Reach Out Newsletter
October 2015

In This Issue
Brace Yourself!
Positive Connection Nights
Alaska Federation of Natives
Festival of Native Arts Fundraiser
Tutoring Services
Student Success Workshops
Get Driving!
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Events Happening in the Gathering Room October 2015

October 9th
Family Dinner PCN

October 16th 


Graduate Presentations  
October 23rd
Pre-Halloween PCN 
Dates and Events 

October 2nd
Pike's Waterfront Lodge
Festival of Native Arts Fall Fundraiser

October 6th
Hess Rec
Sex Signals

October 7th
Hess Rec  
Bust-A-Gut Comedy
October 7th
Wood Center
Student Club Fair

October 10th
Patty Center Gym
2015 Fall Gun Show

October 11th
Freshman Progress Reports Due

October 12-14th
Anchorage, AK
Elders & Youth Conference

October 15
Deadline to apply for admission for spring semester (graduate students)

October 15th
Deadline to apply for fall 2015 graduation

October 15-17th
Anchorage, AK
Alaska Federation of Natives Conference

October 17th
Wood Center Ballroom
Arctic Innovation Competition

October 23rd
Wood Center
Major Mania

October 26th

Spring 2016 course list available  


October 30th

Last day for student- and faculty-initiated withdrawals 

Group Meetings

October 8, 22

Gathering Room

October 12, 26
Gathering Room

October 6, 13, 20
Hess Rec Center

October 27
Gathering Room

October 6, 13, 20, 27 
October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31  
Gathering Room 

October 7, 14, 21, 28
Gathering Room 
Festival of Native Arts 
October 13
Gathering Room 
Get Involved,  
Join a Group!
American Indian Science & Engineering Society
Olga Skinner - 474-5152

Alaska Native Education Student Association
Colleen Angaiak - 474-6623


Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program
Olga Skinner - 474-5152

Alaska Native Social Work Association
LaVerne Demientieff - 474-6267
Gabrielle Russell - 474-6615

Inu-Yupiaq Dance Group
Joel Forbes - 385-7243

Native Alaskan Business Leaders
Liz Ross - 474-7793

Troth Yeddha' Dance Group
Carol Murphrey - 474-6616

Natives for Positive Change 
Charlene Stern - 474-5293
RSS Contact Information
Main Floor Brooks Building

PO Box 756320
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Phone: (907) 474-7871
Toll Free: (888) 478-1452
Fax: (907) 474-6619




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Rural Student Services

Brace Yourself!

We're just about a month through the first semester, the weather is getting colder, and midterms are just around the corner! We hope you're feeling good about where you're at in your classes and life in general. If you need help with anything, now is the time to reach out for it! Your advisor is a great resource and can help you find what you need to thrive academically and socially.  

Positive Connection Nights

Start off your weekend at RSS with a Positive Connection Night! You'll be surrounded by friends, activity, and good food!


We're hosting a PCN next Friday, October 9th at 5:00pm in the Gathering Room. This time around, we're going to focus on the food. It's a big ol' family dinner! FYI: You're family. So, wash your hands, dish up some grub, and hang out! So far it sounds like we've got salmon, akutaq, and unaalik on the way. If you can, bring something to share. If not, that's okay too. 


We'll also have another on October 23rd. What we're doing and what we're eating has yet to be determined, so stay tuned by following us on Facebook and feel free to make suggestions! 

Alaska Federation of Natives
Image taken from
AFN is coming up soon! The Elder's and Youth Conference will be held on October 12-14th and the Convention will be on October 15-17th. If you plan to go, make sure you are caught up in your classes and talk to your instructors about turning in assignments or taking mid-terms before you go!
Festival of Native Arts Fundraiser
The Festival of Native Arts coordinators are hosting a fundraiser tonight, October 2nd. Show your support by heading down to Pike's Waterfront Lodge. There will be food to eat, awesome things to bid on, and door prizes. The doors opened at 4:30pm!

All of the proceeds from tonight's event will help fund the annual Festival of Native Arts. This is a free event that will be held this year from March 3-5th, 2016. If you'd like to learn what Festival is all about or find out how to help, click here!

You should also know that the Festival of Native Arts is actively searching for this year's logo! If you're artistically inclined, be sure to turn in a proposal to their office in 315 Brooks by October 15th in order to be considered. If selected, you will win one UAF undergraduate tuition credit ($183 value) and some cool stuff with your logo on it!
Tutoring Services
Image taken from
We hope you're doing great in all of your classes! However, if you feel like you're falling behind or just need a little extra help, make sure you talk to a tutor.

We have tons of help on campus, at CTC, and even online! Whether you need to talk to someone about Math, English, Science, or a Foreign Language, you're covered. Visit our tutor page to figure out where and when tutors are available in your subject.

In the Gathering Room at RSS, we have tutors from the American Indian Science and Engineering Society to help you with Math, Science, and Engineering questions. You can view their schedule here. We also have tutors from 2-4:00pm Monday through Thursday from the Writing Center to help you with your papers!
Student Success Workshops
Elias Saylor studying hard.

UAF's Academic Advising Department hosts several workshops each semester that focus on skills that every student needs to develop. Be sure to take a look at the following events and see if there's something you should attend!

Study Skills 101
October 6
  • Overcoming Paper Writing Anxiety
October 8
  • Note Taking Skills
October 13
  • Memory and Concentration

University Skills 201
October 15
  • Student Groups on Campus: Getting Involved
October 20
  • Pre-Professional Programs: What You Need to Know
October 22
  • Managing Stress and Test Anxiety
October 27
  • Salary Expectations for Majors
October 29
  • Degree Works & Schedule Planner: Tools for Success

Each workshop is held from 1:05-1:55pm in Gruening 409. 

Get Driving!
Photo taken from
Would you like to get your driver's license? Tanana Chiefs Conference is offering their free Get Driving Program to Alaska Native, American Indian, or Native Hawaiian youth ages 16-24 who have had their Instruction Permit for 6 months or more.

Apply at the TCC Employment and Training Department and get your driver's license through the North Star Driving School!
Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska is looking for mentors for Alaska Native youth, particularly those who are at risk of educational failure. If you would like to help make a difference in a youth's life by becoming a mentor, consider becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister.  


If you'd like more information, click here or call (907) 452-8110.  




Bivin Memorial Scholarship