successfully testified in hundreds of felony and misdemeanor trials; never having lost a case based on her investigative work.


Speaking of new staff, we are also seeking recent college graduates for internships and associate positions with our firm. If you know of a tech savvy college graduate that has excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, with a strong work ethic, please encourage them to visit our website to review some of the current opportunities that we are hiring for!

Last month, I pressed forward with our effort to produce a video explaining what the chances of recovering data is from a storage device that had deletions.  I decided to take a stab at self producing a video blog posting on this very question.  I am hoping that these will improve overtime, but the content so many people ask us questions about can now be viewed on our Youtube channel. Check out the video if you have time and feel free to drop me a line with any comments.  


The video below is my attempt to answer one of the most frequently asked questions that is posed to our staff at the inception of a project.  We are looking for clients of ours that are willing to be interviewed on camera regarding cases involving trade secret theft, compelling production of ESI from an opponent, and keys to an effective legal response to many of these problems and more.  
What are the chances of recovering deleted electronic data?
Neubecker video on: "What are the chances of recovering deleted electronic data from my cell phone or hard drive?"


Also, last month, I was interviewed by the Pittsburgh Tribune regarding the litigation involving the former Mayor of Pittsburgh and the Court's recent order involving the discovery of ESI. Thank you to the individual that referred the opportunity!  Read more...


Seeking Interviewees For Our Forensicon BlogTV Channel!


We are looking for clients of ours that are willing to be interviewed on camera regarding cases involving trade secret theft, compelling production of ESI from an opponent, keys to an effective legal response to many of these problems and more.  If you have a willingness to be interviewed on camera in your office, we will come to you and record the footage, interview and edit a final clip subject to your review that will be posted on our blog.  This will of course link to your biography on your website if you wish to participate!  


Please email me via our contact form page if you have an interest in being interviewed.   


It is time to turn off all Windows XP Systems and Upgrade! 
If you are still running Windows XP within your organization, you are putting your organization at risk.  Microsoft discontinued supporting Windows XP with patch updates, making those systems highly vulnerable to attacks on your organization or business.  Please make sure you forward the article onward regarding this topic to your IT department if you see any such systems running within your organization!


Thanks again for your referrals and repeat business!


Thanks again to all of you who have sent us referrals.  We continue to obtain the majority of our business from past clients and referrals from trusted professionals and business partners like yourself. Even opposing clients and attorneys realize the value Forensicon brings to an investigation. 


An opposing counsel adverse to our client recently replied to us with the following, "I thought you all did great work and were very professional while stuck in the middle of a pretty difficult litigation. I'll definitely have you in mind going forward." - Recent opposing counsel email to our firm.


Thanks again for your continued business and referrals!


Sincerely yours,


Lee Neubecker

888-427-5667 x121


Selected Recent Successful Investigation Outcomes
The beginning of 2014 has brought many different, positive victories for our clients. Some highlights I would like to share include the following:

  • Expert Witness Defeat of Motion for Spoliation Sanctions against our client: Successfully rebutted opposing expert's testimony that our client had spoliated data. Read More...
  • Online Identity Investigation - Proxy registered website posting negative comments identified and content removed within hours: 
    • Forensicon was contacted by the General Counsel of a billion dollar company that was being slandered by various websites in the public domain.  
    • The websites were registered behind a proxy. 
    • Within the first day of beginning work on the case, Forensicon's staff provided the name of the owner of one of the most troublesome websites including the website owner's contact information and telephone number. 
    • Within a few hours after our client called the contact we identified, the defaming content was removed.   
    • The client and their higher ups were very satisfied.
  • Forensicon's President, Lee Neubecker, convinces jury violation of the Stored Wire and Electronic Communications and Transactional Records Access Act had been violated by the employer adverse to our client.
    • Neubecker testified regarding the provable access of personal emails by the former employer, following the employee's departure from her previous place of employment. 
    • Neubecker testified that the employer accessed emails of the former employee while in electronic storage on AOL's servers, in violation of the former employee's privacy and the Stored Wire and Electronic Communications and Transactional Records Access Act. 
    • The jury found Neubecker's testimony convincing and ruled that a violation of the Act had occurred and issued an award to our client.

