Reach Out Newsletter
January 2016

In This Issue
Happy New Year!
Welcome to Our New Advisor!
Dean's and Chancellor's List
Positive Connection Nights
Student Clubs
UA Foundation Scholarships
Permanent Fund Dividend
CVRF Job Opening
Events Happening in the Gathering Room January 2016 

January 14th
Open House

January 22nd 
Northern Perspectives

January 29th 
Native Games PCN

Dates and Events

January 14th
First day of spring semester classes 

January 18th   
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Alaska
Civil Rights Day
No classes - most offices closed

January 22nd
Deadline for adding classes, late registration, and fee payment

January 29th
Deadline for 100 percent refund of tuition and fees
Deadline for student- and faculty-initiated drops

More information for these events can be found on UAF's main page at

Group Meetings

January 21st

Gathering Room

January 20th
Gathering Room

January 19, 26th


January 23, 30th   


Gathering Room 


January 20, 27th
January 21, 28th

Gathering Room 
Festival of Native Arts 

January 19th
Gathering Room
Get Involved,  
Join a Group!
American Indian Science & Engineering Society
Olga Skinner - 474-5152

Alaska Native Education Student Association
Colleen Angaiak - 474-6623


Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program
Brian Rasley - 474-5029 

Alaska Native Social Work Association
LaVerne Demientieff - 474-6267
Gabrielle Russell - 474-6615

Inu-Yupiaq Dance Group
Joel Forbes - 987-0940

Native Alaskan Business Leaders
Sam Alexander - [email protected]

Natives for Positive Change 
Charlene Stern - 474-5293
RSS Contact Information
Main Floor Brooks Building

PO Box 756320
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Phone: (907) 474-7871
Toll Free: (888) 478-1452
Fax: (907) 474-6619




Join Our Mailing List
Rural Student Services

Happy New Year!
Photo taken from

We hope you had a great holiday season and are excited for the new semester!

Please join us in the Gathering Room tomorrow evening, Thursday, January 14th, at 5:00pm for our Open House! We'll be letting you know about some exciting things that are happening this semester and filling you in on our clubs and what they're up to. We'll also be serving home-made spaghetti for your dining pleasure.

Welcome to Our New Advisor!
Rural Student Services is pleased to welcome our new Advisor, Minnie Naylor. She is originally from Kotzebue and has family from Noatak and Shishmaref. Minnie graduated from UAF in 2008, and was very involved with RSS. Her degree was in Rural Development with an emphasis in Community Organizations and Services. She spent the last five years working in Anchorage. Minnie's last position was Project Assistant with the Inuit Circumpolar Council-Alaska. Prior to that appointment she was the Administrative Assistant for the UAA College of Education. Lastly, she was Village Access Coordinator for Chukchi Campus, performing similar duties that she will assume at RSS. Minnie is replacing Carol Murphrey, who became the Foundation's Program Manager at Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation.
Deans and Chancellor's List
Congratulations to those who finished last semester! We'd like to take this opportunity to recognize our students who made it on the Fall 2015 Dean's and Chancellor's lists. Way to go guys, we hope to see you on the list next semester as well!

Dean's List
(3.5-3.89 GPA)

Zoe Anelon
Denae Benson
Elliot Blair
Claire Burnham
Timotheen Charles
Chanachai Charoonsophonsak
Sandra Demmert
Margaret Dullen
Christina Edwin
Korovin Ellis
Sarah Freese
Kiefer Groeneveld
Connor Ito
Ashley Johnson
Liam Juhl
Allison Lennon
Patrick Lovell
Sierra Luke
Jacalyn Morgan
Nicole Otton
Jason Paskvan
Charlotte Peterson
Skyla Powers
Doreen Simmonds
Sienna Slater
Jason Slats
Svea Southall
Autumn Stevens
Lonny Strunk
Caitlin Tozier

Chancellor's List
(3.9-4.0 GPA)

Elliot Anderson
Baxter Bond
Lisa Cogen
Jalen Cox
Emily Dreydoppel
Gabriel Fulton
Telayna Gordon
Christine John
Keenan Sanderson
Amber Vaska
Malia Walters
Positive Connection Nights

Thanks for coming to last semester's Positive Connection Nights! We had a ton of fun and are planning on doing the same this semester! If you haven't attended one of our PCN's before, you can expect a fun event and lots of food. Read on to find out when the next ones are and don't forget to like us on Facebook for reminders of our upcoming events!


January 29th

February 12th

March 9th


We would love to see you there! 

Student Clubs
Rural Student Services is connected to a diverse set of clubs. If you're looking to get out and start talking to people who share your interests, it's a great place to start! We've got clubs for Engineering, Science, Math, Education, Native Dance, Native Games, Social Work, Business, and Policy. To learn more about the different clubs we're affiliated with, you can visit our page at  

We also have the opportunity to revive a couple of clubs that have fallen by the wayside over the last few years. We're in need of good, passionate leaders who are willing to reach out to their peers and get students excited in either Native Games or Troth Yeddha' (Athabascan) Dance Group. If you'd like to step up and make things happen, contact us!
UA Foundation Scholarships
Wouldn't it be nice if you could fill out just one application and be considered for over $3 million in scholarships? The UA Foundation application does just that. 

Be sure to fill out to fill out the application on UAOnline by February 15th. If you'd like more details about the scholarships, including how to apply for them, please visit 
Permanent Fund Dividend
It's a new year and that means you have to get used to writing 2016 on documents instead of 2015. It also indicates that we're headed toward a new Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend dispersal! But, before you can take a bite out of that pie, you have to apply. It's easy to apply for the PFD using the State of Alaska website. Just click on this link and follow the prompts.

The deadline for applications is March 31st. Do it now so you don't forget! 
CVRF Job Opening
Coastal Villages Region Fund is looking for a new Program Coordinator for their Youth to Work program. This position plays a key role in helping youth pursue valuable careers and educational opportunities. If you're interested in working for them out of Anchorage, you can apply on the Coastal website: 



Huna Heritage Foundation 

UA Foundation Scholarships