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                                                                 "encouraging independence and building self-esteem"



E-mail Newsletter

August 2013

Family Resource Center is open daily 9am-2pm
In This Issue
Field Trips
Sat Classes & Bowlling
MILE Program
In The Spotlight
Bowl-a-thon & Art Show
Local Supporters
Safeway & Vons
Volunteer Opportunities
Partners' Happenings & Events
Get to know Mychal's Staff
Save the Date
Giving Back...Mychal's Learning Place
Easy Reader Video
with Steve Napolitano


Mychal's Learning Place has had a busy summer already - and it's not over yet!  Our After School Programs have taken advantage of the couple extra hours each day that we offer and have gone on quite a few adventures. BBQs in the park, field trips to aquariums, movies, the California Science Center, bike rides at Griffith Park, fishing trips and more!
Saturday Classes and the Bowling League are starting up again next month, as well as our MILE Program.
Be sure to check out our new section "Get To Know Mychal's Staff" below.  We always spotlight one of our students, but now Mychal's wonderful staff will be sharing a bit about themselves too.
 Please pass on this newsletter to your family & friends.

Field Trips

Our After School Programs have gone on a few field trips this summer.  The students always have a great time getting out into the community doing different things.
Culver City site students at the CA Science Center:Culver City site at CA Science Center CA Science Center - CC site 2
Culver City site students also went bike riding in Griffith Park:
Culver City bike riding at Griffith Park
Hawthorne site students went fishing in Marina Del Rey.  They caught some serious fish! Thank you to the Del Rey Anglers for this great opportunity every summer.  The Culver City site will go fishing next week.
Group fishing instruction Christina w/ fish
Carlos w/fish Jose w/big fish 
Josh w/fish Else w/ fish Tariq w/fish

Saturday Classes & Bowling League
    Saturday class picbowling
We took a break over the summer, but our Saturday Enrichment Classes and the Pin Pals Bowling League will be starting up again in September.  These two programs will both run for 10 weeks on Saturdays: September 14th through November 16th.


MILE Program in September 2013
MILE logo
Our MILE Program (Mychal's Independent Living Experience) will be starting another 10-month long session in September. We'll be able to have 8 students again.  An informational meeting will be held in August (date tbd).  Please let us know if you are interested by calling the office (310) 297-9333 or emailing [email protected]

In The Spotlight
Spotlight Student:  D'Nee Fort� D'Nee Forte

D'nee is 21 years old and attends the Mychal's Path to Independence Adult Day Program in the morning. The first thing she likes to do when she arrives is to work out. It's very important for D'Nee to work out because it will help her stay healthy. Every Friday, D'nee looks forward to going to Vitas to get job training.   She does many different types of tasks like sorting papers and putting stickers on the envelopes.


D'nee loves music: her favorite singer is Justin Bieber and favorite country singer is Taylor Swift.   She loves to go shopping at the mall with her mom and her favorite store is Claire's. When she is not at the morning program, she likes to spend time with her family.



facebook LIKE button
Are you on Facebook?  As you know, social media is huge these days and our presence on Facebook is helping spread the word about Mychal's Learning Place and all the great things we're doing here.  If you haven't done so yet, please go to our page and LIKE us:  We post different things all the time including pictures from our after school program, updates about events going on, volunteer opportunities, links to other organizations and anything pertaining to our population.  Our Adult Day Program, Path to Independence, is developing their own facebook page: too.  Right now, they're using it more for their students and families to post reminders on what's going on each week, but feel free to check it out if you'd like to be in the know as well.

Save the date for these Mychal's Events:


Spooktacular BOWL-A-THON Bowlathon pumpkin
Our annual Bowl-a-thon is scheduled for SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2013.  Start putting your teams together now!  Sponsorships will be available, prizes will be given out for things such as Most Money Raised, Best Costume, Lowest Score and other fun categories.  There will be trick or treating for the kids, a raffle and more!   More details coming soon.