Is Your Computer Still Running Windows XP?
Your Computer May Be Vulnerable
On April 8, 2014, Microsoft stopped supporting its Windows XP operating system. Users will no longer receive technical assistance or updates. Windows XP was supported for 12 years and discontinuing its support allows Microsoft to focus its resources on Windows 8 which is currently being supported until 2023
While you can still use Windows XP, you won't be able to receive security patches or updates. Other hardware and software manufacturers will also be less willing to troubleshoot issues with the older operating system. However, a large number of individuals and businesses, especially banks and healthcare providers, still rely on Windows XP. Read More...


Forensicon Welcomes Erin Lara to Cyber Forensic Investigator Team
Former Police Detective Joins Forensicon

Forensicon is pleased to welcome Ms. Erin Lara as the newest member of Forensicon's Chicago-based, computer forensics investigative team.  Ms. Lara brings a wealth of experience to Forensicon, having served with the United States Air Force and the Park Forest Police Department. 


During her time in the United States Air Force, Ms. Lara completed training in electronic warfare/voice intercept, formal Iraqi dialect, and counterintelligence interview techniques. Ms. Lara held top secret security clearance from her past intelligence work in the military and during her more recent law enforcement career with the Park Forest Police Department. Read More...


Examining Facebook Account Information - NSA Data Collection
Changes Coming to How NSA Collects Data?

Have you ever wondered how Facebook decides what kind of ads to bombard you with when you access the site? Or what friends you have deleted over the years? Do you want to be able to download all your pictures at once? Or perhaps you're interested in knowing what IP addresses have accessed your account? Then you should download and examine your Facebook information. Read More...


US Government Spies on Cubans via Twitter Like App
Privacy Rights for California Minors in the Digital World
In an effort to tap into the local sentiment of average Cubans, the U.S. Government sponsored the development of a social media application for cell phones called, ZunZeo. ZunZeo offered users free SMS messaging and was an alternative news outlet to many in Cuba. U.S. Agency for International Aid (USAID), the U.S. Government's outreach entity focused on fostering economic development and well being for nations struggling with poverty and undergoing political and economic transitions funded the application's development. Funding ended in 2012 leaving many of the 40,000 plus Cubans dependent on the application now without the ability to use one of their favorite communication applications. Read More...
There are Solutions...How Forensicon Can Help
Internet Investigations
Today's companies, elected officials, and persons of public interest must respond to a number of threats. These can come from competitors, disgruntled existing or former employees, jealous ex-spouses, financial fraudsters, and social activists, among others, who may have a desire to cause you harm or commit financial fraud. Some may even do so while impersonating you, causing damage to your company's good name and reputation. Forensicon has assisted companies facing unknown rogue attacks on their reputation by researching and locating the person(s) responsible for said attacks, and identifying other potential person(s) and companies that may be working in support of the online smear or Internet financial fraud scheme. Many times, counterfeit or anonymous websites are registered by people wanting to smear or defame a person, an elected official or a company's good reputation. Read More...

Computer Forensics Consulting & eDiscovery Consultants
Forensicon, a leading national provider of computer forensics consulting and e-Discovery solutionshas assisted organizations of all sizes in generating methods to best respond to challenges raised by pending litigation, security breaches, loss mitigation, insurance subrogation, litigation holds, and many other situations that require the assistance of experienced professionals. Forensicon can help forecast potential outcomes and assist organizations with developing risk mitigation and management strategies. CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, CISOs, elected officials, law enforcement staff, not-for-profit executives, business executives, entrepreneurs, and commercial litigators everywhere across the United States have relied on Forensicon's vast talent and experience in providing consulting relating to computer forensics and electronic discovery. 
Call or email Forensicon now if you have a potential case matter that you would like to discuss free of charge!
888-427-5667 or
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Chicago, IL 60604

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