~ LOCC - Church as you Know it can Be ~

Worshiping ~ Growing ~ Serving

LOCC Links - April 29, 2016     

a weekly publication of     
Lake Oconee Community Church     
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~ Worshiping God ~


~ At Both Services ~

All members, attendees, and participants in LOCC events and ministries
are a welcome part of our family album!

What would Francis say?

As we begin enjoying the gift of worshiping outside amidst the creation, help us continue the effort Francis began in 1225 when he penned All Creatures of Our God and King.

One stanza of this beloved hymn will serve as a gathering moment as we begin worship each Sunday morning in the pavilion at 8:30 a.m.

We need your help!

What is it that you appreciate or notice the most while worshiping outside?
To what creature would you like to give a voice?
What aspect of the setting do you hear offering praise to the Creator?

Put your writer's hat on ... and email me two 8 syllable, rhyming phrases that we will utilize to replace the two phrases in bold below.  Give it a try! Don't be shy!
Let us know if you need some help.

At the end of the season - on the Feast of St. Francis - we will put them all together as we raise our voices in gratitude for all that we will have experienced
in 2016 as we Worship On The Water.

All creatures of our God and King; Lift up your voice and with us sing!
We praise You, Alleluia!
The morning sun with golden beam; The evening moon with softer gleam;
All praise You; All praise You! Alleluia; Alleluia; Alleluia!


May 1, 2016
The Sixth Sunday of Easter

The Power of Fear ~ The Promise of Peace
Revelation 21:1-6  ~  John 14:23-29

8:30 a.m. - Worship On The Water
~ Plantation Point Pavilion ~

10:30 a.m. - Worship at The LOCC

Flowers for this Sunday given by:

8:30 ~ Pete Smith in loving memory of Colleen,
devoted wife, friend, mother and grandmother

10:30 ~ Andrea & Dick Wuori dedicated to everything that
blooms, buzzes, chirps and beautifies our surroundings

Ushers for this Sunday
8:30 a.m. - Marguerite Higdon; Ron & Mary Jones; Pete Smith
10:30 a.m. - Andrea & Dick Wuori

~ Growing Spiritually as Individuals and as a Community ~

Bible & Book Study

Selected Wednesdays
3 p.m. at The LOCC

Discussing life's
difficult questions.

LOCC Book Study

Two Discussion Sessions

June 5 and 12       5:30 p.m.


October 12 - 23, 2016

Click here for more information and for a printable PDF.

~ Serving Our Neighbors ~

LOCC Birthdays This Week

May 1

Joe Leach          Pete Stephan
~ envelopes are available at all services ~

Grief Support Group

April 28 - June 9
3 to 4:30 p.m.

Support Group for
Families With Addiction

Every Other Week
 Wednesdays, 6:15 p.m.
May 4 & 18
June 1, 15 & 29

12 Step Group will be meeting monthly
for parents / families of those dealing with addiction
Wednesdays, 6:15 p.m. ~ May 11, June 8

- Concerns of the Community -
 Please support these through your prayers.  Click the links to send an email.

Christin Anson (daughter of Carla & Bill Thornton)
Stacey Brown (daughter-in-law of Pat Lanphier)
David & Diane Chapman (friend of the Wiers)
Kelly Clement (daughter of Tom and Phyllis)
Jere Daly (brother of Sarah Daly Wier)
Diane Desmond
Joselyn Hafla (daughter of the Martincics)
Marc Herrmann (son of Rosie)
Tori Hosbrook (niece of Carla Thornton)
Diane Kirby (friend of the Elzys)
Johnnie Mae Lewis (mother of Brenda Lewis)
Bruce Moffatt (friend of the Martincics)
Jean Newland (friend of the Verners)
Janice O'Kelley (friend of Judy Broome)
Dylan, Lisa & Jody Patton (daughter, son-in-law & grandson of the Warners)
Kasey Phillipps and her parents, Tracey & Rob (son/daughter-in-law of Bev Conway)
Francis Snodgrass (mother of Anita Clavier)

For additions or changes email Becky Matheny

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Lake Oconee Community Church  |  706.347.0480  |  locclinks@gmail.com  |  http://www.locc.co

1001 Village Park Drive, Suite 107
Greensboro, GA 30642