~  this will help  ~  !!!   DON'T FORGET   !!!  ~  this will help  ~

~ LOCC - Church as you Know it can Be ~

Worshiping ~ Growing ~ Serving

LOCC Links - March 11, 2016     

a weekly publication of     
Lake Oconee Community Church     
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~ Worshiping God ~

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Fifth Sunday in Lent
Celtic Spirituality Focus Five
"The Goodness of Creation"

8:30 a.m.  ~  Worship at The Lake Club
10:30 a.m.  ~  Worship at The LOCC

A New Paradigm  ~  John 12:1-8

Flowers for this Sunday given by:
Janice & Fred Wendt in honor of  Colon Cancer Month,
and Courtney their granddaughter

Ushers for this Sunday
8:30 - Sharon & Dennis Crosby; Janice & Fred Wendt
10:30 - David Dysart & Seth Shook


Celtic Choir Celebration
One Service 9:30 a.m.
The Lake Club

If you would like to assist with the cost of palms for
Palm Sunday, March 20, 9:30 a.m.
and place a dedication in honor or memory of a loved one


7 a.m. Sunrise Service
8:30 a.m. at The Lake Club
10:30 a.m. at The LOCC

Sign Up through Palm Sunday, March 20th
or sign up at worship
Click on the images below to utilize these Lenten devotional resources


provided as a joint effort of
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
The Presbyterian Church - USA
The Episcopal Church

A Season of Becoming
Daily Lenten Devotions

provided by the
Reconciling Ministries Network
The United Methodist Church

CLICK for pictures
of the Downton Abby Party

CLICK for a video of
Table Setting Instruction
by Mr. Carson
~ Growing Spiritually as Individuals and as a Community ~

March 16

5:30 p.m.
Soup Supper

6 p.m.

Becky Matheny

St. Patrck
and the Celts

7:10 p.m.
LOCC Singers



~ Taking on the Ten Commandments ~
~ Wandering through the wilderness with the Israelites ~

Selected Wednesdays  ~  3 p.m. at The LOCC
March 16 and 30

The Birds have gathered
 themselves into

Thanks to these LEAD BIRDS!

Cranes: Margaret Pedersen  ~  Ducks: Sharon Crosby

Geese: Gay Vaughan  ~  Herons: Joyce Dysart & Babe Smith

Martins: Jane McLaughlin  ~  Thrashers:  Janette Berry


October 12 - 23, 2016

Click here for more information and for a printable PDF.

~ Serving Our Neighbors ~

LOCC Birthdays This Week

Mission and Benevolence
is looking for non-upholstered furniture
to sell at the
Lake Oconee Antique & Flea Market

to make a donation or for more information
click to contact

Every Other Week
Support group for families
    dealing with addiction
6:15 - 7:45 p.m. at The LOCC
March 21

Monthly 12 Step group for families dealing with addiction
Mar 14  ~  6:15 - 7:45 at The LOCC

- Concerns of the Community -
 Please support these through your prayers.  Click the links to send an email.

We extend sympathy to Carolyn Baur in the death of her brother, Steve.

Christin Anson (daughter of Carla & Bill Thornton)
Stacey Brown (daughter-in-law of Pat Lanphier)
David & Diane Chapman (friend of the Wiers)
Kelly Clement (daughter of Tom and Phyllis)
Marshal Cloud family (friends of the Crews)
Mychel Cunningham (teenager at Greensboro High School)
Jere Daly (brother of Sarah Daly Wier)
Diane Desmond
Joselyn Hafla (daughter of the Martincics)
Tori Hosbrook (niece of Carla Thornton)
Diane Kirby (friend of the Elzys)
Bruce Moffatt (friend of the Martincics)
Janice O'Kelley (friend of Judy Broome)
Dylan, Lisa & Jody Patton (daughter, son-in-law & grandson of the Warners)
Kasey Phillipps and her parents, Tracey & Rob (son/daughter-in-law of Bev Conway)
John Walters (husband of Pat)
Tom Welle (brother of Ruth Herickhoff)

For additions or changes email Becky Matheny

LOCC Directories

for the LOCC PICTORIAL Directory

for the LOCC MEMBERSHIP Directory
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View our videos on YouTube
Lake Oconee Community Church  |  706.347.0480  |  locclinks@gmail.com  |  http://www.locc.co

1001 Village Park Drive, Suite 107
Greensboro, GA 30642