Maryland Women's Heritage Center Volume 5, Issue 2   
Special Edition: 2014  
You can't change the wind, but you can adjust the sails to reach your destination. 
501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Organization    
39 West Lexington Street, Baltimore
(At the corner of Liberty and Lexington Streets)

Admission is Free!!!

Hours of operation: Thursday - Saturday,
10 am - 4 pm*

*At times the Center is closed for special events or due to weather conditions. Please check the website ahead of time for special notices.

In This Issue
Letter from the President
Letter from the Founding Executive Director
Report: Fundraiser 2014
Report: Strategic Planning
Welcome New Docents
Women's History Month 2015
Maryland Giving Tuesday

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Maryland Women's Heritage Center
501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Organization    

Executive Board

Frances Hughes Glendening,  Former First Lady of Maryland and President of the Maryland Women's Heritage Center

Jill Moss Greenberg,
Founding Executive Director

Diana M. Bailey, 
Managing Director

Carmen Delgado Votaw,
Vice President

Josie Thompson,

Rhonda J. Tomlinson,

Michelle D. Orr
Assistant Treasurer 

Catherine "Katie" O'Malley, 
First Lady of Maryland
Kendel S. Ehrlich,
Former First Lady of Maryland
Helen Holton, Baltimore City Councilwoman

Shoshana S. Cardin, Honorary Development Chair

Audrey E. Scott, Co-Chair, Development Committee

Betty Buck, Co-Chair, Development Committee, and President of Buck Distributing Co., Inc.

Linda A. Shevitz, 
Program Chair 

Susan Morris Shaffer,
Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium

Sharon Pinder,
Director, Mayor's Office of Minority and Women's Affairs

Board of Directors

Lynne Brick

Rita R. Colwell

Patricia E. Cornish

Catherine R. Gira

Joanne T. Goldsmith

Sally T. Grant

Artis G. Hampshire-Cowan

Linda Mahoney

Jo-Ann Mayer Orlinsky

Deborah R. Rivkin

Rita L. Robinson

Carolyn B. Stegman

Nancy S. Grasmick, Former
Maryland State Superintendent of Schools 

Maryland Commission for Women 

Mark L. Shaffer, Counsel,
Site Selection Chair

Honorary Board:

Dominique Dawes,
Olympic Champion  

Helen Delich Bentley,
Former Congresswoman and First Woman Director of the U. S. Maritime Commission

Barbara A. Mikulski,
United States Senator 

Cokie Roberts,
Commentator and Author  

Nora Roberts, International Best-Selling Author of Mystery and Romance Novels

Special Edition Newsletter  
The newsletter of the Maryland Women's Heritage Center provides updates on events and activities of the Maryland Women's Heritage Center and women's groups throughout Maryland. If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail us.
Letter from the President
Frances Hughes Glendening 
Maryland Women's Heritage Center Friends and Supporters,

Founded nearly ten years ago, the Maryland Women's Heritage Center is the first organization of its kind in the nation. The Center was the vision of Jill Moss Greenberg, who has served as our first executive director with unwavering dedication.

Jill's passion and commitment have been evident from the Maryland Women's Heritage Center's inception, in part through the many partnerships she has established and funders she has attracted. Equally important, Jill and Program Chair Linda Shevitz, have led the development of the Center's exemplary programs and exhibits which have been a hallmark of MWHC's work over the past decade.

Like the Center, Jill has taken this ten-year mark as a time for reflection and she has decided to retire as the MWHC's Executive Director to spend more time with her husband, Jim, in Florida, especially during the winter months. Although she no longer will be serving the organization in the same role, Jill will continue to participate in selected projects in the years ahead.

The Center's Board of Directors, staff and I are indebted to and thank Jill from the bottom of our hearts for her visionary leadership and unwavering resolve. Fortuitously, the Center is completing a comprehensive, in-depth strategic planning process and we are poised to chart an exciting course for the organization which will advance and expand Jill's legacy moving forward.

To ensure an orderly transition, MWHC Managing Director Diana Bailey will continue to manage the Center's activities, effective November 21st, in conjunction with Judi Williams and the MWHC Officers and Board of Directors. Because Jill and Jim will be "heading south" immediately after Thanksgiving, we are planning an "emerita" reception upon her return to Maryland in the spring months. Despite the miles, Jill is never far from our hearts.

Frances Hughes Glendening

Letter from the Founding Executive Director

Jill Moss Greenberg

JILL NEW IMAGE             








        Reflections on Telling Herstory


It has been nearly 35 years since I initiated the Maryland Women's History Project while serving on the Maryland Commission for Women.  Over these decades, in partnership with Linda Shevitz and the Maryland State Department of Education, local Maryland Commissions for Women, and statewide women's, education and history organizations - and support from the State of Maryland - the project evolved from developing educational materials to the vital Maryland Women's Heritage Center. The Center opened its doors in June of 2010. It is the home of the Maryland Women's Hall of Fame, established in 1985 by the Maryland Commission for Women and the Women Legislators of the Maryland General Assembly, and features exhibits and activities related to women in STEM, Leadership, and many other fields of endeavor.

Together, we have created a national first - a statewide, community-based Center with museum components that reframes history to include ALL  of us by "adding herstory to history to tell ourstory."  We have been able to identify and honor the contributions of diverse Maryland Women, both renowned and those who are unsung heroines in our families, communities, organizations and workplaces.  Their stories and achievements are inspiring today's young women - and men.

