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April 5, 2016
Summer ED On-Line Course ED 731: Stages of Technology Development
Dr. Sumesh Arora, Vice President for Innovate Mississippi, will be teaching ED 731: Stages of Technology Development during the Second Five Week (5W2) June 30 to July 24, 2016 summer session. It will be a totally on-line class. This course provides students with instruction on the various stages required for  scientific principle to be converted into a useable technology and ultimately be adopted by the end user. This course investigates not only the process of technological advancement but also considers the financial and policy aspects enabling or disabling products from reaching the marketplace. This course will appeal to scientists, researchers, technologist or engineers working on developing new technologies as well as business and economic development students interested in learning about mechanisms for funding technology development and how it impacts communities. The course will evaluate various facets of the technology development life cycle.

NEW MSED Website
MSED Graduate Assistant, Venkatesh Kaza, has been working on the new program website that is now available. The new website includes several new sections including a MSED alumni page, data analytics, and international opportunities. Extensive graphics and videos have been added to the website as well. Southern Miss is continually seeking to improve its websites so comments and suggestions are welcome.
President's Summit for Community Leaders                                          
Engage Mississippi is a new effort to foster collaborative work between nonprofits, businesses, volunteers, funders, government, and the arts to solve community problems.

The President's Summit on Community Engagement, presented by the USM College of Business, focused on collaboration among community groups with keynote addresses from First Lady Deborah Bryant; Mississippi Economic Council President and CEO Blake Wilson; and renowned author, chef and philanthropist Robert St. John. The summit featured workshops and presentations on a variety of topics including best practices is partnerships, fundraising, community service, and media relations.

For more information on Engage Mississippi visit the webpage here.

Fall 2016 MSED Course Schedule
The Fall 2016 Master of Economic Development course schedule is now available and enrollment is underway.
First Eight Week (8W1) August 24-October 14
Fall 2016
In-Person #1: 8am to 5pm Sat 8/27 to 8am to noon Sun 8/28
Online Sessions (Wednesday 7-9pm):   8/24, 8/31, 9/7, 9/14, 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12
ED 722 Economic Development Theory & Research Methods (3 semester hrs)
Dr. Chad Miller
The student will possess a basic understanding of the primary research methods and data sources used in economic development, including economic base analysis, target industry and industry cluster research, labor market analysis, retail trade area analysis, business and industry site location analysis, and competitor analysis of other geographic areas. The student will demonstrate the ability to apply these research methods to real-world economic development projects or situations.
Fall 2016
In-Person #2: 8am to 5pm 9/19-9/22
ED 701 True South IEDC Basic Economic Development Course (3 semester hrs)
Dr. Chad Miller
An introductory course exposing participants to the fundamentals and practice of creating jobs, increasing wealth, improving the tax base, and enhancing a community's quality-of-life, the first step in pursuing professional certification. This course also satisfies the IEDC course requirement for Introduction to Economic Development.
Second Eight Weeks (8W2) October 17-December 9
Fall 2016
In-Person #4:  8am to 5pm Sat 11/12 to 8am to noon Sun 11/13
Online Sessions Wednesdays 7pm to 9pm: 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9,11/16, 11/30, 12/7
ED 646 Marketing and Business Development for Economic Development (3 semester hrs)
Dr. Chad Miller
Reflective Practitioner: Robert Ingram
The course provides the student with instruction in concepts and practices associated with marketing, business recruitment, and business retention and expansion in economic development.
Fall 2016 
In-Person #3: 8am to 5pm Thursday 1/21 to Fri 1/22
Online Sessions (Tuesdays 7-9pm):  10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 12/6
ED 724 Financial Principles for Economic Development (3 semester hrs)
Matthew McLauglin J.D.
The student will possess an understanding of the major economic principles and terminology used in economic development. The student will learn to apply these concepts to real and hypothetical situations and assess their usefulness in guiding decisions and action. A key outcome of this course is teaching the student the value of economic thinking and analysis in economic development
Southern Miss Economic Development | tasha.may@usm.edu | 118 College Drive #5191
Hattiesburg, MS 39401-0001