Friends of Mychal's ART SHOW 2013 Art Show LOGO
Our second annual Friends of Mychal's Art Show is scheduled for SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2013. We'll have artwork from local artists and our talented students up for auction, drinks and hors'derves, live music, and a fun night!  Sponsorships will be available for this event also.  Again, details to come soon.

Color & Charcoal

Local Supporters of Mychals

Color & Charcoal Show

Jake Rome will be having a benefit show and is selling a beautiful book of art by his late mother, Rachel Rome, where all the proceeds will be donated to Mychal's Learning Place, supporting our arts programs.  For information, CLICK HERE.  Thank you, Jake!
310 Young Professionals

310YP is a proud 501(c)3 non-profit organization and is the newest group of young professionals in Los Angeles.  Their team is made up of seven board members and four Committee Chairpersons who share similar visions of hosting events that are fun, energetic and business-focused. 310YP is looking for young professionals who want to take advantage of career development and networking opportunities while making charitable contributions. They give 100% percent of the proceeds from events and donations back to the local community.  Mychal's Learning Place has been chosen to be a part of this wonderful new group as a recipient of their efforts. For more information, visit their website:

Do you shop at Safeway or Vons?


Support Mychals while doing your regular grocery shopping!

Hopefully, you're already signed up with eScrip.  If you're not, please sign up now. EScrip has a program where you can register your grocery store cards (and credit cards, etc.) and a portion of your purchase price gets donated to your favorite non-profit:  Mychal's Learning Place! Go to -- Mychal's Group ID is: 500044050.  After you sign up, just do your regular shopping and you'll be supporting Mychals at the same time!  It doesn't get much easier than that!
10% back - Vons/Safeway/eScrip  
Mychal's Learning Place will get 10% back between AUGUST 14th - SEPTEMBER 10th.  (Click here for flyer).  All you have to do is buy the specially marked products with the 10% logo. For details, watch this quick video: If you're not signed up with eScrip, just save your receipts during those 4 weeks (8/14 - 9/10/13) and hand them into a staff member at Mychals.  With your help, we could potentially make THOUSANDS of dollars in just a few weeks.  Collect receipts from your family and friends too.  All donations go back into programs and activities for our students at Mychals.  THANK YOU!
Do you also shop at Ralph's?  Scroll down to the bottom of this newsletter to find out how you can help support Mychals by doing your regular shopping at Ralph's.



Volunteer Opportunities

Business Plan 

Mychals is starting a business where our young adults with developmental disabilities can find employment.  We've already decided on a business and we're looking for a student or intern with experience to write a business plan for this endeavor.  We're hoping to launch the company by Spring 2014.  If you have any contacts with local business schools or colleges, please contact us at [email protected] or (310) 297-9333 to discuss this volunteer opportunity.
Public Relations 
public relations
Do you or someone you know have a background in Public Relations?  Mychals is looking for someone to help us out in this area.  Please contact us at [email protected] or (310) 297-9333 to discuss this volunteer opportunity.

Partners' Happenings & Events 

Wizard of Oz
Broadway In The Park's "The Wizard of Oz"
August 8-11 at El Segundo's Rec Park

Click your heels together and join Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, Dorothy and her little dog Toto, as they journey through the magical land of Oz to meet the Wizard and obtain their heart's desires. Based on the 1939 MGM movie musical, this production includes all your favorite songs and characters from the film. Watch out for the Wicked Witch of the West and her winged monkeys as you rediscover the magic of Oz in this fantastic musical treat for the whole family.  CLICK HERE for more information and to get tickets. 
Broadway In The Park is a four-night summer event in Recreation Park that features a family-friendly Broadway musical, pre-show performances by community groups, local vendors selling fresh and tasty box dinners, and early evening picnics on the grass. Themed like a turn-of-the-century town square, complete with popcorn lights and roaming costumed performers, guests can enjoy a unique and memorable night out under the stars.
This is the second summer that Mychal's has been fortunate to be a part of Broadway In The Park's Community Outreach Program.  Thank you BITP!

