August 2013



Summer at the American Transplant Foundation means saving lives!


Read on to learn how we are working to save lives and how you can get connected:

  • Get involved with our mentorship program
  • Join The After Party exclusive celebration
  • Run with Team Transplant
  • Take a survey to improve our communications
  • View photos from 2013 Team Transplant


How We're Making a Difference
During the summer of 2013, ATF provided critical financial assistance for 20 living donors and 9 transplant recipients.  
In less than two years, we went from helping people in 3 states to assisting the most vulnerable transplant patients in 31 states. 
Meet Eric, an young husband, father and altruistic kidney donor who was helped by our Patient Assistance Program! 
Two years ago, Eric stumbled across an evening news report about a man who donated his kidney to a complete stranger that utterly changed his life.
Eric and his kidney recipient happy & healthy
"When I started the process I was a grad student living on the east coast. When it was time to have the surgery, I was a new father holding down two jobs and living in Washington State. The logistics and financial landscape of the donation had changed significantly. 

Without the financial support of the American Transplant Foundation I don't know how I could have gone through with the entire process.


Thanks to that support, the lives of two more families have been touched, and a special young woman in New York City is now making plans for moving forward with her life. So from all of us who have been part of this process, thank you."


Eric- Washington

Living Kidney Donor


Read Eric's full story and testimonials from other patients we've helped here.


Thank you for supporting ATF as we save the lives of those awaiting transplants by empowering people to Give the Gift of Life!

Team on a Mission!

Watch our 2013 Team Transplant video to see how we make saving lives fun!

  • 165 riders made Team Transplant had the largest team at the Subaru Elephant Rock for the 5th year in a row!
  • $9,000 in prizes were given away to our riders!
  • Together we raised $92,000 to support ATF's lifesaving initiatives!
  • Thank you to everyone who attended Team Transplant After Party at Wash Park. Winners of the raffle won prizes such as a Colorado Athletic Club membership, Rockies tickets, Frontier Airline gift cards and more!
  • A special thank you to our generous sponsors!

View our Facebook photos from the event and watch the 2013 video!      



Look through the nearly 700 photos taken by professional photographers on and off the race course!


Mentorship Program


After recognizing an apparent gap in transplant education, ATF is developing a mentorship program designed to provide transplant support that focuses on addressing the barriers around living donation education. 


1+1=LIFE Mentorship Program will focus on improving access to transplantation and living donation by linking potential living donors with prior living donors and providing free one-on-one support during their transplant journeys.  


If you are interested in getting involved, please email for more information!



As always, thank you for your support and commitment in the fight to save more lives through organ and tissue donation.

With appreciation,


Anastasia Darwish photo

Anastasia Darwish
Executive Director
American Transplant Foundation


Transplant Hero Awards
Join us for a exclusive night of celebrating life from the 38th floor of the the Pinnacle Club!
Thursday, September 26th, 9:00pm to 11:00pm
Dessert, Dancing & Drinks
Most exclusive downtown venue
Hosted by N.Y.C. celebrity DJ Dr. D'Arce
Only 150 tickets will be sold - $40/each


Run with
Team Transplant!

Join Team Transplant as we run to save lives!


Rock n' Roll Denver Marathon Series

October 20, 2013


This race series offers a something for everyone - a full and half marathon, a half marathon relay, a 3.7 mile mini marathon and even a 24-mile bike ride! 



A Mesage is Being Shared

On July 21st , ATF's team of runners and walkers rocked the 2013 Donor Dash!

  • With 36 participants, including 6 transplant recipients and 3 living donors.
  • A big thank you to everyone who joined us!


Inaugural Transplant Hero Awards


The American Transplant Foundation is hosting the green carpet event of the year - the Transplant Hero Awards - to celebrate the ultimate Gift of Life.


  • This evening, designed to honor those who have made a lasting impact in the transplant community, will support our mission to save the lives of those who are awaiting a transplant by maximizing living donation. 
  • The Gift of Life Award will be presented to altruistic living donors - Kaye Basedow, Russ Cupps, Adam Leventhal, and Cara Yesawich. Patient Advocate Award will be presented to Dr. Laurence Chan and Dr. Igal Kam. Transplant Hero Award will be presented  to Steven and Gregg Farber! Read their stories and meet our other award nominees 
  • Join the exclusive festivities at THE AFTER PARTY celebration on the 38th floor Pinnacle Club! Purchase your ticket now before they are gone.
 A special thank you to our
 event committee and sponsors!

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Help Improve our Communications
We want to provide you the most vital, up-to-date and desired information via social media.
Please take a minute to complete this survey that will allow us to understand what information you would like to see appear on our social media channels.   
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