News and Events - 5/8/14
Top Story: QMBC Determinations for the Maryland Biotech Investment
                  Incentive Tax Credits (BIITC) Begin May 19th; Line-up July 1st

The electronic line-up for the next round of Maryland Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credits (BIITC) will take place July 1, 2014.  To participate in this queue, companies must register by submitting their completed application (Form A and Form B) to the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED) Tax Incentives Group between June 2nd and June 27th. 


Companies seeking to confirm their QMBC (Qualified Maryland Biotechnology Company) status prior to June 2nd may do so by submitting their company's information (Form B) to DBED's Tax Incentives Group between May 19th and May 30th.  
BioMaryland News
Germantown's Qiagen receives FDA approval to detect C. difficile and using its QIAsymphony RGQ, its flagship automated laboratory workflow platform.

Silver Spring's Lung Biotechnology, Inc. a subsidiary of United Therapeutics, signs $50M+ R&D agreement to develop humanized pig organs to revolutionize transplantation field.

Gaithersburg's Novavax and the University of Maryland School of Medicine report positive preclinical results for a potential MERS vaccine.

Rockville's Emergent BioSolutions receives orphan drug designation for BioThrax for post-exposure prophylaxis of Anthrax Disease, and also finalized with FDA the protocols required for large scale manufacturing of BioThrax, the only FDA-licensed vaccine for the prevention of anthrax disease.

Columbia's Grace launches ProVance disposable purification solution to reduce costs and time to market for biologics.

Rockville's Rexahn Pharmaceuticals
announces promising preclinical results for RX-21101 showing increased efficacy and reduced toxicity, the company's first development candidate using its proprietary nano-polymer conjugate.

Clarksville's NeuroNascent successfully completes pre-IND meeting with FDA for Alzheimer's Disease therapeutic.

Baltimore's Circulomics awarded a Phase 1 SBIR to develop its new Nanobind DNA/RNA extraction technology.

Creatv Microtech, Rooster Bio, Vasoptic Medical named finalists in 2014 Maryland Incubator Company of the Year Competition.

Johns Hopkins University joins the University of Maryland as one the FDA's Centers for Excellence in Regulatory Science (CERSI)  working to speed drug development through advances in  regulatory science.  Johns Hopkins University also now is one of five Centers in the U.S. funded by NIH to develop innovative ways to identify and track influenza viruses.

Local volunteers work on genetically engineered bio-printed organisms in Baltimore Underground Science Space in advance of annual IGEM competition.

Md Bio Foundation and Montgomery College cosponsor Summer Biotechnology Camp for rising 7th and 8th graders.
Upcoming Deadlines and Events
   5/9 Montgomery County Small Business Awards - Rockville
   5/9 BioBeers - Mt. St. Mary's Frederick Campus - Frederick
 5/14 The New Frontier of Mobile Prescription Therapy - Rockville
 5/14 Pushing the Boundaries of Silica in BioPharma Mont County T2 - Germantown
 5/15 Sharing Ownership in Your Company CEO Roundtable - Germantown
 5/15 TEDCO ICE Awards - Columbia
 5/15 TCM Industry Awards Dinner - Bethesda
 5/19 QMBC Determination Applications (BIITC form B) accepted thru 5/30
 5/19 InvestMaryland Challenge Finale - Baltimore
 5/29 Science in the City - Baltimore
   6/2 BIITC Registration Open (forms A and form B) for July 1st Electronic Queue
6/2-6 MTech BioManufacturing Workshops - College Park
 6/10 Maryland Incubator of the Year Awards - Baltimore
 6/24 BIO International (BioMaryland Pavilion - Booth#1511) - San Diego
   7/1 Electronic Queue - Maryland Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit
Look Who's Hiring
Charles River - Frederick and Baltimore

Cadista - Salisbury

Pii - Hunt Valley                                                                  
BioMaryland Innovator Spotlight
Proove Biosciences CEO Brian
Meshkin and team are joined by local dignitaries at celebration of expansion into new facility in Annapolis Junction. Proove, a leader in personalized pain medication selection, dosing and evaluation has grown from 4 to 20 employees in Maryland during 2013.
The BioMaryland Center is the office within Maryland's Department of Business and Economic Development which connects life sciences companies, academic and federal researchers with each other and with potential capital sources, partners, and clients. 

The Center promotes the state's industry domestically and abroad and also provides business plan assistance, market research databases, site selection information, and other resources.    


We invite you to send us your BioMaryland industry news, and to visit our offices in Rockville or Baltimore if you are a Maryland life sciences organization seeking assistance or if you are interested in learning more about Maryland's vibrant life sciences industry.
BioMaryland Center
401 East Pratt Street
7th Floor  |  Baltimore, MD 21202

9700 Great Seneca Highway
Rockville, MD 20850

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