Get to know Mychal's Staff

Each month we'll be highlighting a Mychal's employee in our newsletter.  Mychal's would not be what it is without our fantastic staff.  First up is:
Kym Wiedenkeller


Title at Mychals:

Admin. Director of the Adult Day Program: Path to Independence.


A little bit about yourself and some hobbies:

   I've worked with individuals (and their families) who have developmental disabilities since I graduated from Pepperdine with my M.A. in clinical psychology in 2001-primarily as a service coordinator and advocate at a regional center, but also as a program facilitator at a foster care agency and an in-home behavior interventionist.

     I have two great boys-one in high school and one in middle school-who keep me on my toes (literally and figuratively).

   I love cheering my boys on during their track and baseball events, going camping or to the beach, drawing, building things, reading, sewing, figuring out how things work or go together, riding on a motorcycle, traveling (although I don't get to do this very often)...and learning about and trying new things!


How long have you been with Mychal's Learning Place?

Since April 15, 2013


What attracted you to working at Mychals?

The staff, students, and atmosphere were all huge factors in my decision to work at Mychal's! I love that there is a great deal of creativity and personalization involved in the development of the various programs. Perhaps the greatest attraction is the "can do" attitude and expectations of and toward staff and students, alike!  


What's your favorite candy, and why?

That's a tough one! I love anything gummy/chewy (unless it's sour)-gummy worms, Hot Tamales, Twizzlers, Skittles...  I'm not a huge chocolate or hard-candy fan, but every once in a while I enjoy white or dark chocolate, NY Peppermint Patties, or Reeces Pieces.


What's your favorite sport and favorite team?

Baseball (Yankees and Cubs) and Hockey (Blackhawks).


If you could be an animal, what would it be?

Hmmm...tough one. I'd love to be able to fly, but kind of fancy the use of my hands. Perhaps a flying monkey...?


If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what movie would it be?

Shawshank Redemption (but only because I have to choose one).


Who is your favorite Beatle?

John Lennon


Favorite board game?



When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?

Wait...cheese can talk???


If you could possess one supernatural ability, what would it be?

To shape-shift.


If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

Pick my jaw up off the floor.


If you could be instantly fluent in one other language that you currently do not read or speak, which would it be?



If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?

Definitely none of the shows that I like watching!  Hmmm...That 70's Show might be fun!


If you could take credit for any invention, what invention would you select?

The cure for cancer (assuming I can choose something that has yet to be invented).


Would you rather be a boomerang or a Frisbee? And why?

A Frisbee-the destination (and therefore the journey) is always different.

Mychal's Latest Video
Mychal's Hawthorne Site Tour with Big Al
Mychal's Hawthorne Site Tour with Big Al
Click here to go to Mychal's YouTube site

Bowling Options for Summer

AMF summer passAMF summer unplugged

kids bowl free

Mychal's Facebook Page  
facebook LIKE button
 Click the "LIKE" button

Sensory Friendly Films @ AMC
 AMC - Sensory Friendly Films
"The Smurfs 2"  8/10/13
"Planes"  8/31/13

CLICK ON THIS LINK FOR MORE DETAILS & THEATRE LOCATIONS Movies & dates are subject to change. 


Family Resource Center @ Mychal's
Open:  Monday through Friday from 9am - 2pm
Conservatorship Clinic
Bet Tzedek Logo
Bet Tzedek Legal Services offers Conservatorship Clinics that are ongoing on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at Downtown Superior Court (Stanley Mosk Courthouse), 111 N. Hill Street, Room 426, Los Angeles 90012 from 9am - 12pm.

