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Unique Environmental Landscapes News

November 2011

  Rejuvenating Winter Pruning


Winter pruning of landscape shrubs is an ideal time to help rejuvenate mature, old material and adjust plants to fit in their proper spaces. This technique of pruning sometimes removes up to three quarters of the existing plant and is only done on plant material needing this type of readjustment. It is important to keep in mind that constant shearing of individual plants, allowing it to grow less than an inch per year, will eventually cause the decline of the plant itself. This recommended dormant winter pruning of many plant materials is essential for long term health of plants where growth may need to be adjusted from time to time.


Winter or dormant season pruning is typically done from late December through March. There is an additional hard pruning period in mid spring on early spring flowering shrubs like azaleas and forsythia that may need this corrective type pruning. It is essential after doing this corrective pruning that a good supplemental fertilizer is applied to the plants to allow them to take up additional new nutrients that will be required to flush out new growth in spring.


Unique meets with individual landscape committee members on properties where we feel this type of pruning is appropriate. We believe this type of pruning helps prevent insect or disease problems.




Unique Environmental has provided full service landscape maintenance, irrigation, and design/build in Metro Atlanta for almost 25 years!

