Volume 4, Issue 4
April 2014

Webinar: Logistics within the Mississippi National Guard

On June 5th 2014 at 9:00 am - 10:00am CDT, the University of Southern Mississippi's Center for Logistics, Trade and Transportation (CLTT) in collaboration with the 184th Sustainment Command will proudly present the webinar "Logistics within the Mississippi National Guard".  


The webinar will provide you with information on the highly skilled and trained logistics professionals within the Mississippi National Guard.  The webinar will also provide information on opportunities for private sector businesses to serve as contractors/vendors in support of the Mississippi National Guard's 


MDOT Wins Award for 'Great American Cleanup' Effort

From the Mississippi Department of Transportation comes news that it's won an award from the Keep America Beautiful organization: MDOT was one of five departments in the nation to receive the Keep America Beautiful Great American Cleanup Statewide Activation Award during KAB's recent National Conference in Charlotte, N.C. 

Keep America Beautiful's annual National Conference brought together KAB affiliate leaders from across the country to share best practices and celebrate the successes of the past year. The KAB Great American Cleanup Activation Award is judged by KAB affiliate peers for program activities during the previous year. The award recognizes statewide affiliates that have innovative programs and partnerships that further their mission, while encouraging individuals to engage in activities that build and sustain vibrant communities.

Camp Shelby May Become Equipment Hub Through Port Of Gulfport

The Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center and Port of Gulfport are being considered for Department of Defense designation to handle military equipment returning from Afghanistan.

Equipment could be shipped through the state port, being expanded with $570 million in Katrina relief money. Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg would serve as a logistics hub to handle, reset and redistribute the equipment.

"We've actually been in discussions with Camp Shelby, as well as officials from the Department of Defense, for the last six months," said port Executive Director Jonathan Daniels. Strategic seaport designation from the Defense Department, he said, would authorize the port to handle inbound and outbound equipment now shipped mainly through ports in Beaumont, Texas, and Charleston, S.C.

Managing Retail Returns: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Retailers have to cope with all kinds of returns-from apparel that just didn't suit the customer, to expired products that are no longer saleable, to recalls endangering public safety. Here's how retailers handle this range of returned goods to recover maximum value.

The forward side of retail logistics spends September through December moving high volumes of goods into stores and e-commerce distribution centers. For reverse logistics, however, it's all about January, February, and March.

Senators Pledge Support for Long-Term Highway Bill


The four U.S. senators leading the transportation reauthorization debate this year said they have reached a bipartisan agreement that the bill will be long term and funded at current spending levels plus inflation.


The two Democrats and two Republicans said at an April 10 press conference that they would begin working on their draft as soon as they return from Easter recess.



In Ukraine Crisis, Russia's Natural Gas Tactics Could Backfire

Russia could conceivably use natural gas as a means to force Ukraine and its allies in Brussels to see things Moscow's way, but a halt of of gas flows does not appear to be imminent...yet.

This week, Russia's state-owned natural gas company, Gazprom , said it would renege on a deal to provide gas to Ukraine at a steep market discount. Ukraine has been getting Gazprom gas for around $268.50 per thousand cubic meters instead of around $420. The goodwill came with a price. Ukraine's president at the time, Viktor Yanukovych, rejected a trade deal with the European Union in favor of developing closer ties with Russia. Exactly what those ties were remain unclear, but cheaper gas was one of them.

new CLTT masters GIF
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.
-Albert Einstein

The 6th Annual Critical Commodities Conference, Apr 15-17, 2014, New Orleans, LA  


2014 Manufacturing Summit, April 23, 2014, Starkville, Ms 


Emerald Coast Transportation Symposium, May 29-30, 2014, Pensacola Beach, FL 


CLTT Webinar: Logistics within the Mississippi National Guard June 5, 2014 

Dr. Tulio Sulbaran, Director
Fax: 601.266.5717
118 College Drive #5138
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-000
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