Reduced Fee CA ID
This link will bring you to a site with information to download a short form that your Service Coordinator can fill out to verify a developmental disability which will allow the individual to get their CA identification card at a reduced price.
Save the Date
save the date


August 16:  EKPTO Ice Cream Social & Hoedown

August 17:  Last day of Performance Class

August 23:  Last day of extended summer hours in After School                          Progam (8/26: back to regular hours 2-6pm)

August 24:  Performance Program Variety Show

September 11:  Autism Society Parent Support Group

September 14:  First day of Saturday Classes

                            & Pin Pals Bowling League

October 20:  Bowl-a-thon

November 16:  Last day of Sat. Classes & Bowling

December 7:  Art Show

Date TBD: 1st Annual No Limit Hold'em Poker Tournament


For Parents...

We need to make sure students are authorized for the hours they attend Mychal's before they start coming.  It's a good idea to keep open communication with your counselor or caseworker at the Regional Centers.  If you're having difficulty reaching them, please contact us at our office (310) 297-9333 and we'll try to help out.

View our videos on YouTube
Like us on Facebook
Wish List 

Here are some of the items we still need.  If you'd like to help, please contact us for more details.
  • Gas Cards (gift cards to gas stations)
  • Smart Board
  • Digital Cameras w/video option (10)
  • Color Copy Machine
  • Mobile Dry Erase/White Board
  • Raised Beds (4 for Gardening)
  • Musical Instruments
  • Stage Lighting
  • Office Supplies
  • Art Supplies
  • Art Books
  • Photo/Artwork Frames
  • Free weights 5 - 8 lbs. (3 sets)
Mychal's Helping Hands 
helping hand print
Please give a hand to Mychal's Learning Place.  Click here to go to our website for more information on how to get your name on our walls.
Ralphs Community Contribution Program
Shop at Ralphs and help Mychal's 
Ralphs Community Contribution Program logoMychal's is part of Ralphs Community Contribution Program which means that every time you shop at Ralphs and swipe your Ralphs Rewards card, you can contribute to Mychal's Learning Place.  If you don't already have a Ralphs card, please ask for one the next time you shop there. Ralphs began a new program year on September 1, 2011, so even if you were already a part of this program before, you'll need to re-register. Just go to, click on the "Services" tab, then the "Community Contributions" tab. Use NPO #81548.  For more information about this contribution program, click here.
eScrip logo
You can also help by signing up for eScrip.  Many retailers have eScrip rewards, so when you shop at certain merchants, you can contribute to Mychal's at the same time.  Click here for more information.  Mychal's Group ID is # 500044050


Click here for press release on CVS Caremark Grant


Higgins Family Charitable Foundation 

Rose Hills logoCVS logoMattel logoGogian logo

Ahmanson LogoWeingart logo
Rotary Club
El Segundo Rotary
ECHO logo
Echo Foundation
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Union Bank logo
Toyota logoGreen FoundationNRG logo



Anza Verdes Carpet Cleaners

Professional Carpet Cleaning in the South Bay since 1965

Anza Verdes Carpet Cleaners is a family owned and operated business that has been providing Professional Carpet Cleaning Services to the South Bay Since 1965.  Anza Verdes is a generation company that continues to serve the community from the grand parents to the grand kids!  A large part of their continued success has to do with their commitment to do the best job for their clients.  If you are not satisfied with their work, then you don't pay anything!

Anza Verdes Carpet Cleaning
(310) 378-0776
4134 W. 165th Street
Lawndale, CA 90260

Teen to Teen - The Gathering Place
A Social Skills Group

A valuable service for teens and young adults with autism
Teen to Teen - The Gathering Place is a safe, supportive environment for teens and young adults to gain the skills they need to make friends, sustain friendships and feel comfortable in social settings.  The program will serve teens ages 13-17 and young adults 18-22 who have been diagnosed with autism.  The program will be in 12-week blocks with the possibility of a new group member if there is room and they are suitable for the group.
Ruby V. Paparello, MA MFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
(310) 767-6554
Lic#MFC 49166

Mychal's Learning Place
4901 West Rosecrans Ave. | Hawthorne, California 90250
office: 310.297.9333  |  fax: 310.297.9343

501(c)3: 95-4871202