In this issue...
Ashokan Center
Carving & Printing
Shadow Puppets
Short Stories for Teens
Insects & Water Quality
Rhonda's Reptiles
Library Staff

Vicki Kurashige,


Vicki Wills
Liz Romeling

Library Hours
Mon    2:00-8:00 PM
Tue     2:00-8:00 PM
Wed    2:00-8:00 PM
Thu     2:00-8:00 PM
Fri       2:00-6:00 PM 
Sat     10:00-2:00 PM
Sun     closed


Board   Members
Kim Grethen,

Rick Weiweiss,

Janet Langlois,

Diane Tucker,

Marge Schoonover

Cindy Buckley

Carol Hegeman

Julie Kabat

Heidi Liscomb

Mark Reamer

Linda Romeo

Liz Smith

Anne Zittell

is necessary for all workshops.

Events for all ages are free and open to all.


To sign up for any or all of these delightful summer activities, call the library at 766-3211 or stop by and pick up a form.  


The Library is located at the intersection of State Route 203 & County Route 32 in the hamlet of North Chatham.  









Help using internet & Library computers on Mondays 3-5pm




New a mini Mac computer 



Ongoing  Events

Drop One: Add Two 

Our Knitting/Crocheting friends group usually meets the June 17th at 11:00.  


Writers Group.



Homeschooling group. 



Computer Help is available for using the Library computers every Monday 3 - 5 pm.




Story Time

is every Saturday

10:30 - 11:00



We have an area downstairs available for your organization or group to meet.  Please contact the Library if you would like to use it.       


The Library is available on an equitable basis for all non-profit groups.




Drop off point for glasses & hearing aids for the Lion's club


Drop off for Valatie food pantry


North Chatham   Library News

  June 2013   


North Chatham Free Library  Summer Program 
July 9 th -  August 8 th 

Arts & Animals !! 


An exciting selection of programs designed to stir the imagination, provide hands on fun and make some crafts you'll love to take home.


All programs are Free.

Registration necessary except for family events.

10:00 am - 12:00 pm 


Marvelous Mutts
July 9th
10:30 am
Enjoy the Show!  These dogs come in all shapes and sizes.  All have been adopted from shelters.   


Family Event


Ashokan Center

  July 11 

 Thursday 10:00 - 12:00 pm


Make old American brooms & do some tinsmithing.

Brooms made at Ashokan Center


Carving & Printing


 Lori Thalasinos


July 16 & 18


Carve a
fancy initial and the create beautiful prints. 




Shadow Puppets


July 23 & July 25   


 Chantal Van-Wierts from the Magic Lantern Puppet Theatre will help us to create a shadow silhouette & scenery inspired from Aesop's fables.  


Short Stories for Teens  


July 23 & 25 

Two-part workshop


Jeri & Barry from the Storycrafters, lead participants in the art of the short, short story. 






July 30 & August 1


Colorful & Fun!

Judith Warren

local artist & teacher 


Come to one or both  

Insects & Water Quality  

August 6  



into the Valatie Kill in search of creepy crawly creatures and happy waters. 
Wear rain boots or shoes that can get wet. 
All ages welcome!!

Rhonda's Reptiles   

August 8  


This is Igor    

Rhonda's Reptiles Igor
Rhonda is a licensed Rescue Organization.  Learn amazing fun facts while getting up close & personal with some scaly friends.
All ages welcome!!