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Online Newsletter, Issue No. 25 - August 2016
Saturday, March 18th

KEYNOTE SPEAKER:Dr. Jennings is an internationally recognized leader in the fields of social and emotional learning and mindfulness in education. Author of Mindfulness for Teachers, she spent 22 years as a Montessori teacher, school director, and a teacher educator.


LOCATION: We are excited to return to The Northern Kentucky Convention Center, located in Covington, KY. Our conference attendance keeps growing and we need more space! The impressive ballroom and multi-functional meeting rooms make NKYCC perfect for our next conference!

Outdoor Classroom Possibilities; Inspiration from 2016 Conference
By: Becky Monahan 

I attended the Cincinnati Montessori Society 2016 Conference held at the University of Cincinnati, Kingsgate Conference Center.  I want to share with you the information I learned from the workshop presented by Wendy Duvall.  It captured my interest since it was about movement and nature.  These are two very important aspects of the Montessori philosophy.  The workshop was titled: Outdoor Classrooms: Designing from the Inside-Out!  Maria Montessori said that there must be "provision for the child to have contact with nature" (Montessori, What You Should Know About Your Child).  This is exactly what the teachers at McGuffy Montessori  in Oxford, Ohio did they put their students in direct contact with nature.  I was so excited to learn what it took to put this concept into reality!

CMS Member School Spotlight:
Central Montessori Academy
Address: 1904 Springdale Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45231 
Contact information: [email protected] or call 513-742-5800
CMA has created a nurturing environment where every child is respected as an individual and valued as part of the community. Our students are encouraged to be independent, self-motivated, and responsible as they discover who they are and who they want to become. At the same time, they are encouraged to be mindful of others in their community.
Beginning in the preschool years, CMA students observe and reflect the Montessori philosophy of grace, courtesy, and respect to others. As they move through their elementary years, they are encouraged to think about their role within their community and to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that benefit the larger community, and that reflect compassion, empathy, and a commitment to peace and justice in their world.

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Senior Projects Are a Culminating Moment in The New School Montessori Experience
By: Ann Baumgartner

From the time students enter our preschool at three years of age until the time when they graduate at the age of twelve, they are given opportunities to ask questions, to explore, and to navigate their way through the process of learning and discovery. They are also given many opportunities to speak in front of their peers and the broader TNSM community of parents and friends.

Beginning in the fall, sixth-grade students take a field trip to Cincinnati's downtown library where they learn how to use the vast resources available to conduct focused research on a topic they have chosen to study. Teachers work closely with students on a one-on-one basis throughout the year to help them learn the skills necessary to edit, organize their work, and manage their time effectively. Once the research paper is completed students practice the equally important skill of summarizing their 15- to 30-page papers into well-rehearsed, 5-minute PowerPoint presentation.

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CMS Board Member Spotlight:
Susan Flaspohler

Current School/ Occupation: Mercy Montessori 6-9 teacher 
Years of Teaching: 15 years
Why did you choose Montessori? 
I love getting to see the three year cycle in action and the chance to see the children grow as leaders over the years. 
Interests and Hobbies: 
I love spending time with my two children, ages 5 and 1.  Lately, my interests have become watching them do what they love best - play, learn, and grow!
Why did you join the CMS board?
I joined the board for the opportunity to meet others within the Montessori community and work together with them.
Favorite teaching moment: 
I don't have one favorite moment, but seeing my former students graduate from high school and college and head out into the real world is pretty awesome.  It's neat to see what paths they choose and where life takes them. 
What do you love most about Montessori? 
A wise teacher once told me that in a Montessori classroom, the child doesn't have to adapt to the environment, but rather the environment adapts to meet the needs of each child.  I couldn't agree more! 
Job Board
Check current Montessori employment opportunities here.
Community Calendar
Professional Development Workshop Opportunities, Montessori School Open Houses, and more! Check the calendar here.