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August 30 
Water Workshop
Local and regional planners, landscape architects, engineers, developers, environmental resource specialists and students are invited to attend "Political Fragmentation in Local Governance and Water Resource Management," 
August 30 from 9 a.m. to noon at
K-State Olathe, 22201 W. Innovation Drive.  
Participants will discuss research findings and resultant strategies for land-use planning and collaborative resource management.  
More information and registration for this FREE workshop. 

October 1

Brown Bag Lunch Seminar

Faculty, students and regional partners are invited to attend a Brown Bag Lunch seminar, "Environmental Planning and Ecosystem Valuation in Metro Kansas City," 

October 1 from 12 to 1 p.m., in the Big 12 Room of the Student Union, K-State Manhattan. 


Tom Jacobs, director, environmental programs, Mid-Americal Regional Council, will present updated land cover data detailing valuable natural resource assets and ecological features in the Kansas City region.


Register for this free seminar.


Welcome to the Urban Water Institute at Kansas State University!  We are working together to promote sustainable use of water in urban and urbanizing communities. We invite you to get involved in Institute activities, participate in workshops and courses and network with researchers and industry and agency partners.


 What is the Urban Water Institute?
Water has been identified as one of the most critical resources for the future. The Urban Water Institute is a center of knowledge and outreach focused on sustainable water management in urban environments.


Research - Institute activities focus on creating lasting positive impacts in urban environments through integrated watershed management. 


The Institute hosts two laboratories on the K-State Olathe campus dedicated to research, development and outreach.  


Education - The Urban Water Institute provides professional development and education through distance technology, seminars, symposia, conferences, workshops and graduate certificates.


Outreach - Community and K-12 outreach is a significant component of Urban Water Institute activities. Learn more


Who's Who at the Institute
Stacy HutchinsonJLeavens


Dr. Stacy Hutchinson, associate professor, biological and agricultural engineering, is the interim director of the Urban Water Institute. She is stationed on the Manhattan campus. 


Joan Leavens, program coordinator, is the face of the Institute on the Olathe campus. 


Faculty Advisory Committee members provide guidance that reflect the interests of K-State water faculty and the four colleges that support the Institute.
Network with core faculty and affiliated faculty at the Urban Water Institute.


About K-State Olathe
Kansas State University is a three-campus system and K-State Olathe is the newest member of the family. Complementing the Manhattan campus and the Salina campus, the Olathe campus is the academic research presence within the Kansas Bioscience Park, leveraging K-State's broad capabilities and its many resources.

Joan Leavens
Urban Water Institute Coordinator
913-307-7311 (direct)
913-541-1220 (main)