Online Newsletter, Issue No. 26 - October 2016
The Three Second Pause in the Classroom
A mindfulness technique for creating some space during discussion-in and outside of the classroom.
What's the big hurry, everyone? So often, we're in such a rush, when we're in conversation, we don't give others time to formulate a response. And when they do, we jump right on it with our response. Feeling the pressure to get through lessons, teachers often fall prey to this habit as well. Research shows, though, that allowing wait time increases student responses, raises student's confidence, and improves achievement. Adding a little mindfulness to this proven educational technique is a great way to help consciously create pauses during classroom discussion. This practice can be used in other environments, such as meetings, with similar positive results. When you use this practice in the classroom, for the first few times let children know you'll be waiting three seconds before calling on someone-giving them time to consider their answer-and that you'll be waiting a little before you respond.
It's the end of the first quarter for many of us. Children and teachers are busy building communities in their environments and excitement for the school year still fills the air! Fast forward to March: when there is great work happening in classrooms but also parents, teachers and administrators who might need a little pick me up and community building of their own.
Deadline to submit is December 9th, 2016.
Trent Montessori is celebrating their 35th Anniversary!
Trent Montessori, founded by Jan Haas on Sept. 15th, 1981, began in a Victorian house at 324 Overton Street, Newport, KY, designated "The Trent House", a Kentucky Landmark. The school moved in 1982 to 305 Park Avenue, Newport, Ky.
Jan's AMI examiner was Renilda Montessori, Maria's granddaughter, who inspired and encouraged Jan to start her own school. Erin, Jan's daughter, was a Montessori student for 12 years, received her Elementary Education Degree from Hanover College, and continued her education to receive her Montessori Certification in 2014. Jan and Erin are now co-owners of Trent and Jan is excited that Trent will be in good hands, with Erin at the lead, for the next 35 + years!
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On the Shoulders of Giants A Regional Ohio Montessori Alliance (OMA) Event Celebrating Southwest Ohio's 2016/17 Distinguished Ohio Montessorians Save the Date: Friday, March 17, 7-10
Ohio Montessorians work tirelessly to support students in developing their potentials and further the Montessori pedagogy. These individuals have much experience and knowledge to share, but there are few ways the Ohio Montessori Community can collectively recognize their efforts and learn from their wisdom.
The Distinguished Ohio Montessorian Recognition was established by the OMA at its statewide Montessori gathering in 2014 in Columbus, Ohio to do just that. Montessorians who have blazed trails for Montessori education in Ohio, across the United States, and around the world were recognized and honored for their work in 2014 and 2015. At the Distinguished Ohio Montessori presentations, we learned about the struggles and achievements of these individuals and listened to their words of wisdom for today's Ohio Montessorians. It is always an amazing walk through history and a very inspirational time!
Children in Nature: Why It Matters
By P. Donohue Shortridge
Children of all ages have less contact with the natural world than ever before. Does it matter? Won't they grow up just fine anyway? Do they even need nature anymore?
Emerging research into the relationship between children and nature would suggest that they do. Research has shown that even the youngest children are drawn to the natural world both emotionally and cognitively.
Young children can readily differentiate natural from man-made objects. This discriminatory ability is part of our adaptive response - our ancient survival instinct, if you will. We come equipped to know what is edible, dangerous, useful and beautiful.
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If you are a CMS member school please submit your Open House or other activities to go on the community calendar here.