The success of the Center since its opening in 2010 is demonstrated by a few examples of its impact at multiple levels: Local - our educational resources distributed to and utilized by every public school, community college and library; State - our STEM partnership with the Women of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; National - our selection as the site for the first-ever National Town Hall Meeting on Women's History conducted by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior and the National Park Service; and International, with the opening of a "sister center" in India by women who were inspired by their visit to the Maryland Women's Heritage Center. With regularity, innovative programs have been held - onsite and around the state - to educate and engage youth and adults around important issuses, from Women's Suffrage to the Women of World War II, from Generations for Justice to telling Griots' stories, and from the first International Day of the Girl to Title IX, assuring gender equity in education. So much has been achieved during our first years!

The Center is presently at an exciting pivotal point, secure with a strong leadership team, headed by our indomitable President Francie Glendening, an outstanding staff with Diana Bailey as Managing Director and Judi Williams as Administrator, a dynamic Board of Directors, and a core of dedicated, talented volunteer committee members and docents.  It is poised to implement a strategic plan that will support its programming and generate the funding necessary to ensure its ongoing sustenance and growth.  Your involvement in that implementation will be crucial.

 With pride in the foundation we have built and confidence in the dedication and competence of MWHC's leadership team and volunteers, I feel that this is the appropriate time for me to retire from the position of Executive Director.  I can do so now with the assurance that the Center will be in capable hands - guided by brilliant minds and dedicated hearts.

My heartfelt appreciation goes out to all of you who have been giving of your talents and time to the Maryland Women's Heritage Center.  YOUR efforts have made all the difference! What I will carry with me is energy and joy from the inspiring devotion and continuous efforts of the unsung heroines - and some heroes too - who selflessly labor in the vineyards, growing Maryland Women's History and working tirelessly toward inclusion, respect and justice for all. My dedication to our mission will not diminish.  I will always remain part of the Center and will lend my support whenever I can going forward - I urge you to do the same!


With best wishes and high hopes Jill




September 28, 2014


The more than 120 people who attended the fundraiser were thrilled by Kate Campbell Stevenson's special benefit performance of "Forging Frontiers: Women Leaders in STEM, featuring Kate's interpretation of Bessie Coleman, Louise A. Boyd and Rachel Carson." 


The Engineers Club provided a perfect historic setting for our event, including a sun-filled atrium that provided the consummate background for Rodrigo Pincheira's piano stylings. 


While enjoying afternoon appetizers and relaxing beverages, guests supported the silent auction with generous bids on an impressive array of quality donated auction items. 


The significant investment of individual gifts, along with our sponsor's financial support, helped us raise necessary funds, which will enable the Center to expand its existing educational programs.


Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to every person and every business that supported this exciting fundraising event.


Since June, MWHC has been participating in a state-funded strategic planning process with consultants from Cultural Resources Management Group. A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis was conducted with input from the Board of Directors and a variety of external partners. A component of this procedure, a Board of Directors "Advance", was facilitated at the Center in October where additional planning and timelines were developed.

The final report of the MWHC Strategic Plan will be completed by mid December so that the Board of Directors and staff can begin addressing the priority recommendations early in 2015. This report will be available upon request, electronically, and will be shared with key partners.




The Maryland Women's Heritage Center welcomes all of our new docents who completed their orientation in October 2014.


The following docents will fill critical volunteer hours at the Center:


Cynthia Campbell, Bea Dane, Cathy Gold, June Lawrence, April North, Josie Thompson, Rhonda Tomlinson


A very special thank you to Djohariah Pfaehler for coordinating docent scheduling so professionally. Great job DJ!


Weaving the Stories of Women's Lives

"Weaving the stories of Womens Lives" is the theme for National Women's History Month 2015.

The theme presents the opportunity to weave women's stories - individually and collectively - into the essential fabric of our nation's history.

Each year, the theme for Women's History Month is set by our sisters at the National Women's History Project. March 2015 marks the 35th Anniversary of the National Women's History Project.

It is also the 35th Anniversary of the Maryland Women's History Project which evolved into the Maryland Women's Heritage Center.

For national information, please visit: and for Maryland updates and activities

DECEMBER 2, 2014

The Maryland Women's Heritage Center is the home of the Maryland Women's Hall of Fame as well as other exhibits showcasing the contributions of Maryland Women. 

MWHC wants to expand its Unsung Heroine display to be more inclusive of  Maryland women from across the state who have "quietly" made Maryland a better place to live and prosper. 

Maryland students will also see role models of diverse women who may be Unsung Heroines in their family or community, but have made a significant difference.

To support the MWHC Unsung Heroine exhibit, please donate HERE

Please share this message with your friends, family, and colleagues.





Become a Docent or Committee Volunteer


Maryland Women's Heritage Center is in need of volunteers during regular operating hours and to work with our Committees. We're also always looking for volunteers to join our committees, help with our programs and events, and conduct research. Those interested in working with us and joining our terrific team, should contact Diana Bailey at or call us at 443-996-1788.




Maryland Women's Heritage Center Mission
The mission of the Maryland Women's Heritage Center is to preserve the past, understand the present, and shape the future by recognizing, respecting, and transmitting the experiences and contributions of Maryland women of diverse backgrounds and regions.
Maryland Women's Heritage Center
Phone: 443-708-2442

We are proud to partner with the following organizations that support the creation of this historic first:  


Maryland Commission for Women      MD ST. DEPT. OF EDU. LOGO